"Yes, you have to make this despicable and insidious guy pay!"

"We need a result!"

"We must investigate the cause and effect of this matter!"

"Traditional Chinese medicine acted low-key, and finally developed such a meritorious scientific research achievement as the hepatitis B kit! But he was framed and slandered by some people with bad intentions, this method is simply unworthy of being a person, let alone the head of the Department of Western Medicine! "

The people still can't calm their anger!

Even many Western medical students are dissatisfied!

Even if they look down on Chinese medicine, but use this despicable means to delusionally get the hepatitis B kit of Chinese medicine, this method is despising, and they disdain to be with it!

Li Muya got up and walked in front of Chen Nan and faced the general public: "Thank you for your trust and recognition of Chinese medicine, I don't deny that many people have prejudiced against Chinese medicine before this!"

"But the treasures passed down by the ancestors have not been abandoned by this era, which is enough to show that Chinese medicine has something extraordinary!"

"Actually, whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine!"

"As long as it can cure the people and get rid of the disease, it is worthy of people's respect!"

"We TCM practitioners have never wanted to compete with others to win or lose!"

"Because our opponents are those diseases that have not yet been conquered, the Grim Reaper!"

"And not your own compatriots!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of cheers from the audience!

Li Muya's words let people see the pattern of traditional Chinese medicine!

Although she didn't say a single dirty word, she attacked Western medicine for nothing!

After all!

Women are vengeful animals!

Even Li Muya is no exception!

Dong Jianjun smiled and said, "President Li, I heard that your Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine has a scientific research achievement that has changed the fate of mankind, don't you take this opportunity to reveal it to the big guy?"

"What? Scientific research that changed the fate of mankind?

"Could it be that you have overcome a certain cancer?"

The people in the audience were in an uproar, and even those journalists lit up their eyes!

This is definitely a hot news headline!

Li Muya glanced at Dong Jianjun with unkind eyes, she privately told Dong Jianjun about the research and development progress of that project, but she didn't expect this guy to say it in public!

Although she thinks that hepatitis B special drugs have divine effects, but now that the second stage of live experiments has not been carried out, she does not dare to boast about Haikou!

And now, looking at the excited expressions on the faces of so many people, she knew that if she didn't say something, she would definitely not be able to!

Taking a deep breath, a shallow smile appeared on Li Muya's face: "That project is in the research and development stage, and I can't reveal too much at present!"

"At ten o'clock in the morning in seven days, I will hold a press conference to announce the progress of that scientific research project!"

"If nothing else, our Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine will win the Nobel Prize in Medicine!"

The people in the audience are excited!

The people who were watching the live broadcast were seething!

You know, the Nobel Prize in medicine is not so easy to get!

If you want to win that award, you must make outstanding contributions and be able to develop drugs that benefit mankind!

Or there are major inventions!

As of today, a total of eleven people in Daxia have won the Nobel Prize!

And there is only one Nobel Prize in medicine!

If a second Nobel Prize winner in medicine is born, it will not only be a blessing for the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but also a gospel for mankind!

Dong Jianjun smiled and said, "In that case, let's wait for the press conference in a week!" I also hope that the majority of media friends can come to watch this grand event! "


the contest is over!

Chen Nan defeated the five Junjie of the Western Medicine Department with a crushing situation!

With your own strength, the magic of Chinese medicine is vividly displayed!

Whether it's diagnosing a patient's condition!

Or treat patients with silver needles!

He has reached the glory of an unprecedented and uncapped person!

Countless people have developed a strong interest in Chinese medicine!

Today's competition has also changed the aspirations of many students who want to apply for medical school!

And this night is destined to belong to Chen Nan!

No star can surpass him in popularity!

It's not too much to say that it's a household name!

Li Muya paid for it out of her own pocket and let the restaurant prepare a sumptuous dinner to treat the teachers and students of the whole department!

After all, today's joy and glory belong to all teachers and students of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!


at the same time!

Tung Chee-jun's office!

"Director Xue, why did things become like this?"

"Why didn't you tell me about the gambling contract in the first place?"

"Do you know that the face of Western doctors has been lost by you?"

Dong Jianjun's face was full of anger: "This incident has brought an extremely bad impact to the courtyard, and the school leaders are very angry!" You must be severely punished for this! "

Xue Ruiguang is like an eggplant beaten by frost!

He knew that when the Department of Chinese Medicine defeated the Department of Western Medicine!

His end is already preordained!

Xue Ruiguang looked decadent: "Principal Dong, this matter is my fault, I have nothing to say, and I am willing to submit my resignation!" "

One is expulsion, and the other is voluntary resignation!

Although the ending is the same, this can save some of his remaining face!

Dong Jianjun sighed lightly: "Actually, I don't want you to leave, but things have developed to this point, and I can't control it!"

"I hope you don't blame me!"

"What, go write your resignation, I'll work overtime, and I'll give you approval after you're done!"

Xue Ruiguang's face suddenly turned green!

It is said that people go tea cold!

I'm not gone yet, and you're going to go outside?

How much do you want me to leave?

Then Xue Ruiguang went to write a resignation letter!

After reading it, Dong Jianjun directly waved his hand and signed his resignation letter agreeing!

Half past seven in the evening!

Xue Ruiguang held a box and left the teaching building of the Western Medicine Department with a lost soul!

Although there are a lot of students outside!

But at this moment, no one came forward to greet him!

Instead, they all point fingers, and their eyes are full of contempt!

This is too much for him to bear!

Before this, all the students would greet him cordially when they saw him, and shout Director Xue!

And now, he feels like a rat crossing the street!


He received a call from his younger brother Xue Ruiwu!

His younger brother, who used to be in awe of him, was angry at the moment: "Big brother, what are you doing?" Do you know that because of you, the company's stock has evaporated more than a billion? A

bitterness rose in Xue Ruiwen's heart, he wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to speak!

Even if he explained it, what could it be?

The damage is already irreparable!

"Director Xue, or I'll send you!"

Liu Mang came over, his face full of complexity!

He is Xue Ruiwen's right-hand man and his backer in the Western Medicine Department!

Now that Xue Ruiwen is about to leave school, he is also very reluctant in his heart!

Xue Ruiwen smiled bitterly: "I really didn't expect that I had been the head of the Western Medicine Department for so many years, and before leaving, you were the only one to send me out!"

Liu Mang took the cardboard box he was holding, took Xue Ruiwen to the parking lot, and then drove towards the outside of the school!

Xue Ruiwen sat quietly on the co-pilot, his expression gradually gloomy, terrifying!

He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and roared: "Liu Mang, I am unwilling, especially unwilling, I will destroy the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, even if I am discredited, I will never let them have a good time!"

Liu Mang asked nervously, "Director Xue, what are you going to do?" "

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