Xue Ruiwen said in a low voice: "First of all, we must find out what kind of drugs the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine has developed, and only by knowing this can we make the next countermeasure!"

Liu Mang thought for a moment and said, "Director Xue, do you remember that more than a month ago, Li Muya's laboratory applied for a grant?" If I'm not mistaken, their research direction was to conquer the hepatitis B virus!

Xue Ruiwen nodded slightly: "You said so, I was a little impressed!"

Liu Mang said: "If nothing else, their research results should be the special drug of hepatitis B virus, after all, there are many hepatitis B people on the earth, and there is no specific drug at present!"

"If they can really develop a specific drug for hepatitis B virus, the Nobel Prize in medicine will naturally be pocketed!"

Xue Ruiwen's face was gloomy, he never expected that Li Muya's laboratory would quietly produce such a big scientific research result!

"It's just that they can develop a specific drug for hepatitis B virus in such a short time?" Xue Ruiwen murmured, still unable to believe this!

Liu Mang continued: "A few days ago, the people in Li Muya's laboratory went to apply for five guinea pigs, thinking that they should be conducting live experiments. And with Li Muya's personality, she won't say something that is false!

Xue Ruiwen said in a low voice: "Even if you want to carry out live experiments, mice are only the first kind of experimental subjects, and in order to determine whether the drug is successful and whether it can be used clinically, you must carry out the ultimate live experiment!"

Speaking of this, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed a number, and said politely: "Lao Hu, do me a favor and see if the customs has any declaration information for rhesus monkeys!" "

They are all engaged in medical research, and he naturally knows that in order to determine the success of drug research and development, rhesus monkeys are crucial living experimental subjects!"

Ten minutes later, Xue Ruiwen received a call from Lao Hu: "Is there really a declaration information for rhesus monkeys?" Okay, good, I know, thank you for this today, get together another day!

After hanging up the phone, he said with a smile: "Li Muya did declare the application for the entry of rhesus monkeys, and at ten o'clock tonight, the rhesus monkey she purchased will come to Kyoto!"

"As long as we kill that rhesus monkey, Li Muya will not be able to complete the final live experiment!"

"You can't be sure that the drug development is successful!"

"If this is the case, in a week's time, the press conference of the Chinese medicine department will definitely end in failure!"

"When the time comes, they will be finished!"

"Will laugh generously, become a laughing stock in people's eyes!"

"This is the end of being my enemy!"

Laughing out loud!

Liu Mang's eyes lit up, if he could kill that rhesus monkey, the research project of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine would definitely stop!

Even if they buy rhesus monkeys overseas, it will be delayed for a long time!

"Director Xue, what should we do now?" Liu Mang asked excitedly!

Xue Ruiguang's eyes flashed with resentment: "Leave Kyoto and pick up the vehicle that sent the rhesus monkeys into Beijing, and then..." Kill that rhesus monkey! "


because I knew that rhesus monkey would come to Kyoto at ten!

So Li Muya and the others did not drink!

At nine o'clock in the evening, he and Chen Nan, Ye Wanzhi drove out of the school and went towards the customs clearance!

They were going to pick up the rhesus monkey there and bring it back for the second stage of live experiments!

When they arrived, they waited in the rest area because the transport vehicles had not yet arrived!

That's an extra hour!

"What's going on? Say that you arrived at ten o'clock on time, this is all eleven? Could it be that the transport vehicle had an accident on the road? For some reason, a sense of foreboding rose in Li Muya's heart!

Rhesus monkeys are related to their research progress, and any mistakes will affect the progress of their research!

"The road conditions are unstable, and it's okay to be late for a while!" Chen Nan smiled and said, "If something really happens to us, the comrades here will definitely tell us in advance!" "

Li Muya's chosen heart has just landed!

As he spoke, a large truck appeared in the courtyard outside, loaded with two small containers, one of which had the words "Live Transport" on it!

Li Muya smiled: "Go, go and pick up the goods!" "

Half an hour later!

The two containers were lifted down by the crane one after another, and the staff also opened the container that was transported live!

Normally, once the container transported by live animals is opened, there will definitely be the sounds of various animals inside!

But when this container is opened, it is unusually quiet inside!

A staff member exclaimed: "Not good, the air conditioner in the container is abnormal, it is not operating normally, come quickly, check whether these living creatures are still alive!" "


A simple word, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day!

Let Li Muya's legs go soft, if Ye Wanzhi didn't hold her in time, she would have to fall to the ground!

The other staff also heard the news and moved the live animals in the container as soon as possible!

Among them is the rhesus monkey that Li Muya bought!

Without exception!

All the animals were suffocated alive!

Chen Nan also examined the corpse of the rhesus monkey!

Even if he has excellent medical skills!

He is also a cultivator of the nine-layer realm of the foundation building period!

However, the corpse of the rhesus monkey was completely cold!

Even if he is tired of returning to the sky!

"Why is that? Why is the air conditioner of the container abnormal? Do you know how important this rhesus monkey is to us? Li

Muya was so emotional that she couldn't accept this matter at all!

A staff member said apologetically: "Miss Li, we are also sorry that this happened, which we don't want to see." Rest assured, we will definitely investigate the cause of the abnormal air conditioner and give you and others a satisfactory explanation!

"Even if you replenish me with a rhesus monkey, it's too late!" Li Muya's face was full of anger, and she finally got a rhesus monkey internationally, and she thought of conducting a live experiment!

Who would have thought that it would turn out like this!

If you hadn't bragged about Haikou, you would have held a press conference a week later!

There is always time to buy another rhesus monkey, even if the other party offers a sky-high price!

But now!

It's only a week until the launch!

You can't buy rhesus macaques this week!

Not to mention completing the final in vivo experiment!

Chen Nan looked at the staff and said politely: "This big brother, my friend is emotional, don't mind." So what, has something similar happened before on our customs clearance side? The

staff shook their heads: "Most of these live animals are purchased overseas by scientific research institutions, and we treat this very seriously, I have worked here for ten years, this is the first time this has happened!"

"Okay, then you can investigate!" Chen Nan said and pulled Li Muya out of the compound, and said in a low voice: "Control your emotions, it's useless for you to get angry with those people!"

"Also, don't you feel that this accident is too coincidental?"

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