The Heavenly Prison is heavily guarded!

As soon as Chen Nan walked to the Heavenly Prison, he felt a powerful aura!

There were as many as eight Yuan Infancy powerhouses guarding here!

He had no doubt that if someone came to rob the prison!

Without waiting for a shot, he will be mercilessly killed by the other party!


Not to mention that someone came to rob the prison, even a mouse could not enter the heavenly prison!

It can be said that it is extremely strict and solid!


But it was difficult for Chen Nan!

The Immortal Mansion turned into a speck of dust that was difficult to see with the naked eye and floated into the heavenly prison!

The Heavenly Dungeon is divided into eighteen floors!

And in the eighteenth floor space, eighty-one people from the Jia family were detained!

They wore special handcuffs and leg irons, and even if the cultivators wore them, their cultivation would be restricted!

"Little Thirteen, I shouldn't have let people bring you back!"

Jia Xiangan sighed deeply!

He is the patriarch of the Jia family and a strong man at the peak of the Golden Pill Period!

Letting his son Jia Xiu bring Jia Cui back was originally for the safety of their family, afraid that those strong people in hell would hurt them after leaving!

But I didn't expect it to hurt them!

"Father, don't blame you, if you want to blame, blame the Wuwangfu for deceiving people too much!" Jia Cui's face was full of sadness, the reason why she left the Ninth Party Small World back then, in the final analysis, was because she was remembered by the stupid son of the Wuwang Mansion!

Jia Xiangan knew that he was no match for the forces of King Wu's Mansion, which made people send their little daughter out of the small world number nine!

Which Cheng wanted to come back this time, the youngest son of King Wu's Mansion actually took a fancy to her two daughters!

"Grandpa, blame us for not wandering around the White Emperor City, otherwise we wouldn't have attracted the attention of the Martial King Mansion!" Chen Xiazhi's face was full of self-blame!

"Grandpa, we are willing to marry Shen Lang!" Chen Hanlu couldn't see any expression on his face, and he was willing to sacrifice himself to defend the Jia family!

Jia Xiangan said, "Girl, it's not your fault, even without you, the Wuwang Mansion has always been targeting our Jia family!" "

They just launched a revenge against my Jia family in advance, they want to overthrow His Majesty's rule and take advantage of our Jia family!"

"As for marrying Shen Lang..."

"You don't have to!"

"My Jia family's children are not greedy for life and afraid of death!"

"If your sister marries Shen Lang, won't it prove that our Jia family has relented to King Wu's Mansion?"

"If that's the case, how can we be worthy of the emperor's trust?"

The Jia family is the founder of the Kai Dynasty, and if they can bring down the Jia family, they will definitely be able to strengthen the power of the Wuwang Mansion!

Therefore, King Wu's mansion launched its revenge on the Jia family in order to test the pattern of the court!

The Jia family is nothing more than a test stone for King Wu's Mansion!

Chen Xiazhi's eyes were firm: "I believe that my brother will definitely come to rescue us, because whenever we encounter trouble, he will come as soon as possible!" Sitting

in the shadows, Jia Xiu smiled bitterly: "I don't deny that your brother is indeed a genius, but without me to guide him inside, he can't enter the small world at all!"

"What if I come?"

"Can he rival the eight Yuan Infancy powerhouses above?"

He is still more optimistic about Chen Nan!

If it weren't for that, he wouldn't have been given a flying sword when he left!

Although that flying sword was only an extremely high-grade magic weapon and could not reach the spirit weapon, it was extremely precious to him!

Without warning!

Chen Nan's voice echoed in the eighteenth layer of the Heavenly Prison: "Whether you can be defeated has nothing to do with whether you can enter here!" "



"What's the situation? Are you experiencing auditory hallucinations? Everyone


After they were locked up in the eighteen-layer Heavenly Prison, there were only eighty-one members of their family in this space!

And now!

But a strange voice appeared!

Chen Shan and his wife, and Chen Xiazhi, Chen Hanlu sisters are not dissatisfied, their faces are hot!


Without warning!

Chen Nan appeared in the Heavenly Prison out of thin air!

"Groove, the devil huh?"

Chen Nan's appearance out of thin air shocked everyone!

Especially Jia Xiu!

The pupils trembled, and horror was written in his eyes!

It wasn't just Chen Nan's means of appearing out of thin air, but also his cultivation!

It actually reached the golden pill period???

You know, when he went to Jeju himself, he was just a guy in the early days of foundation building!

It has only been more than half a year, and it has entered the golden pill period from the early stage of foundation building?

Open and hanging, right?


Even if it is opened, it cannot be so fast!

Unless it's a stepless variable speed hanging!

"Brother, why are you here?"

Chen Xiazhi threw himself into Chen Nan's arms excitedly!

Chen Hanlu's eyes were also full of surprise!

Not to mention Chen Shan and Jia Cui!

Although I don't know why my son came here, one thing is obvious, his strength is far more terrifying than they thought!

After greeting his parents and sister, Chen Nan looked at his mother: "Mom, don't you introduce the introduction?" "

Oooh, good, good, good!" Jia Cui came back to his senses in joy: "Dad, this is my son Chen Nan, Chen Nan, you have to call him grandpa..."

Then Chen Nan introduced everyone!

Although these people did not have any blood relationship with themselves, they were better than relatives to Chen Nan!

Whether they learned that hell had collapsed and went to the mortal world to pick up their parents and little sister!

Or the attitude towards them after picking it up!

All deserve his respect!

Jia Xiu asked, "Great nephew, why did you come in?"

Chen Nan did not hide it, spread out his right hand, and the Immortal Mansion slowly appeared in the palm, like a nine-story pagoda!

"This object is a spatial spirit treasure, it can be big or small, I controlled it to turn into dust and mix into the small world, mixed into the heavenly prison!" Chen Nan said, "I heard about the Jia family, everyone follows me into this spirit treasure, and I will take everyone out of here!" "

The emerald green glow is particularly striking in the dark heavenly dungeon, reflecting shocked faces!

Space Lingbao, this is a legendary treasure!

Who would have thought that Chen Nan actually got this kind of supreme treasure!

After returning to his senses, Jia Xiangan sighed lightly, his eyes full of complexity: "Chen Nan, you take your parents and little sister to leave, we... Can't go!

Jia Cui asked anxiously, "Father, why don't you leave with us?"

Jia Xiangan said, "My Jia clan is upright, worthy of the heavens at the top, and worthy of the people of Li at the bottom!" If we flee at this time, won't it prove that we are colluding with the remnants of the previous dynasty?

Chen Nan could see that he wanted to die, and his heart was very complicated, and he said softly: "Grandpa, as the old saying goes, leave Qingshan without worrying about firewood, we can collect evidence after we go out and clear our charges!" Jia

Xiangan smiled and said, "Do you think that if we go out, we can still be cleared of the crime?" Chen

Nan was speechless!

If they really leave this place, I am afraid that they will not be able to clear their charges by jumping into the Yellow River!

"Father, if you don't leave, your daughter will not leave!" Jia Cui had tears in her eyes: "My daughter has not been able to serve you and fulfill her filial piety all these years, how can I leave you and your clan to live at this time?"

Chen Xiazhi's eyes were red: "Mom, if you don't leave, we won't go!"

Chen Hanlu nodded repeatedly!

Chen Shan also said, "If you don't leave, then I won't go either!"

Chen Nan looked confused: "So, what is the meaning of my appearance?" "

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