"Chief, why are you here?"

"When it's time to strike, get it!"

The faces of the nine mountain guarding elders were full of anxiety!

They never expected that Chen Nan's temper would be so stubborn, and at this time, it was actually more true to the Heavenly Dao!

Without warning!

A purple heavenly thunder appeared in the clouds!

The heavenly thunder fell on Chen Nan silently, sending him flying out for thousands of meters!

Immediately, a dull thunder sounded from the depths of the nine heavens!

This thunder seemed to come from the other side of the starry sky through endless time and space!

Echoing in the deepest part of everyone's soul!

Chen Nan was dizzy!

The body once again turned into a humanoid skeleton!

The difference is!

At this time, a metallic luster was released from his skeleton!

"Come again!"

He roared low!


The sky seems to have cracked an opening!

The eighth heavenly thunder landed!

Shot Chen Nan away again!

Don't wait for Chen Nan to land!

The ninth heavenly thunder fell in an instant!


Chen Nan fell heavily on the ground like a meteorite!

The earth cracked, and a deep pit tens of meters deep appeared!

There is a dead silence between heaven and earth!

Even Chen Nan's heartbeat disappeared!

The nine mountain guarding elders were all dissatisfied and anxious!

There shouldn't be any surprises, right?

"Damn, why hasn't the cloud disappeared yet?" Cangdu's face was as pale as wax!

The expressions on the faces of the others froze!

Chen Nan's life and death are uncertain now!

Now seeing the thunderclouds gathering in the sky, they are all confused!

It feels like the brain is not enough!

Could it be that this Heavenly Tribulation was destined to kill Chen Nan before he was willing to stop?

Ruo Lan looked up at the sky and said angrily: "He is obviously the hero of saving all living beings, why do you want to make no distinction between black and white, why do you target him again and again?"

"Just because you are heaven, can you erase others at will?"

Cangjue sighed: "Heavenly Dao is ruthless, what is the meaning of you talking to it about this?"

Ruo Lan said angrily, "But if the Heavenly Dao is ruthless, how can it treat an ordinary person like this?"

Cangdu's face changed suddenly!

That's right!

Heaven's Dao is merciless!

Even if you scold it a thousand times, it has no effect!

It won't target you at all!

But why is the Heavenly Dao so abnormal at this time?

Such an unreasonable target for Chen Nan?

He's not evil either!

"I gave you the opportunity to kill me, but you didn't take it!"

With an angry roar!

A figure with a golden light on his body stepped on a long sword and slowly appeared in midair!

He was like a blazing sun, illuminating all directions!

Although it is only a skeleton, the flesh and blood on the body are being reborn!

Especially there is a fist-sized golden pill at the dantian!

He is full of spirit, like a god!

"Since you can't destroy me, then I'll stab the sky!"

Chen Nan was furious!

He couldn't understand that he was obviously crossing a three-nine heavenly tribulation, but it caused a nine-nine heavenly tribulation!

If it's a nine-nine day calamity, it's just that!

It was clear that he had withstood the nine heavenly tribulations, but the thunderclouds gathered and did not disperse!

Think of yourself as a soft persimmon?

If I do a lot of evil, it will be enough!

But Xiaoye is obviously meritorious to the people of the world!

Without warning, a red lightning bolt tore through the sky!

Extremely fast though!

But Chen Nan's perception ability has increased countless times!

Nine swords come out in unison between the pinches of both hands!

After stepping into the Golden Pill Period, Chen Nan's strength has undergone a qualitative transformation, and the nine swords shook out of the void, although the nine swords were very small, but they burst out with thousands of rays of light!

Under everyone's shocked eyes, cut that red lightning into a state of cutting it into pieces!

But the lightning didn't go away!

It looks like having life!

"I heard that there is thunder spirit liquid in the Heavenly Tribulation, and the cultivator can improve his strength after taking it!"

Chen Nan shook it in the air, and those cut red lightning bolts flew towards his hand, and at the same time turned into bright red thunder spirit liquid!

Chen Nan raised his head and swallowed the thunder spirit liquid into his stomach under everyone's stunned eyes!

Next second!

Chen Nan's body actually erupted with a burst of thunder!

"Groove! Is it so perverted?

"I seem to know why Heavenly Dao is targeting him, this guy is simply a monster!"

"In ancient times, there were demons who could bathe in thunder clouds, but no one had ever dared to take thunder spirit liquid!"

"It's too perverted, if I were a Heavenly Dao rule, I would also target him!"

"That's it!" Chen Nan whispered, and then stepped on the gentleman's sword and soared into the air, killing into the cloud of robbery with a mortal fetus in the flesh!

Next moment!

The clouds roll and roar!

It seems that there is a divine dragon turning the river and the sea inside!

The difference is that there are sword lights that destroy and decay!

With the appearance of the sword qi, the calamity clouds gathered in the air also appeared one after another!

The whole process lasted almost half an hour!

With Chen Nan's roar, he slashed the heavenly dome with one sword!

The void annihilated, and a huge time-space vortex appeared, engulfing all the clouds in the air!

This moment!

It's sunny!

The blazing sun hangs high in the sky!

Chen Nan was sweating profusely and panting, but he had a hearty feeling!

After all!

He survived the Tribulation!

Defeated the Heavenly Dao!

In the distance, the nine Mountain Guarding Elders had long been impressed by Chen Nan's supreme divine posture!

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they couldn't imagine that Chen Nan had really survived the Heavenly Tribulation!

And also defeated the rules of the Heavenly Dao!


With a faint sound of breaking wind!

Chen Nan's flying sword landed in front of them!

"The boss is really brave!"

"It's simply not human!"

"Second Elder has suffered!"

Everyone's eyes are complicated!

It wasn't until Chen Nan appeared in front of them that they could see the details of Chen Nan's body!

"Do you still want to be faceless?" Ruo Lan was embarrassed and angry!

This group of LSPs is more faceless than the other!

"Eh, gaffe, gaffe!"

Chen Nan's face was full of embarrassment, and he immediately took out a piece of clothing in the storage space and put it on his body!


In addition to Ruo Lan, the other eight people bowed to Chen Nan at the same time and congratulated: "Congratulations to the head for surviving the Heavenly Tribulation and condensing the Origin Golden Pill, this is a great happy event for my Huashan Sword Sect, and it is also a blessing for my Huaxia sons and daughters!"

"That's too serious!" Chen Nan smiled!

Cangdu asked curiously: "Chief, you have the ability to kill the enemy beyond the level, I don't know what level of strength you have reached at this time?"

Chen Nan shook his head: "I feel that it should not be difficult to kill the cultivators of the Golden Pill Stage in seconds, even if it is a Yuan Baby, you can try it!" "

Cangdu and the others are not shocked!

No matter what, Chen Nan had experienced the baptism of nine heavenly tribulations today!

And defeated the rules of the Heavenly Dao!

The strength will definitely grow by leaps and bounds!

Cangjue asked, "What is the next plan of the boss?"

Chen Nan looked north: "I have found Emperor Yu's hiding place, and I have to find a way to lure him and his people out!" Only in this way can it be swept up!

"Don't kill him, I'm sorry Wan'er!"

Cang Zhi said helplessly: "There are not many things in heaven and earth that can interest the peak powerhouse of the Golden Pill Period, and if you want to attract Yuhuang, the difficulty is tantamount to ascending to the sky!"

Chen Nan said disapprovingly: "Not necessarily, in case a spirit stone vein appears somewhere, do you say if you can attract him?"

Cangdu smiled bitterly: "Spirit stones themselves are very rare, and spirit stone mines are even rarer..."

Before the words were finished, the Qinglong Mountain under them began to tremble!

In the distance, the mountain cracked, revealing a thousand rays of light inside!

"Lying groove, spirit stone vein?"

Those mountain guarding elders of the Huashan Sword Sect were not calm!

The most shocked was Cangdu, he looked at Chen Nan in horror: "Chief, you should not have mastered the magic ability to follow words, right?" "

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