Li Muya and Ye Wanzhi are both smart people!

After hearing Chen Nan's words, his face showed a look of suspicion!

"You mean, it's a conspiracy?" Ye Wanzhi asked!

Chen Nan nodded undeniably: "In this competition between Chinese and Western medicine, Western medicine lost miserably, and Xue Ruiwen paid a heavy price!"

"I have no doubt that this is his act of revenge!"

Li Muya's face was full of self-blame: "It's all to blame me, I shouldn't tell us about our research and development results, if I don't say that a press conference will be held in a week, he will definitely not find an opportunity!"

"He must have guessed our research topic, that's why he used this despicable trick!"

Ye Wanzhi also said, "Xue Ruiwen can really do this kind of lack of virtue!"

"This matter is not your fault, if you want to blame it, blame Xue Ruiwen for being too despicable!" Chen Nan comforted: "You guys wait for a while, I'll come when I go!" "Speaking of entering the Customs Clearance Bureau, I found the person in charge!

I also met some other emotional cargo owners who came to pick up the goods!

"Guys, please calm down!" Chen Nandao: "I now seriously suspect that this is a premeditated act of revenge, although there are suspects, but there is no evidence!"

"Please also give me a week to investigate this matter, and during this week, you must not disclose the fact that all the samples died in the container today!"

"In a week, I will give everyone a satisfactory explanation!"

In other words, ordinary people will definitely not reason with others when they say this, but after today's comparison of Chinese and Western medicine, Chen Nan is already popular!

In addition, most of the people who order live animals overseas are scientific research workers, and how many people do not know him?

"Classmate Chen said this, your face must be given!"

"Yes, classmate Chen's face has to be given!"

Chen Nan felt a wave of emotion in his heart, and said: "Out of the seriousness of this matter, we should sign a confidentiality agreement, not because we don't trust you, but this is more convincing!" "


half an hour later!

Chen Nan drove Li Muya and Ye Wanzhi towards Tsinghua!

On the way, Li Muya called Li Mu and coquettishly like a little girl: "Brother, please, use your relationship to help me get a rhesus monkey?" If there were no rhesus macaques, we would be finished!


She can't remember how long she hasn't lied like this to her brother!

Although coquettish, thick goosebumps rose on his body!

She has a strong personality, not the kind of woman who can be coquettish!

And not only her!

Chen Nan, Ye Wanzhi, and Li Mu on the other end of the phone also had thick goosebumps on their bodies!

Li Mu smiled bitterly: "Grandma, I kind of want to vomit when you do this!"

Li Muya's tone was cold, and she recovered her strong character: "You gave you a face, right?" If it weren't for the fact that I desperately need rhesus macaques right now, do you think I would have begged you?

Li Mu: "Yes, it has to be this tone, this is my sister!" The

corners of Li Muya's mouth twitched madly: "Give a quick word, can you find the rhesus monkey!"

"Can't!" Li Mu sighed: "Muya, you finally asked for my brother, I naturally want to help you find a rhesus monkey."

"But you also know that the rhesus monkey population itself is not large, and the origin is not in our country!"

"Even if you can find it through a friend, it will take several days to declare the customs process!"

"It will take ten days at the earliest, can you afford to wait?"

Li Muya: "Ten days... The yellow cauliflower is cold!

Li Mu grinned: "Isn't Chen Nan your male god, didn't you say that he is omnipotent?" Then why don't you look for him and me for this matter?

"Any idea what this is for?"

"Because subconsciously you know that I can help you, and he Chen Nan... Nothing! At

this time, he was still jealous in front of Li Muya, and you can imagine how humiliated Li Mu was during this time!

"What a thing!"

Li Muya hung up the phone angrily!

"Dean Li, leave this matter to me to solve!" Chen Nan was driving the car, and Yun said lightly!

"Can you get rhesus monkeys?" Li Muya's eyes were curious!

Although he knew that Chen Nan was not an ordinary person, he was a member of his brother's team after all!

In terms of strength, the brother is definitely not his opponent!

But in terms of connections, he is not as good as Li Mu's guy!

"Don't worry, tomorrow morning I will definitely deliver a live sample to your eyes!" An intriguing smile appeared on Chen Nan's face!

"If you can really find a living sample, I..." Li Muya wanted to say that I would give myself to you as a gift, but the words that came to her lips could not be spoken!

After all, Ye Wanzhi was next to them, and although the two of them did not have a public relationship, they were very ambiguous!

After sending the two to the apartment, Chen Nan called Xie Lei's phone and made an appointment to meet at an off-campus barbecue stall!

When Chen Nan ordered something delicious, Xie Lei also rushed over!

He took the Spirit Jiao Pill, and now he has long been reborn!

The steps are light and the eyes are shining!

There is terrifying strength in his body!

A Spirit Jiao Pill gave him a strength comparable to that of a Great Grandmaster!

However, Chen Nan did not intend to teach him the method of cultivation, this road was full of too many unknowns, it was better to let him live his life in peace!

"Brother Nan, you are really handsome this afternoon, although I am on duty, I also watched the live broadcast with my mobile phone!"

"Western doctors are so arrogant, but they have no power to fight back in front of you, they are all younger brothers!"

Xie Lei admired and admired Chen Nan immensely!

I just hate not being able to go and see it in person!

Chen Nan smiled and opened a bottle of beer for him: "How can you say it is so exaggerated!"

Xie Lei smiled and said, "Brother Nan, is there something wrong with you calling me out so late?"

Chen Nan: "I want to borrow a drop of your blood!" "

Huh?" Xie Lei was a little confused!

Chen Nan sighed: "Our project has reached the second stage of live experiments, but there was an accident in the rhesus monkeys purchased overseas, which also caused the experiment to be suspended!"

"Since you watched the live broadcast, you should know that we will have a press conference in a week, right?"

Xie Lei nodded desperately, his eyes shining with expectation!

If nothing else, it should be the news of the advent of hepatitis B specific drugs!

Chen Nan took a sip of wine: "If you can't find a living specimen, the press conference in a week will definitely lose all face..." The prestige that TCM has just built up will definitely disappear and even become a laughing stock in people's eyes!

"Is that enough for a drop of my blood?" Xie Lei said: "Otherwise, smoke a little more, don't drop a drop, is one pound enough?" "

He also wanted to do something for the project!

"One drop is enough!" Chen Nan said and took out the silver needle he carried with him: "Just stretch out a finger!" "

Oooh, good!" Xie Lei immediately stretched out his finger!

Chen Nan pierced his hand for a while!

Next moment!

Blood slowly emerged, like a mung bean grain!

Chen Nan picked up the silver needle and pierced his finger, but there was no blood!

He aimed his broken finger at the blood on Xie Lei's hand and inhaled it into his body!

Xie Lei stood up abruptly and said incredulously, "Brother Nan, are you crazy?" Why do you get hepatitis B virus? "

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