White Emperor City is the imperial capital of the Great Yan Dynasty!

It's heavily guarded!

The sound of fighting at this time is definitely a strange thing!

Under normal circumstances, no one would dare to make trouble here!


The remnants of the former dynasty whose identities have been determined!

Thinking of this, Chen Nan's eyes bloomed with dazzling essence!

"According to what my grandfather said, as soon as the former dynasty remnant left on the front foot, King Wu immediately brought people to kill the Jia family, so it can be inferred that the two forces of them must have reached some kind of agreement!"

"Now this situation can be seen that the two of them are most likely torn apart!"

"If I save the remnants of the former dynasty at this time, I can become evidence of the crime of bringing down King Wu!"

In a flash!

Chen Nan disappeared into the empty street!

The Immortal Mansion turned into a tiny speck of dust and floated towards the place of battle!

From a distance, he saw two late-Yuan Infancy powerhouses outside the East City Gate, fighting with a group of men in black!

Although there is also a late Yuan Infant powerhouse among the men in black!

But in terms of strength, equipment, it is far from the opponent's opponent!

In a moment's effort, there were only two of the more than ten men in black!

Even that late Yuan Infant powerhouse was seriously injured!

Seeing that their side was killed and injured heavily!

The Yuan Infancy powerhouse of the man in black grabbed the companion around him and directly teleported and disappeared into the air!


Those two Yuan Infancy powerhouses did not pursue!

"We can go back to life!" An Yuan Infancy powerhouse showed an intriguing smile!

Another humane: "This time we killed more than ten remnants of the former dynasty, we can confirm that the Jia family and the remnants of the former dynasty colluded with each other, as for this remnant of the former dynasty, and the princess!"

"Let's wait for the future, let them become stepping stones for Lord Wuwang!"

"Yes, Lord Wuwang needs a hard stepping stone!"

Right now!

The Yuan Infancy powerhouse who spoke first looked around suspiciously: "Geng Yin Daoyou, do you feel that it seems that a pair of eyes are watching us?" "

Hear this!

Chen Nan in the Immortal Mansion quickly withdrew his gaze!

I never expected that the alertness of the strong people in the Yuan infancy period was so high!

The loss is in the small world!

If it were in the world, he would have already shown up and killed the two!

And now, he was rejected by the rules of this small world Heavenly Dao!

You have to keep a low profile!

Especially before finding the Danshu iron coupon, the gold medal for avoiding death, and the evidence of the crime of King Wu and the remnants of the previous dynasty colluding to kill the Jia family, you must be low-key!

"Daoist friends think too much, I don't feel that someone is secretly watching us!"

"It should be that I have hallucinated, let's go, take these corpses, and go back to life!"

After the ------two of them left, Chen Nan

controlled the original way of Xianfu to return!

Didn't fly out of town!

Because, he had previously felt the breath of that Yuan Infancy powerhouse flying overhead!

Even if he teleports quickly, the Immortal Mansion is a rare immortal weapon, and anyone who comes close will be perceived!

"If I'm not mistaken, the other party should have sneaked into the White Emperor City with the idea of being dark under the lamp!"

"Even King Wu could not have imagined that the enemies they were chasing would hide under his nose!"

There's no denying it!

Chen Nan felt admiration for the resourcefulness of this remnant of the former dynasty!

Even he would not dare to return to White Emperor City in this situation!

Unless they have a mortal heart!

"Golden Boy, look for the location of that Yuan Infancy powerhouse just now!"

Chen Nan decisively ordered!

Because the other party flew above the Immortal Mansion, the Immortal Mansion had already locked their breath!

Even according to the world, not only can you locate, but you can even find it automatically!

A quarter of an hour later!

Immortal Mansion came to the slums north of the city!

As on Earth, wherever there are people, there is a gap between rich and poor!

Especially in this feudal society!

Low houses, everywhere there is a smell!

Because it was night, Chen Nan couldn't see anyone, but the rats on the street were hungry and covered in bones, and this alone showed that the environment here was very bad!

In the end, Chen Nan came to a remote corner where there was a small courtyard!

There are candlelights in the room!

The Immortal Mansion floated in through the crack of the door, and the scene in the room appeared in Chen Nan's eyes!

I saw an old man with silver hair sitting cross-kneeled, his face pale and his breath extremely weak!

Beside him, there is also a peerless and stunning beauty with a sinking fish and a wild goose!

"Master, how are you?" The woman's eyes were full of tears, full of concern!

Lu Zheng said weakly: "Your Royal Highness, I... I'm afraid I won't see the day when the Great Yang Kingdom will be restored... Ahem..." Speaking of this, he coughed up a mouthful of blood!

The breath is getting weaker!

It gives people a sense of déjà vu that the lamp will run out at any time!

"Blame me, blame me, we shouldn't cooperate with King Wu, if not, we won't let you be seriously injured, Master!" The tears in the woman's eyes burst instantly!

Her name is Yuye, and she is the only bloodline of the Great Yang Kingdom!

Because he wanted to overthrow the rule of the Great Yan Kingdom and avenge the country, he cooperated with King Wu!

King Wu had sworn to the heavens that as long as he helped him get rid of the Jia family, he would help them overthrow the Great Yan Kingdom!

But I never dreamed that after sending the Jia family to the heavenly prison, the other party would not believe what he said!

Not only did he deny the oath he had, but he even sent experts to kill them!

If it weren't for her bent desire for revenge, she wouldn't have plotted with King Wu and Tiger!

Lu Zheng's eyes were full of complexity: "Your Royal Highness doesn't need to blame yourself, this matter is not your fault, in the final analysis, we underestimated the strength of King Wu!"

"He should be the chosen son..." If not, he would not dare to ignore the oath he once made..."

Speaking of this, he coughed up two mouthfuls of blood and said, "Your Royal Highness, there is something..." I never knew whether to say it or not..."

Yu Ye was teary-eyed: "Master, what do you want to say?"

"Hundreds of years have passed since the Great Yang Kingdom was destroyed, so instead of clinging to the hatred of the past, why not let it go?" Lu Zheng said in a low voice: "You are different from other princes, you are a woman, even if you overthrow the rule of the Great Yan Kingdom, it will be difficult for Jiang Shan to pass it on!"

"You should be an ordinary person, find a beloved man, husband and godson, and live your life!"

"Instead of carrying a deep hatred of the sea of blood..."

Yu Ye showed a hateful gaze: "Master, how can you say such words?" If I give up the hatred in my heart, what is the point of living?

"But how can we avenge the destruction of the country?" Lu Zheng naturally wanted revenge, more than anyone else, because of this, he instilled her revenge when Yuye was young!

But now!

Their people are damned, all are dead!

Even if he is still alive, he has reached the end of the strong crossbow!

Once he died, how could he fight King Wu with only a cultivator in the early stage of the Golden Pill in Yuye?

How to fight the Great Yan Kingdom?

At this moment, a magnetic voice sounded: "I maybe, I can help you take revenge!" Lu

Ru was a great enemy: "Who is it?" "

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