Times are moving fast!

Many original stubborn diseases are gradually being overcome and cured by medical staff!

But this does not include pneumoconiosis!

This is a very special disease!

Only those who work in mines can get it!

And once this disease is suffered, it cannot be cured, especially serious patients, who are doomed to death!

But now!

Chen Nan cured a patient with pneumoconiosis in front of hundreds of millions of people, returning his contaminated lungs to normal!

Although Dong Jianjun's statement that Chen Nan is the guardian of mankind is somewhat exaggerated!

But think about it!

He had such divine medical skills at such a young age!

Future achievements are destined to be limitless!

To put it bluntly!

He will go down in history!

Go down in history!

Become a divine doctor of the level of Hehuatuo, Bian Que, and Li Shizhen!

Of course, there is no doubt about it!

If Chen Nan lived in the same era with those famous doctors, I am afraid that those famous doctors would not have the opportunity to become famous, right?

Just when the scene was silent!

Chen Nan finished healing the other twelve patients!

By the time he began to treat Li Si's pneumoconiosis, twenty-three minutes had passed now!

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have dared to believe this scene!"

"Yes, it's only been twenty-three minutes, and he has healed thirteen patients?"

"Is this guy a reincarnation of an immortal?"

The scene, and the people watching the live broadcast were in an uproar!

"You may not believe it, I was even waiting to be called in the hospital for twenty-three minutes, but Dr. Chen healed thirteen patients here!"

"It's far from the original!"

"I would like to know, what else does Western medicine have to say here!"

Many people looked at the five contestants of Western medicine, as well as the senior professors of Western medicine in the guest table!

Without exception!

They all dodged their eyes!

I can't wait to find a seam to drill into!

Although those twelve patients have not yet been examined by Western medicine!

But, it seems... There's no need for that!

After all, in terms of curing diseases and saving people, Chen Nan is the real authority!

He has already proven his strength with medical skills!

It also proves the magic of Chinese medicine!

It's not that Chinese medicine can't work!

It's that those doctors before couldn't!

Look at the people Chen Nan!

He can do it!

Not only good!

And it crushed Western medicine under its feet!

Let them have no respite at all!

Although Western medicine sent five Junjie to fight Chen Nan!


They don't have a chance to prove themselves at all!

The common people do not even know that their judgment of the patient's condition is accurate!

I don't even know how they heal those patients and what kind of treatment pathway they give!

Before they could shine in this competition, they had already been completely defeated by Chen Nan!

I have to say, this is their sadness!

"I used to say on the Internet that the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine was too arrogant, and just had some achievements and no one in my eyes, and I didn't put Western medicine in my eyes, but now it seems that I am wrong, people do have the qualifications to overlook Chinese medicine!"

"Yes, this is the courage that a strong person should have!"

"It's me who is blind, and I am willing to apologize to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine for my previous remarks!"

The situation online and in the field instantly tilted!

Those who slandered the Department of Chinese Medicine before praised the Department of Chinese Medicine madly!

"How about this competition come to an end first?" Dong Jianjun cleared his throat, his face was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect Chen Nan to be so ruthless, and he wouldn't give Western doctors the opportunity to perform at all!

However, this is fine!

His powerful means will surely make Chinese medicine usher in a new height and brilliance!

Not surprisingly, when the fall semester starts, there will definitely be many new students!

Chen Nandao: "President Dong, the competition is over, is it time for the Department of Western Medicine to fulfill its promise to admit that Western medicine is inferior to Chinese medicine, and admit that Western medicine is a branch of Chinese medicine?"

"What? Is there even such an agreement?

"I lean, this is a big melon!"

"Western medicine is estimated to be suppressed for a long time in the future!"

The crowd was in an uproar!

Chen Nan pressed his hand, and the scene was instantly silent: "One thing you may not know, today's battle was not initiated by my Chinese medicine department.

"It's that the Western Medicine Department learned that our Chinese Medicine Department had developed a hepatitis B kit and came to us to give us a battle book!"

"As for the gambling contract, if we lose, give them that patent for free!"

"On the contrary, if they lose, they must apologize to the Department of Chinese Medicine in public!"

The crowd completely exploded, and someone said loudly: "Doctor Chen, why does the news say that you provoke Western medicine?" I see, someone deliberately framed you and wanted to destroy you!

"I really didn't expect the Western Medicine Department to be so shameless!"

"They are not faceless, but extremely insidious!"

"Yes, they must be gluttonous hepatitis B kit patents!"

The atmosphere at the scene is a bit chaotic!

If it was just a competition, no one expected that there was such a gambling contract behind it!

"Principal Dong, is what Doctor Chen said true?" A reporter handed the microphone to Tung Jianjun, if this matter is true, then the nature will be very bad!

Dong Jianjun's expression was serious: "I have never heard of such a thing, I think there must be a misunderstanding here!"

When the words fell, he looked at Xue Ruiguang and said, "Director Xue, you are the person in charge of this competition, is what Chen Nan said true?" "

Xue Ruiguang was completely panicked!

The most worried thing still happened, so that he couldn't answer at all!

"I see what's going on!" A voice came from the crowd: "Xue Ruiguang is the brother of the chairman of Xue's Pharmaceutical, and Xue's Pharmaceutical developed a new medical device for testing hepatitis B virus last year, if I guessed correctly, Xue Ruiguang is afraid that the hepatitis B kit will affect the development of the Xue family, so he wants to use this dirty means to get the hepatitis B kit developed by the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!" After

a short silence, the scene erupted into roars and contempt!

"Good fellow, it turns out that the invention of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine has affected the development of the Xue family!"

"The Xue family is so bad!"

"Hehe, what qualifications does this kind of person have to serve as the head of the department?"

"Not bad, in my opinion, this kind of person should be kicked out of the teaching team!"

Xue Ruiguang was directly stunned!

Scolded next door!

How did you guys get so clear about my information?

Shouldn't it be the trust that the Department of Chinese Medicine is looking for?

If he didn't report this identity, he could still quibble!

But now, even if he quibbles, I'm afraid no one will believe his words!

In fact, Xue Ruiguang really wronged the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine did not find support at all!


Chen Nan found it!

The guy who said Xue Ruiguang's identity before was the one he found!

After all, in the face of such a dirty guy, you have to use dirty means to defeat it!

Let him have no chance to turn over at all!

Dong Jianjun said solemnly: "Regarding this matter, I will personally investigate, if the rumors are true, I will give the public an explanation, no matter who it is, it will make him pay a heavy price!" "


Xue Ruiguang was like being struck by lightning, and instantly collapsed on the ground!

This time!

It's not just him finished!

It is estimated that even the Xue family is finished, right?

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