Li Muya snorted and hurriedly said: "Don't don't, the gentleman doesn't take people's favor, this blessing is still yours to enjoy!" "

I like Chen Nan a lot!

But it was absolutely impossible for her to fool around with Ye Wanzhi and Chen Nan!

This is her bottom line!

A moment later, Chen Nan came to the living room with noodles, one bowl per person, and did not even go to the dining room!

He also wanted to eat and eat ordinary noodles for five days, but because the canteen was closed, he couldn't use high-powered household appliances in the dormitory!


Early in the morning, Li Muya found a lot of students to decorate the lecture hall of the Department of Chinese Medicine!

After all, today is the day when the CN3 vaccine is announced, and it must be paid attention to!

Nine o'clock in the morning!

One after another, the media has entered the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

The number of people exceeded the imagination of Li Muya and others!

But they didn't panic at all!

Those media people entered the lecture hall and turned on the webcast!

After all, the heat of the last battle between Chinese and Western medicine is not over!

There are many people who are looking forward to the scientific research results that can win the Nobel Prize in medicine in the mouth of the Department of Chinese Medicine!

So, people from major news outlets are competing for traffic!

"You really developed a hepatitis B drug?" Sheng Wendong, who had a three-month contract with Li Muya, had a solemn face!

At the beginning, he and Li Muya made a bet that if the other party developed a hepatitis B specific drug within three months, he would apologize to Li Muya!


Can this thing be developed so quickly?

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Teacher Sheng, you will know the result by ten o'clock!" "

Sheng Wendong's face is sallow!

He didn't believe that a hepatitis B specific drug could be developed in such a short time!

After all, there are many laboratories for hepatitis B at home and abroad, and so far no one has been able to find a cure for hepatitis B!

And Li Muya, how long have they only established this project?

At half past nine, the school leaders and senior officials on Tsinghua's side also came to the lecture hall!

In addition to this, there are some teachers!

What Chen Nan didn't expect was that Xue Ruiwen was actually among them!

If you think about it, you are relieved, this guy was the head of the department before!

Even if you leave your job, you can enter the school!

"If nothing else, when we announce the hepatitis B special drug, this old thing Xue Ruiwen will be the first to jump out and bark at us like a mad dog!" Chen Nan whispered in Li Muya's ear!

Li Muya nodded undeniably!

She always suspected that the rhesus monkey was killed by Sherrywin, but there was no evidence!

Ten o'clock in the morning!

The much-anticipated press conference has officially begun!

Countless people put down their work to watch this launch!

Although I don't know what kind of information to release, Li Muya from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine said that she can win the Nobel Prize in medicine, and this scientific research achievement is destined to change the lives of countless people!

It is closely related to the common people!

Dong Jianjun, the dean of the medical school, took the stage first to speak, thanking those media for coming!

"Next, welcome Dean Li to the stage with warm applause!" Dong Jianjun looked to the left side of the press conference, and the camera also pointed the lens at Li Muya!

White shirt bottom, black suit added, the whole person reveals a capable and, elegant, and intellectual temperament!

She stood in front of the interview desk and made a look at the staff under the stage, and then a VCR appeared on the big screen behind her!

In the picture are emaciated, skinny and bone-covered patients with serious diseases!

Li Muya spoke: "These patients all have a disease, liver cancer!" "

There was silence in the audience!

Everyone stared at Li Muya intently!

"In this era of talking about cancer discoloration, cancer seems to have become the biggest curse in our lives!"

"We always inadvertently hear that our friends and relatives have cancer!"

"Compared to other cancers, liver cancer is more desperate!"

"After all, our liver is the most tolerant organ of all organs, once the patient feels unwell, light is the middle stage, heavy is the late stage!"

"I listed the situation of liver cancer patients in the last five years, and 80% of them died within six months after being diagnosed with cancer!"

"Fifteen percent of patients die within three months!"

"Four percent of patients die within a month!"

"Another one percent of patients commit suicide because they don't want to drag their families down!"

"This is a very heavy topic, but we can't choose to escape!"

The scene was silent!

Some even shed tears silently!

Because some of them have relatives who have left this world because they have cancer!

Li Muya continued: "Among these cancer patients, 85% of them have a common disease, hepatitis B, or hepatitis B!

"Our country is also a big country of hepatitis B, according to incomplete statistics, one in every ten people is a hepatitis B carrier!"

"Many people know that simply carrying hepatitis B will not affect people's lives, and only need regular physical examinations to control the amount of hepatitis B virus in the body!"

"But there are too many people who look at hepatitis B carriers with colored glasses!"

"Even if the law stipulates, hepatitis B is not included in the entry physical examination!"

"But there are also many hepatitis B carriers who can't find their dream job!"

"Their lives and work have been seriously affected!"

"It's like they've been eliminated by this society, they can only live in the shadows, and they don't even have friends and no socialization!"

Li Muya's words evoked the pain in the hearts of many people!

They all have one thing in common, that is, hepatitis B carrying!

Li Muya's words were like tweezers, revealing the unhealed scars in their hearts!

It hurts, it hurts!

Li Muya recovered her mood, looked up at those cameras, and showed a shallow smile on her face: "Actually, my grandfather died of liver cancer!"

"I was eight years old the year he died!"

"At that moment, I firmly decided to study medicine!"

"Although I can't bring my grandfather back from the dead, I can avoid more families going through this pain!"

"I don't want to remember this because I didn't realize my dream, and I feel sorry for my grandfather's spirit in the sky!"

"But today, I can laugh and say, Grandpa, I made it!"

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly changed!

Many people were full of excitement, guessed Li Muya's scientific research results, and asked: "Dean Li, have you developed a drug to cure liver cancer?" Countless

people were staring at Li Muya!

If she really develops a drug to treat liver cancer, this is definitely a meritorious thing!

Li Muya shook her head!

Seeing this, many people inexplicably rose up with disappointment in their hearts!

Some people even scolded Li Muya, you have not developed a drug to treat liver cancer, you are still sorry to say that you are worthy of your grandfather's spirit in the sky?

But Li Muya's next words made countless people's scalps tingle!

"Although we have not developed a drug to treat liver cancer, we have developed a special drug to cure the hepatitis B virus!" She was smiling and shocked the whole world!

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