"Anyway, why are you here?"

Chen Nan asked weakly!

He didn't expect these people to come here!

Cang Ning smiled and said, "Chief, your strength is transcendent, you dare to use your flesh to resist the three heavenly thunders, why pretend to be so weak to worry us?" "


Which of your eyes saw me pretending to be weak?

Am I very vain, right?

Chen Nan was unable to complain!

I also realized that my Heavenly Tribulation was a little weird!


His body was severely damaged, and with his current injury, it would be difficult to recover without an hour!

In a flash!

A dark red lightning bolt landed!

Render the sky dome dark red!

It fell on Chen Nan's body without warning!

Then a deafening loud noise reverberated in all directions, deafening, and a thick layer of goosebumps rose on everyone's body!

The power of this heavenly thunder is too terrifying!

It has the power of destruction!

Even if they are tens of miles apart, there is a feeling of almost suffocation!

Look at Chen Nan again!

The body has long been blurred with flesh and blood!

A creepy skeleton is revealed!

But you can see his heart beating strongly!

Different from ordinary people!

His heart turned golden!

Bang bang!

The powerful beating sound is like a drum beaten by someone!

His right face was also blurred with blood and flesh, and he looked extremely miserable!

"Chief, go all out, with your means, you can completely resist the arrival of heavenly thunder!" An elder guarding the mountain had a nervous face!

"The boss must have his intention to do this!"

"Yes, if the head can carry all the heavenly thunder, then the physical body will be extremely terrifying!"

The Great Elder said in a low voice, "According to legend, if the Heavenly Forsaken can resist all the Heavenly Thunder, he will have a fierce physique and can ignore all spell attacks!"

"What exactly is a Forsaken?"

The Great Elder whispered, "There is not much difference between the Heavenly Forsaken and the Chosen Son, they both have many opportunities, and their cultivation speed will also be extremely fast!"

"However, the difference between the two will be reflected when crossing the calamity!"

"As the name suggests, the Chosen Son is an existence favored by the Heavenly Dao, and will not encounter any danger when crossing the Tribulation, and even some Chosen Son will condense the Golden Pill without crossing the Tribulation!"

"And when the Heaven Forsaken crosses the Tribulation, the Thunder Tribulation will be extremely terrifying, just like now, it has the power of annihilation!"

"It's a hurdle!"

"If the Heavenly Forsaken can survive the Heavenly Tribulation, his growth space will be even more terrifying than that of the Chosen One!"

"The strength is also stronger!"

"After all, one is favored by Heavenly Dao, while the other is respected by Heavenly Dao!"

Everyone was relieved!

They all looked at Chen Nan with nervous eyes!


Bang! Bang!

The voice of Chen Nan's heart beating was sonorous and powerful, becoming more and more urgent!

Immediately, a divine power erupted in the heart, covering the whole body!

Next second!

His flesh and blood were repaired, as clear as white jade, exuding divine light!

Only at this moment did he stand up!

Eyes frenzy!

"Six or Nine Heavenly Tribulations... That is, there are two more heavenly thunders! Chen Nan grabbed it in the air, a cigarette appeared in his hand, and after lighting it, he smoked intoxicatedly!

"Come on, I'll see if you can destroy me!"

His tone was flat, even if the Heavenly Tribulation was weird, he was not afraid!

Thunderclouds roar!

The wind is blowing!

Next second!

The dark red lightning fell again!

Chen Nan stood there quietly, majestic and motionless, like a stone sculpture!

The heavenly thunder fell, and his flesh shattered instantly!

Except for the head and heart, everywhere else is bloody and blurry!

The blood flowed like a lot, and it was miserable!

There is also a smell of meat paste in the air!

Chen Nan said softly, "That's it!"

Cang Due said loudly: "Be careful, the power of the last heavenly thunder is extremely terrifying!"

Chen Nan looked up at the sky, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes: "It's just a small garbage that can't be used!" "




Everyone else is powerless to spit!

When crossing the calamity, complain that the heavenly calamity is a small garbage that is not useful?

You don't take the Heavenly Tribulation too seriously...

You're going to suffer...

Never mind!

Whether you put it in your eyes or not, you will be struck by lightning!

In an instant!

The sixth heavenly thunder fell!

This heavenly thunder is extremely thick!

It must be more than ten meters thick, like a thunder dragon!

It exudes the momentum of destroying the decay, destroying the heavens and the earth!

Heaven and earth were instantly rendered dark red!

Others are creepy and their scalps are bursting!

Even though they were dozens of miles away from Chen Nan, they now had a feeling of almost suffocation!

They have no doubt that if this is their heavenly calamity!

It's gone in an instant!

Not even bone dregs remained!

But Chen Nan still stood there quietly, not even using magic weapons and spells to resist!

This boldness is very impressive!

After the sixth heavenly thunder!

Chen Nan only had a skeleton left!

Except for the heart in the chest, the soul of the brain is intact!

All other parts were seriously injured!

It looks like a white bone spirit!


Bang! Bang!

The sound of his heart beating became more and more rapid, and his body quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Finally sound again!

"I really didn't expect that the head of the sect would actually resist the six heavenly thunders with his flesh mortal fetus!"


The nine guarding elders of the Huashan Sword Sect were extremely excited, and Ruo Lan even sacrificed his long sword to Chen Nan's side and asked him about his current state!

but was pulled by a hasty decision!

Cangdu's expression was solemn: "Although the head has survived the six heavenly tribulations, the thunderclouds have not disappeared!"

"It is possible that we underestimated his Heavenly Tribulation!"

As soon as these words come out!

It's like drinking on the head!

Make everyone's expressions extremely serious!

An elder exclaimed, "Shouldn't it be the Nine-Nine Tribulation?"

Cangdu shook his head: "According to legend, cultivators who cultivate to the Mahayana period will usher in the Nine-Nine Tribulation, and if they can survive the Nine-Nine Tribulation, they can soar into the immortal realm in the day!" "

Although no one has crossed the Nine-Nine Tribulation Ascending Immortal Realm in the past thousand years, according to the current situation, what the head has experienced is the rumored Nine-Nine Tribulation!"

Ruo Lan said anxiously, "But he is obviously a Golden Pill Tribulation!"

Cangzhi sighed lightly: "No way!" "It's

like a company employee who offends the CEO, and although he won't be fired on the spot, he may be fired the next day because he stepped into the company first with his left foot!"

"The forsaken themselves are people who are rejected by heaven, and something beyond logic happens to such people... It doesn't seem to be excessive! "

Everyone's expressions are solemn!

Although Chen Nan survived the Six or Nine Heavenly Tribulation, everyone could see that he was in a poor state!

It has reached the point of the end of the strong crossbow!

If there are still three heavenly tribulations!

In his current state, can he withstand the last three Heavenly Tribulations?

After all!

The power of each Heavenly Tribulation in the future will increase several times!

Mo said that Chen Nan was only a peak cultivator in the foundation building period, and even a peak powerhouse in the Mahayana period was very likely to be scattered and die!

Chen Nan naturally heard Cangdu's words, looked at the sky angrily, and let out a thunderous roar: "I will not resist these last three heavenly thunders, if you can chop me to death, then this is my Chen Nan's life!"

"If you can't destroy me, I'm going to poke you out of a hole!"

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