He came here to save people!

He Cheng thought that no one would want to leave with him!

Jia Xiangan sighed lightly: "Thirteen, don't stay..."

Before he finished speaking, Jia Cui said, "Father, we are a family, and all of us eighty-one will either leave or stay!" If we leave one person, King Wu's Mansion will bite us for colluding with the remnants of the previous dynasty!"

"At that time, everyone will be executed!"

"On the contrary, if we stay, the Manchu courtiers are very likely to intercede for our Jia family!"

"There is a silver lining!"

They are both prosperous and detrimental!

Jia Cui's third brother, Jia Xingdao: "With King Wu's status in the imperial court, even if someone wants to ask for intercession, it is estimated that he will be assassinated by King Wu's people before the early dynasty!"

"Yes, the collusion between our Jia family and the remnants of the previous dynasty has actually been concluded!" It's just that King Wu wants to use this method to find out the people who are against him, and then kill them all!

"Blame me, you shouldn't let people bring your family of four, otherwise you won't encounter this kind of disaster!" Jia Xiang'an was full of guilt: "Chen Nan, although you don't have the blood of my Jia family flowing in your body, you are the adopted son of Little Thirteen!" It's not too much for the old man to call himself a grandfather!

"Listen to Grandpa, get out of here, and cultivate well!"

"If you can contend with King Wu one day, will you come and avenge us again?"

Chen Nan hesitated and said in a low voice: "Grandpa, I am in awe of your fearless sacrifice, speaking of which, we are two people of the same path!"

"We all want to use our lives to illuminate this darkness shrouded in power, want moths to fight fire, use our lives to illuminate the short dark night, and let more people stand up!"

"But we're different!"

"I won't let my loved ones go into danger with me!"

"It's cruel to them!"

Jia Xiangan: "Is there any?"

Chen Nan: "You ask them these children!" Jia

Xiangan looked at his grandchildren, as well as his great-grandchildren!

Without exception!

Everyone lowered their heads nervously!

Their three views have not yet taken shape!

So I don't understand what grandpa and grandpa think too!

Chen Nan picked up a child crawling on the ground, he looked like he was one or two years old: "Little one, tell me, what do you want to do?" The

little one said milkily: "Go out and play, go eat delicious!"

Chen Nan: "See?" Although he will also say things like living and dying with his family under your guidance, his true thought is to leave this dark heavenly prison, and he does not want to die! Jia

Xiangan's eyes were complicated: "However, we don't have a choice now!"

"I really don't have a choice!"

"I don't want them to die with me either!"

"I don't want them to die either!"

"But now, I have to be selfish once!"

"I'd rather be sorry for them than sorry for the people of the world!"

His face was full of pain and tears were pouring down!

"Our Jia family can get the gift of the emperor and give the Danshu iron coupon and the gold medal to avoid death, in order to support the dynasty and stabilize the Jiangshan society!"

"If we choose to flee at this time, it is equivalent to admitting collusion with the remnants of the previous dynasty!"

"If this is the case, it will definitely consolidate King Wu's position in the dynasty!"

"Our Jia family can't be ashamed of the world!"

"I can't be ashamed of my trust in the emperor!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Chen Nan: "If you were me, what would you do at this time?" "

That's a sharp question!

It's about the world!

Chen Nan was speechless!

If this happens to you!

I'm afraid I'll make the same choice as him!


Chen Nan waved his hand and took out the puppet on the second layer of the Immortal Mansion, handed it to Jia Xiangan, and said, "Grandpa, this is a sword immortal puppet, I have stored nine spirit stones in it, if I urge it with all my strength, I can exert the strength of the peak of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage!" "

There is such a treasure?"

"The peak of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage?"

"Oh my God, did I hear you right?"

Jia Xiangan and the Jia family all gasped!

It is said that King Wu is a powerhouse at the peak of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infancy Period!

If you have it, wouldn't you be able to compete with King Wu?

The idea was killed by them as soon as it flashed!

The reason why King Wu was able to power the ruling power was not only due to cultivation!

And the unparalleled strategy, the trick of power!

Even with this Sword Immortal Puppet, it may not be able to kill King Wu!

Ten thousand steps back, even if he can really kill King Wu!

What should those behind him do?

He is a big tree, unless he is directly uprooted, he cannot be destroyed at all!

"I left you this Sword Immortal puppet to protect your safety, as for the rest... Leave it to me, I'll find a way to find the Dan Book Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal!

He knew that the only way to save the Jia family was to find the Danshu Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal!

"Chen Nan, just finding the Danshu Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal is not enough to clear away the crime of colluding with the remnants of the previous dynasty by my Jia family!" Jia Xiang'an's face was solemn: "We must find the remnants of the former dynasty!" Although

he didn't think Chen Nan could take down King Wu!

But now, I can only pin all my hopes on Chen Nan!

Chen Nan asked, "Are there really remnants of the previous dynasty?" Jia

Xiang'an's face was full of humiliation: "Not only have, but also visited my Jia family!" At first, I only thought that they were cultivators in the cultivation world and wanted to give some help!

"But I never expected that they were the remnants of the previous dynasty!"

"If nothing else, they should have reached an agreement with King Wu!"

"Otherwise, it is impossible to explain that as soon as they left on the front foot, King Wu led the centaurs to kill the Jia family!"

The Jia family was the founding hero of the Great Yan Dynasty, and it was the ancestor of the Jia family who led the clansmen to break the gate of the palace regardless of life and death, and captured the emperor of the previous dynasty!

That battle established the status of the Jia family in the Great Yan Dynasty!

It has also become a thorn in the side of the remnants of the previous dynasty!

This time, the remnants of the former dynasty went to the Jia family as cultivators, which was clearly a deliberate revenge!

Then, the Jia family's Dan Book Iron Coupons and Death-Free Gold Medals were stolen!

This is clearly a long-planned conspiracy!

"I know!"

Chen Nan said and looked at his parents and two little sisters: "You guys stay here at ease first, with me, no one can hurt you!" "

Chen Nan has already thought about it!

If you can find the Danshu iron coupon, it is certainly good to be with the remnants of the previous dynasty!

But if you can't find this, then you have to take everyone out of here!

He would never allow his parents and little sister to become victims of the power struggle between the Jia family and the Wuwangfu!

Then Chen Nan quietly left the Heavenly Prison!

The priority is to find the Danshu iron ticket, the death-free gold medal, and the whereabouts of the remnants of the previous dynasty!

Although with a goal!

But he had no clue!

I don't know where to look for the Danshu Iron Ticket, the Death-Free Gold Medal, and the whereabouts of the remnants of the previous dynasty!


In the distance, the sound of a fierce fight reached his ears!

"How can anyone fight in White Emperor City?" Chen Nan frowned, feeling that things were not simple!

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