"Call the police!"

"No, hit 119!"

Panicked in the lab!

The side effects of the vaccine are too strong, and they must find a way to save Chen Nan's life!

Although I don't know if it will be time...

Just when a partner just picked up his mobile phone, Chen Nan stood up in high spirits: "Don't be nervous, I was joking with everyone just now!"

Li Muya burst into astonishing anger: "Do you feel, is this funny?" "

Chen Nan, you're going too far!"

"That is, thanks to us caring so much about you, you are pretending to have feelings!"

"Wait, if you come out, we won't let you go!"

The lab mates were furious!

Chen Nan sighed: "I want to make the atmosphere more relaxed, you don't want to, make it nervous, you don't want to, what do you want to do?"

"What, I'm a little full, I want to sleep, can you stop looking at me like a monkey?" Can you give some personal space? Chen

Nan began to complain!

It turns out!


Out of scientific rigor, they must keep an eye on Chen Nan's every move twenty-four hours a day!

An hour later!

Chen Nan drew another syringe of blood!

He is now a guinea pig, and he must draw blood from his body according to the prescribed time for testing!

Check the amount of hepatitis B virus in his body!

Normally, this process lasts five days!

"Boss, good news, good news!" A partner ran over with a flat plate excitedly: "Before Team Leader Chen registered the vaccine, the hepatitis B virus load in his body was 1.35E+05, and an hour after the vaccine was injected, the hepatitis B viral load dropped directly to 1.01e+04, and the data had a significant drop!"

"Like our previous experiments with mice, this vaccine really kills the hepatitis B virus!"

This moment!

Everyone in the laboratory had tears in their eyes and was very excited!

"Chen Nan, do you feel anything now?" Li Muya endured the excitement and asked!

Although she knew that Chen Nan was a cultivator in the late stage of the foundation building period!

But this kind of disease is difficult for even cultivators to avoid!

After all, this is a blood disease!

"Except for a little sleepy at the beginning, there is no discomfort now!" Chen Nan didn't know whether the previous sleepiness was caused by the rise in blood sugar after eating, or the reason for the vaccination!

"As long as your body does not experience any discomfort within five days, our project has been successfully developed!" Li Muya couldn't hide her excitement!

In fact, they can now announce that they have developed a specific drug against hepatitis B virus, after all, normally half an hour after vaccination is the observation period!

But this vaccine is the first time it is injected into the patient's body!

They have to be absolutely sure!

Five days in the blink of an eye!

In addition to shouting that he wanted to smoke, Chen Nan behaved very normally!

And the hepatitis B virus in his body was completely killed by the vaccine named CN3!

He became a sound man!

CN taken from Chen Nan's abbreviation!

Taken from the Daxia domain name!

3 is taken from the Taoist Three Lives All Things!

This name was obtained by Li Muya, and he did not discuss it with Chen Nan at all!

"Xie Lei, I called your sister, she will come over soon, your sister and brother will come to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, I will let people wait for you at the door!"

Confirming that the vaccine was successfully developed, Chen Nan called the Xie family sisters and brothers as soon as possible!

He promised Xie Qiang!

After the vaccine is successfully developed, their siblings will be the first beneficiaries!

As for him...

He smoked a cigarette on campus and swaggered towards the dormitory!

Have you made so many contributions to smoke a cigarette?

Took a shower and changed into clean clothes!

Then Chen Nan returned to the laboratory, and at this time, the Xie family sisters and brothers had just rushed over!

The Xie family sisters and brothers are very excited!

Chen Nan took out the vaccine and personally vaccinated the two siblings with CN3 vaccine!

"Within twenty-four hours, your sisters and brothers will be able to live a normal life!"

Chen Nan grinned like a child!

How he wanted to dream of Xie Lei and tell him this happy news in his dream!

Their siblings are not gone!

Make observations in the lab!

Just start drawing blood from a syringe every hour!

After that, it's drawn every two hours!

Ten hours after the vaccination, the words 'negative' appeared on the hepatitis B test sheets of the two siblings!

This means that both have become healthy people!

It's late at night ------


Li Muya's apartment is brightly lit!

She wore a large T-shirt, bare-legged, slender and sexy, nestled casually in the corner of the sofa, holding a red wine glass in one hand: "I feel, I'm going to lose sleep tonight!"

"I'll lose sleep too!" Ye Wanzhi was wearing a white slip dress, leaning on the sofa, with a smile on her face!

Tomorrow is the day of the conference!

Not surprisingly, there must be someone waiting for them to come out!

Moreover, the killer of the rhesus monkey will also take the initiative to jump out of the water!

"Wanzhi, you shouldn't be in love with that guy, right?" Li Muya glanced at Chen Nan, who was cooking in the kitchen, and an inexplicable sour feeling rose in her heart!

She worshipped Chen Nan before, mainly because she knew what he did and knew that he was the savior of Wuyang City!

To say like...

Not at all!

But with this time of getting along, Chen Nan touched her heart with his unique personality charm!

The corners of Ye Wanzhi's mouth curved with charm: "Who can not love this kind of person?" If I'm not mistaken, even the dean probably likes him, right?

"No, no, no, no!" Li Muya denied it!

Ye Wanzhi smiled: "In fact, even if you admit it, it's nothing, after all, it's not a shame to like this kind of excellent man!"

Li Muya giggled and quipped, "Then you're not afraid that I will snatch him over?"

Ye Wanzhi thought for a while and said, "It's not that I'm not afraid, but I feel..." Some good things when you don't have the confidence to exclusively, it is better to share them generously with your friends!

Li Muya was stunned, it was undeniable that at this point, the two of them actually held the same point of view!

When he saw Ye Wanzhi looking at himself, that malicious smile!

Li Muya's heart was stirred!

No, no, no!

Not so!

It's not what I imagined!

Ye Wanzhi does not hold the same view as himself!

It's all an illusion!

The reason why she said this is to paralyze herself!

The real reason is that she eats both men and women!

Ye Wanzhi didn't know that Li Muya saw his thoughts, and said softly: "Chen Nan is very good, so good that people love and hate, because in that aspect, he is simply not a person!"

"Although the old saying says that there are no ploughed fields, only tired cattle!"

"But I feel that this is not absolute!"

"Many times, I was almost killed!"

Li Muya secretly swallowed her saliva: "Is it that exaggerated?"

The corners of Ye Wanzhi's mouth rose: "How about we try it together?" "

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