This moment!

Whether it's live!

Or people watching the live stream!

After hearing Li Muya's words, many people suddenly stood up!

The pupils trembled fiercely, revealing the shock and incredulity in their hearts!

Has hepatitis B, which has plagued the medical community, been overcome?

Oh, my God!

This is more exciting than developing drugs for liver cancer!

After all, 80% of liver cancer people are hepatitis B carriers!

If hepatitis B can be completely cured, this can reduce the incidence of liver cancer by 80%!

It's not too much to say that merit is immeasurable!

This invention can really benefit all sentient beings and win the Nobel Prize in medicine!

Ice City!

Ye Wan's house!

Ye's mother was excited like a child: "Old man, look quickly, look quickly, our daughter has developed a special drug for hepatitis B virus!"

"Good, good, good!" Father Ye burst into tears!

Old man Ye was also full of red light: "Before this, hepatitis B was also known as chronic cancer, and there was no cure, but now, this curse has been broken!"

"Broken by our girl and his companions!"

"This is the pride of our old Ye family!"


"Director Xue, can we expose them now?" In the crowd, Liu Mang whispered to Xue Ruiwen beside him!

Xue Ruiwen had a smile on his face: "Now is not the time!"

Liu Mang looked puzzled: "Isn't it time yet?"

Xue Ruiwen nodded slightly: "Now that the common people have not accepted this news, and have not yet put them on the altar, at this time, exposing them to declare success without the second stage of living experiments does not have a great impact on them!"

"If the people believe their words, and then reveal that their special medicine has not yet been tested in vivo, the people will definitely feel resentment!"

Liu Mang was relieved, this is what the murderous heart said, right?


"Dean Li, have you really developed a hepatitis B specific drug?" A reporter asked excitedly, always feeling that the news came too suddenly.

Li Muya said with a smile: "Yes, we have successfully developed a hepatitis B specific drug, which has passed the final in vivo experiment!" "

Name it CN3!"

"We have injected three patients with CN3 vaccine, and after ten hours of vaccination, all the hepatitis B virus in the patients' bodies has been killed!"

"Liver function has also changed from positive to negative!"

This moment!

Countless people cried with joy and shed tears of excitement!

Another reporter endured excitement and asked: "Dean Li, can you tell us all about the origin of CN3?" And your research directions?

Li Muya said: "Our research direction is to fight poison with poison and kill hepatitis B virus with other viruses!"

"And the one who proposed this research direction was Chen Nan, the deputy head of our laboratory!"

"About him, I think, I don't need to introduce too much!"

People are relieved!

Looking at Chen Nan, his eyes were full of adoration!

If Chen Nan is also involved in the research and development of hepatitis B specific drugs, it is easy to understand!

After all, this guy is a divine doctor!

Li Muya continued, "Team Leader Chen and our studio partners went to the zoo to take samples and look for germs carried by animals!

"However, I found more than 100,000 kinds of germs, but I couldn't contain the hepatitis B virus!"

"However, there is a germ in the zoo's tigers that can temporarily control the replication and spread of the hepatitis B virus!"

"Team leader Chen suspects that the germs in the wild Siberian tiger should be more tenacious and ferocious!"

"So, Team Leader Chen and our studio partner Ye Wanzhi!"

"We went to Daxing'anling together, hiked hundreds of kilometers, and after more than ten days of searching, finally found the wild Siberian tiger!"

"With the help of comrades from the Bingcheng Forestry Bureau, the blood of wild Siberian tigers was successfully retrieved!"

"After sampling, bacteria against hepatitis B virus were finally found in wild Siberian tigers!"

People are moved!

I didn't expect that the development of hepatitis B specific drugs paid so much!

If nothing else, just hiking hundreds of kilometers deep into the Daxing'an Ridge is not something ordinary people can afford!

Li Muya continued: "Here, I would like to thank the comrades of the Bingcheng Forestry Bureau for their help in this scientific research!

"Likewise, I would like to thank a local resident!"

"He has no complaints and no regrets, and takes Team Leader Chen and others into the mountains for free to look for Siberian tigers!"

"He even sacrificed his precious life for our scientific research!"

"His name is Xie Qiang!"

The name Xie Qiang is destined to be remembered by many people!

After all, the hero is not only Chen Nan, but also the partner of Li Muya's studio!

Even if Xie Qiang is no longer alive, he is also the hero of the research and development of CN3!

"Dean Li, I have another question, when will the CN3 vaccine be fully promoted? How much does a vaccine cost? Will it be sky-high? The reporter who spoke before asked!

This question has to be asked!

Although hepatitis B is difficult to cure!

But there is a disease in the world that is more terrible than hepatitis B!

That's the disease of poverty!

Even if Li Muya's laboratory develops the CN3 vaccine, if the price is too high, the people can't afford to use it!

Li Muya said: "We have handed over the research results to the state for free, and as for when it can be fully promoted, it depends on the Food and Drug Administration!" Upon

hearing this, a sense of foreboding rose in many people's hearts!

You have handed over the CN3 vaccine to the state, do you say that the price is still okay?

At this time, Li Muya's words dispelled people's concerns and made countless people ecstatic: "Although we handed over the CN3 number to the state for free, we put forward a condition!"

"When the CN3 vaccine is really promoted, it will be vaccinated for free to the people!"


"Did I hear you right?"

"Free vaccination?"

Countless people are crazy about it!

They thought that the price of this vaccine would be ridiculously high!

But who would have thought that it would be free vaccination for ordinary people?


Li Muya's pattern is too big!

It's so big that people have to be convinced!

After all, CN3 can improve the health of hundreds of millions of people around the world!

If this patent is auctioned, it is estimated that it will trigger a crazy rush from major consortiums, right?

Li Muya said with a smile: "Regarding when CN3 can be fully promoted this topic, I still ask Director Liu of the Food and Drug Administration to give everyone an answer!" "Say bow and step down!

Director Liu of the Food and Drug Administration stepped onto the interview stage and said, "Thank you to Tsinghua University School of Medicine, and thank Dean Li and her partners for developing the CN3 vaccine!"

"Thank you too for their generous dedication!"

"We, the Food and Drug Administration, will respect their wishes and vaccinate the CN3 vaccine to hepatitis B virus patients for free!"

"This work will be initially implemented within half a month, and it will be fully popularized within one month!"

"Strive to get all patients with hepatitis B disease to be vaccinated with CN3 vaccine as soon as possible!"

There was a round of cheers from the audience!

Xue Ruiwen stood up and said loudly: "They lie, they didn't develop the CN3 vaccine at all!" He

knew that the opportunity to take down Chen Nan and the others had come!

This time, it was enough to make Chen Nan and the others discredited!

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