"The fish is hooked?"

The five peak powerhouses of the Golden Pill Period looked puzzled!

Chen Nan said, "There is a guy from the ninth layer of the Golden Pill Stage who took two guys from the eighth layer of the Golden Pill Stage to Qinglong Mountain!" "


Xue Yun gasped: "Master, this place is seventy or eighty kilometers away from Qinglong Mountain, you can actually sense their existence?"

Chen Nan couldn't help but say, "Can't you perceive it?" "


The five of them looked loveless!

Although they are strong people in the realm of the Golden Pill Period, the coverage area of spiritual power is only twenty kilometers!

Not as perverted as Chen Nan at all!

"Yo, they arranged a magic array to shield the aura of the Qinglong Mountain Spirit Stone vein!"


Chen Nan had a smile on his face!

He was not afraid of Emperor Yu's people at all!

Even if they want to kill him, it will have to be after they finish mining the spirit stone mine!

After all, there are free coolies, you can't do without!

"Tell me about the story of the last era and the last era!" Chen Nan diverted the topic, he didn't know much about the history of the cultivation world!

Xue Yundao: "The last era was an era of cultivation, and in that era, there were many Yuan babies like dogs, and countless strong people broke through the void and soared to the immortal realm!"

"Then came the Age of the Last Law!"

"The spiritual energy between heaven and earth seems to have evaporated overnight, and it is not suitable for the survival of cultivators at all!"

"Countless cultivators died because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was exhausted!"

"Later monks called that era the Age of the Last Law!"

"This situation did not disappear until three hundred years ago!"

"In layman's terms, there are no cultivators who are more than three hundred years old in reality!"

"And the green pheasant seniors don't know how many years they have lived!"

Chen Nan was relieved!

It seems that Master has more secrets than he thought!

Chen Nan said, "Let your subordinates converge their breath, wait for Emperor Yu's people to mine the spirit stone mine, and then kill them all in one net!" "



at the same time!

Qinglong Mountain!

Emperor Yu's subordinate Ao San also finished investigating the news of the spirit stone vein, and excitedly took out the transmission jade card: "Boss, the spirit stones in this spirit stone mine are extremely rich, and with my observation, at least 100,000 spirit stones can be mined!"

Emperor Yu asked, "How is the quality?"

Ao San replied, "Reached the level of the Lower Grade Spirit Stone!"

Emperor Yu sighed lightly: "I thought the quality would be a little higher!"

Ao San smiled bitterly: "Boss, it is a miracle in itself that a spirit stone vein can appear in the world, why do you want too much?"

"You have some truth!" Emperor Yu said, "You guys will guard the Qinglong Mountain Spirit Stone Vein first, and I will lead my masters to rush over!"

"No matter what, you can't let others get involved in this spirit stone vein!"

Ao San smiled and said confidently: "Don't worry, boss, I have laid down a formation and isolated the breath of this place, even if the Yuan Infancy powerhouse passes here, he will not notice it!" "

That night, Emperor Yu brought more than seven hundred cultivators to Qinglong Mountain!

He did not mine the spirit stone mine, but sat cross-kneeled to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth!

After all, there is a spirit stone vein on the Qinglong Mountain, and cultivating here can have a double effect with half the effort!

Time passes!

Seven days later!

Ao San came to the place where Emperor Yu was cultivating, and said respectfully: "Boss, according to the current situation, it should be possible to mine all this spirit stone mine within three days!"

Emperor Yu slowly opened his eyes: "How many spirit stones have been mined now?"

Upon hearing this, Ao San suddenly became excited: "I said before that at least 100,000 pieces could be mined, but now it seems that it is far more than I expected, and as of today, 230,000 have been mined!"

"It shouldn't be difficult to open 30,000 in the next three days!"

Emperor Yu nodded slightly: "More than 200,000 spirit stones, even if you look at the forces of those top small worlds, it is not a small number!"

Ao San nodded solemnly: "Spirit stones themselves are very rare, even among those top forces, it is impossible to come up with so many spirit stones!"

Emperor Yu said, "Therefore, the news that we have spirit stones must not leak out, otherwise there will be a catastrophe!" Speaking of this, a cold light flashed in his eyes!

Ao San's heart trembled, and he couldn't help but ask: "Boss, shouldn't you want to kill people and kill people and never suffer from future problems?" "

He knows that Emperor Yu is a ruthless person!

But he never expected that he would get rid of those brothers under him!

"Only in this way can we keep the secret that we have spirit stones!" Emperor Yu said, "Tell the other seven people to kill everyone after the spirit stone mine is finished!" "


Ao San answered!

It doesn't matter to them whether someone else lives or dies!

The important thing is to be alive!

Even if others have followed Emperor Yu for many years and lived and died together!

But what is it compared to the spirit stones they have?

The secret of the spirit stone must not be leaked!

Three days later!

Ao San, as well as seven other late Jindan Stage ninth-layer powerhouses, entered the depths of the mine!

They are the eight protectors under Emperor Yu, and their status is second only to Emperor Yu!

Those powerhouses in the Foundation Building Period and the Golden Pill Period realm were extremely excited!

Because Emperor Yu had promised that after mining the spirit stone mine, he would be rewarded for merit and give a tenth of his share!

More than 700 of them worked day and night to mine 260,000 spirit stones, and the share alone was a considerable income!

Even on average, everyone can get hundreds of dollars!

That's a huge sum for anyone!

Not to mention that they are still cultivating outside of work, and their strength has also improved significantly!

As the existence of the head of the eight great protectors, Ao San bowed deeply to the more than seven hundred cultivators and said, "The boss said, you have made meritorious efforts in mining spirit stones, so let me specially thank you!" "

Those monks can't even say it!

After all, Ao San's strength is very strong, and they are not qualified to bear each other's big gifts!

Ao San continued: "The boss also said that one-tenth of the share is too small, instead of giving you one-tenth of the income, it is better to give you an extra big chance!"

"A chance for you to rest here!"

A strong man in the middle of Jindan was furious: "Ao San, what do you mean?

Ao San grinned: "Two hundred and sixty thousand spirit stones, looking at the top forces of any small world, you can't get so much, in case one of you accidentally leaks this news, won't the boss's situation be very passive?"

"So, the boss means to kill people and kill people!" As soon as the words fell, he slashed forward with a sword, instantly killing dozens of cultivators in the Foundation Building Period realm!

"Emperor Yu, I draft my grandmother!"

"We were born into death for you, and worked hard to mine spirit stones, but you want to unload and kill donkeys?"

"Emperor Yu, you will die a bad death!"

Those Truth Cultivators let out an angry roar!

They want to resist, they want to rush out of the mine!

But in front of the eight powerhouses of the nine-layer realm of the Golden Pill Period, they had no power to resist at all!

A moment later!

The killing in the mine stopped!

Ao San and the others walked out covered in blood!

Emperor Yu sealed with one hand, knocked Qinglong Mountain out of a deep pit, and destroyed the mine!

"Let's go!"

Emperor Yu waved his hand casually, and a wooden boat appeared out of thin air!

That's a flying magic weapon!

And at this moment, Chen Nan's indifferent voice sounded: "Want to go?" With my permission? "

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