The sudden scene made Emperor Yu and the eight protectors under him show their gaze like a great enemy!

It seems that I didn't expect that there were others here!

Look in the direction of the sound!

Emperor Yu and the eight protectors under him all showed disdainful eyes!

I saw a young man in modern clothes stepping on a flying sword appear in midair!

Although he is handsome!

But for them, handsome can't be eaten!

"Jin Dan period first-level cultivation?" Ao San grinned: "I really didn't expect that an ant like you actually has a spirit weapon, are you here to send us a spirit weapon?"

Emperor Yu said, "Ao San, kill him, his spirit weapon is yours!" "

A cultivator of the first layer of the Golden Pill Period, Emperor Yu has not yet put it in his eyes!


Ao Sanxi appeared in front of Chen Nan like an aurora!

He threw a punch and burst out with a terrifying sonic boom!

As a powerhouse of the nine-layer realm of the Golden Pill Period, he could make Chen Nan disappear with the touch of his fingers, not to mention that he was still going all out!

He never wanted to waste time with Chen Nan!

And right now!

Chen Nan moved!

The right hand was in the shape of a dragon's claw, and it directly reached into Ao Sandantian!


This moment!

Time seems to freeze!

Emperor Yu and the seven powerhouses of the ninth layer of the Golden Pill Stage under him were all dumbfounded!

They clearly saw a blood mist splashed at Ao Sandantian!

Immediately, Chen Nan kicked Ao San's chest!

Ao San screamed and flew out backwards!

Looking at Chen Nan again, there was an extra walnut-sized golden pill in his hand!

"Boss, help me take revenge!"

Ao San's face was full of horror!

He couldn't understand why things had become the way they were!

Chen Nan was just a cultivator of the first layer of the Golden Pill, and he was a powerhouse of the ninth layer of the Golden Pill Period!

He can kill this ant with the touch of a finger!

Not to mention that he went all out, and was actually taken out by the other party!

Too! He! Mother! Remnant! Violent! Finish!

Emperor Yu's face was solemn, and he said in a low voice: "Young man, we should meet for the first time, right?" Why are you hurting my subordinates?

Chen Nan looked at a grave below: "See that lonely grave?"

"And then?" Emperor Yu had been cultivating here for many days, and naturally noticed the lonely tomb below!

An unconcealable self-blame and pain appeared in Chen Nan's eyes: "The woman inside is my wife, and when I married her, she was already dead!"

Emperor Yu sneered: "Marry a dead man? Unexpectedly, you turned out to be a lover!

Chen Nan: "Do you know how she died?" Emperor

Yu frowned!

Chen Nan gritted his teeth and said, "She was forced to die by your Nanyang Zhenren and Liayuan Zhenren!"

"So, from that moment on, I swore to heaven that I would kill you in this life and avenge my dead wife!"

Emperor Yu killed Ling Ran: "That is to say, you killed Nanyang and Li Yuan?" "

When the hell had not yet collapsed, he sent out two cultivators from the foundation building period, thinking of capturing the Ultimate South Mountain and becoming his cultivation place!

But the two never returned!

Although at that time, he guessed that the two of them were very likely to encounter an accident!

But I didn't expect that Chen Nan would take the initiative to send it to the door!

Chen Nan looked at him and said coldly, "I came here today to kill you and avenge my dead wife!"

Yu Huang snorted heavily: "It's not that I look down on you, do you have this strength?" "

Even if Chen Nan killed Ao San just now, he is just an ant in his eyes!

The aura on Chen Nan's body burst out, stirring the heavens and the earth, causing the wind and clouds to change color: "Do you think, why did you get the news that there is a spirit stone vein in Qinglong Mountain?"

"Did you hear that someone was crossing the plague here, and then a spirit stone vein appeared?"

"Do you know that I am the one who crossed the robbery?"

"What do you mean?" Emperor Yu's face was full of anger, but for some reason, a sense of foreboding rose in his heart!

Chen Nan: "Actually, you are very smart, if you hadn't been hiding in Kyoto, I wouldn't have had a chance to deal with you!"

"After all, those subordinates of yours are hidden in the major families!"

"Once I move you, Kyoto is bound to be in chaos!"

"So, I can only find a way to lure you out!"

"You will definitely be angry when you say it!"

"The reason why you can get the news of the appearance of the spirit stone mine in Qinglong Mountain is all because I let people deliberately leak it to you!"

"Only in this way can the snake be led out of the hole!"

"It's just that I didn't expect that you would be so cruel and kill your brother who worked for you!"

"Aren't you afraid that they will go to Yan Wang Ye to sue you after they die?"

"Then I'll send you to see King Yan, and you can ask King Yan in person if they have sued me!" Emperor Yu pointed to the void with one hand, and in an instant, a huge golden palm print appeared above the Nine Heavens!

This palm print covers the sky, like a divine palm, exuding an incomparable momentum!

Emperor Yu knew that Chen Nan was not an ordinary person!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have killed Ao San, a powerhouse of the ninth layer of the Golden Pill Period, in seconds!

Because of this, he will directly use the big move!

In order to kill Chen Nan in seconds!

Chen Nan looked up at the sky and quietly watched the golden giant palm fall!

"How does this guy not know how to dodge?"

"It is possible that I was stunned by the boss's spell!"

"Yes, a cultivator in the first layer of the Golden Pill Stage may be very strong, but how does he know the strength of the peak powerhouse of the ninth layer of the Golden Pill Period?"

Just when the few subordinates behind Emperor Yu were talking about it!

The golden giant palm fell on Chen Nan like a meteorite hitting the earth!

What makes them feel incredible!

The giant palm did not blast Chen Nan into meat mud, but crushed Chen Nan's body, and then fell heavily on the Qinglong Mountain below, causing the ridge to sink and the imprint of a giant palm appeared!

And Chen Nan was unscathed!

Chen Nan spoke: "That's it?"

"Groove! What's going on?

"The boss's spell obviously hit him, but why did he escape unharmed?"

"Is this guy a human or a ghost?"

The subordinates behind Emperor Yu were all stunned!

The scene in front of them was beyond their understanding!

"Next, it's my turn to fulfill my promise, it's time to kill you!" Chen Nan looked at Emperor Yu!

Although he was only a cultivator in the early stage of Jindan!

But after being seen by Chen Nan's eyes, Yu Huang had a feeling of trembling!

He never thought that he, a powerhouse at the peak of the ninth layer of the Golden Pill Period, would feel panic and uneasiness in front of an ant in the early Golden Pill Period!

Without much thought, he directly ordered: "Why are you still stupid?" He just has a magic weapon that ignores the attack of the spell, and together with him, he must be cut by a thousand cuts! "


The seven powerhouses of the nine-layer realm of the Golden Pill Period sacrificed their long swords one after another, flew towards Chen Nan in the air, and launched a fierce attack!

They don't have a spirit weapon and can't fly with a sword!

But you can fly in the air at close range!

Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent, and a low drink came out of his mouth: "Sword come!" "

In an instant!

Nine swords came out in unison, turning into nine long rainbows of different colors in the air!

Fast as lightning, it instantly pierced the eyebrows of the seven nine-layer powerhouses of the Golden Pill Period!

Blood spilled into the sky!

The bodies of the seven people briefly stagnated in the air, and then fell towards the Qinglong Mountain below!

Seeing this scene, Emperor Yu's face completely changed, and his eyes were full of horror: "Why is your strength so strong?" "

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