"Yes, the hospital has changed now!"

"Now when you go to the hospital, you have to accept a fixed arrangement, which is really a waste of time and money for patients!"

"I feel that the previous hospitals were set up to save people, and the meaning of their existence is to simply save people!"

"And now, the meaning of the hospital's existence is one more one, to make money!"

There was a chorus of echoes from the scene!

Even if there are many supporters of Western medicine, they also express their dissatisfaction and indignation at today's major hospitals!

The experts and professors of the Western Medicine Department on the stage were ashamed!

This is the trend of the times, not for them to decide!

Chen Nan waved his hand, and the scene suddenly quieted down!

At this moment, Chen Nan seemed to have incarnated as a god!

After all, it is not excessive to determine whether someone else is sick with just one glance!

He looked at the handsome masters of Western medicine: "You keep saying that Chinese medicine is inferior to Western medicine!"

"What I want to ask is!"

"Before Western medicine was introduced to our country!"

"Isn't our nation relying on traditional Chinese medicine?"

"Didn't the ancestors all rely on years of experience to save countless patients?"

"Yes, I don't deny that Western medicine also has unique features!"

"But you can't deny the meaning of the existence of Chinese medicine because of this!"

Liu Mang on the stage had a gloomy face: "Chen Nan, don't be a villain, I now seriously doubt that these twenty people are the trust you are looking for!"

"Yes, even if Chinese medicine pays attention to looking and hearing and asking questions, I don't believe you can tell if a person is sick through simple physiognomy!"

As soon as these words came out, the wind direction of the scene suddenly changed!

Although many people were shocked by Chen Nan's divine ability before, now that he thought about it, the twenty people he selected were not randomly selected!

If these people are really the trust he is looking for, it can also explain his divine ability!

For a while, many people's eyes showed contempt!

"Young man, you want to spray people with blood!"

A sixty-year-old man on the stage said in a low voice: "Before this, we had not contacted Classmate Chen, what evidence do you have to prove that we are the trust he is looking for?"

"Do you know what negative impact your remarks will have on us?"

At this time, an exclamation came from the audience: "Lying groove, that is the previous chairman of Shengshi Group, Old Master Yuan, who announced his retirement the day before yesterday!"

"I rely on, it's really Old Master Yuan!"

"I don't believe that Old Master Yuan is Tor!"

"But any normal person can't believe it, after all, the market value of Shengshi Group is more than 50 billion, and Old Master Yuan is the founder of Shengshi Group!"

"Yes, old man Yuan has been honest and honest all his life, and now he has finally survived until he retires and supports his life, how can he be a trustee?"

"I remember that last year, Old Master Yuan also donated one billion to us Tsinghua billion to train young doctors!"

"That's not it, those billion can be used in the development of Western medicine!"

"Good fellow, old man Yuan has cultivated a white-eyed wolf!"

The scene erupted into laughter!

Liu Mang's face turned green, and he looked anxious, he didn't recognize Old Master Yuan at all!

At this time, Chen Nan spoke: "Since some people have doubts about my medical skills, then I might as well play with you!" Speaking of which, he walked aside and picked up the basket, which contained ten ping-pong balls!

He faced everyone and said, "Let's select ten amateurs according to the rules of Western medicine, and for the sake of fairness, Principal Dong will help me throw these ten ping-pong balls out!" "

Dong Jianjun is full of smiles!

This favor, he is willing to help!

He took the basket and threw ten ping-pong balls into the crowd!

Soon, the ten amateurs who grabbed the table tennis took the stage one after another!

And when they all stepped into the ring, Chen Nan had already written their physical condition on the diagnosis!

With the blessing of the Qi Technique, he is like having a see-through eye, even if there is any situation in the other party's body, even if there is a polyp or two centimeters and nodules!

If Chen Nan's first impression is arrogance!

That second impression is fast!

Exceptionally fast!

As long as the patient appears in front of his eyes, he can diagnose the patient's condition in the first time!

Those ten old professors all felt numb and creepy after seeing the diagnosis results given by Chen Nan!

Even others who have had heart bypass surgery can see it, is this still a person?

So, they used the on-site color ultrasound equipment to systematically check those who were suffering from diseases and came up with an answer!

Chen Nan is right!

Even if he looked for ten more amateurs, he also grasped whether their bodies were healthy or not at the first time!

An old man with white hair in the Western medical world stood up, walked to the front of the ring, and announced in public: "Classmate Chen is unmatched in the medical field in diagnosing the patient's condition, and all but three of the previous ten amateurs are in good health!"

"The other seven people all had more or less symptoms, and one of them developed a nodule in his lung, which we examined!"

After a short dead silence!

The scene erupted into an excited cry!

Even the senior old professor in the field of Western medicine said this, who dared to question Chen Nan's skills?

Although his skills are amazing!


That's the truth!

No room for rebuttal!

Those teachers in the Western Medicine Department, the students were all sallow!

This result surprised everyone!

Especially Sherraven!

He sat on the stool with a dull face!

Why did things come the way they did?

If the Western Medicine Department loses, how can I still get a foothold in medical school?

Xue Ruiwen was completely panicked!

If you can't get a foothold in medical school, it's okay!

But the problem is that once he is expelled from medical school, his reputation will be completely rotten!

At that time, not only him, but even the Xue family's medicine will be fatally affected!

At this time, someone aimed the spearhead at Liu Mang: "Liu Mang, didn't you question Classmate Chen just now?" What else is there to say now?

"Yes, apologize, I must apologize to Classmate Chen!"

"It is clear that you are not good at learning, but you slander others, and the character of people like you is very bad!"

"Character is medical ethics, this kind of person has not yet entered the society, if he goes to the hospital, it will be the greatest disregard for the patient's life!"

This moment!

Liu Mang has become a street rat referred to by Qianfu from the original young Junjie!

He can see the fierce faces in the audience!

He also had no doubt that if there were no police to maintain order at the scene at this time!

Those people would definitely rush forward without hesitation and tear him to pieces!

Dong Jianjun also said: "Liu Mang, you should publicly apologize to Chen Nan for this matter!"

Liu Mang walked to Chen Nan's side with a nervous face and bowed deeply to him: "I'm sorry Senior Brother Chen Nan, I shouldn't question your ability!"

Chen Nan said casually: "Senior Liu Mang doesn't need to be like this, I have never seen the weak in general!" "


He said amazingly and slapped Liu Mang and those students of Western Medicine in the face!

Let countless people like this arrogant person who has no one in sight!

Many people are hooked!

But Leng Feifei, the young female doctor of Western medicine, spoke in public: "Even if you can observe the patient's condition through the naked eye, it can only mean that you have a unique point in diagnosing the condition!"

"And our competition today is not only to diagnose the disease, but also to help the patient treat the disease!"

"At this point, the game has not yet been decided, are you happy too early?"

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