Yuye's eyes were also full of shock!

I didn't expect someone to sneak in here!


Chen Nan pushed the door and entered, and appeared in the eyes of the two!

Although he can appear directly in front of the two eyes!

But, it doesn't seem necessary!

Can't expose the news that he has a spatial spirit treasure in front of the two!

After all, that thing is very likely to lead to killing!

"Who are you? Why is it here? "Yu Ye was like a great enemy, a black long sword appeared in his hand, and the icy sword qi instantly filled the entire room!

Chen Nan smiled and fiddled with the long sword around his neck with his fingers: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I can help you take down King Wu!"

Yu Ye said coldly, "A cultivator in the early stage of Jindan, do you think Princess Ben will believe your words?"

Chen Nan sat down very casually: "My cultivation is indeed not high, but against a strong man of the level of King Wu, can I defeat him by strength?"

"What the hell are you?" Lu Zheng asked in a low voice!

Although Chen Nan's cultivation is very weak!

But the other party is calm!

This courage alone cannot be underestimated!

Chen Nan: "I'm just a guest in this world!"

Lu Zheng frowned and asked weakly, "You are from the world?" If this is the case, why meddle in our grievances?

"My stepmother is from the Jia family!" Chen Nan: "Including her, my father and two little sisters are staying in Jia's house!" But because you framed the Jia family, the four of them were imprisoned in the heavenly prison!

"So, I'm not meddling in your fight with King Wu's Mansion and the Great Yan Imperial Court!"

Yu Ye said angrily, "You shouldn't want us to identify King Wu and collude with us to frame the Jia family, right?"

"If that's the case, I advise you to die this heart!"

"The Great Yan Dynasty certainly deserves to die, but the Jia family deserves to die even more!"

Although she did not see the killing with her own eyes!

But I also know that it was the ancestor of the Jia family who broke through the palace and captured her ancestors alive!

If not, the Dayang Dynasty would not have decayed!

Chen Nandao: "As an outsider, I am not qualified to judge the right or wrong of the ancestor of the Jia family, but as an outsider, I can see you being played by King Wu!"

"I don't know if you have ever wondered why King Wu's people didn't kill you?"

"He wants to get rid of the Jia family first and consolidate his position in the court and the public!"

"When the time is ripe, he is very likely to overthrow the emperor and sit in that position!"

"It's just that if he sits in that position, he will inevitably become a sinner under the world!"

"So, before that, he needs a stepping stone!"

"And you guys are the best choice!"

"If I were him... I should have arranged for some people to assassinate in your name!"

"It's better to kill the emperor, so that he can not only replace him, but even kill you and sit in that position with dignity!"

"So?" Yu Ye's eyes were full of cold light, although she did not put Chen Nan, a cultivator in the early stage of the Golden Pill, in her eyes, she also knew the character of King Wu!

He is very likely to do such a unconscionable thing!

If she hadn't seen King Wu with her own eyes, she would even think that Chen Nan was King Wu!

Chen Nandao: "In today's imperial court, only the Jia family can compete with King Wu's Mansion!"

"If you want to get rid of King Wu, you must rely on the Jia family, and even clear their grievances!"

Yu Ye sneered: "Our Yu family has three enemies, the Jia family, King Wu, and the Great Yan Imperial Court. According to the current situation, the only thing we can take down is the Jia family!

"So, why should we let the Jia family go and cooperate with you?"

"What if the bamboo basket ends up empty?"

Chen Nan's smile remained unchanged: "This is a multiple-choice question!"

"I know that you are completely sure that you have chosen to get rid of the Jia family!"

"And choosing to get rid of King Wu and the Great Yan Dynasty has too many unknown risks!"

"But life is never a choice question!"

"If I were you, I would definitely gamble!"

"Because you and I both know that even if the ancestor of the Jia family hadn't broken through the palace door of your Dayang Dynasty back then, someone else would have broken it open!"

"This is a fixed number!"

"No dynasty can prosper forever!"

"The change of dynasties is like the fallen leaves of a tree!"

"So, why are you obsessed with the fact that the ancestor of the Jia family broke the palace door?"

"You're just looking for a soft persimmon because you're incompetent!"

"Comfort your ancestors and ancestors with this deed!"

"After all, you are not King Wu's opponent at all, let alone overthrow the Great Yan Dynasty!"

Chen Nan's words were like a sharp knife, directly piercing into the hearts of the two!

Although they never thought that dealing with the Jia family was picking soft persimmon pinches!

But isn't that the case?

They are furious!

After all, this man said in public that they were incompetent!


But I couldn't find any words to refute it!

Chen Nan continued, "Maybe you have a deep hatred with the Jia family, but as the old saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend!"

"At this time, you should join forces with the Jia family to fight the enemy!"

"Instead of helping King Wu destroy the Jiang family, let him consolidate his position in the dynasty!"

"And as far as I know, King Wu has been suppressing your people all these years!"

"Thousands of people have been killed, right?"

"His hands are covered in blood, don't you want to kill him?"

He paused and continued, "Besides, don't you guys feel that biting King Wu back at this time is a very relieved thing?"

"After all, he regards you as a minions to bring down the Jia family, and if you can bite him back at this time, it will definitely make him defenseless!"

Lu Zheng thought thoughtfully: "What you said makes some sense!"

Chen Nan nodded undeniably: "I also feel that what I said is very reasonable!"

Lu Zheng whispered, "But how can we trust you?" How can you, a cultivator in the early stage of Jindan, bring down the mighty tree of King Wu? "

To put it bluntly, I still don't trust Chen Nan!

After all, this is an era of the law of the jungle and the winner is king!

"Her Royal Highness can cut me with your long sword, if you can hurt me in the slightest, I have nothing to say, you can leave now!" Chen Nan had a confident smile on his face!

Maybe if you come here, you will be ostracized by the rules of Heaven's Dao!

But his physical body is comparable to a spirit weapon!

Yu Ye hesitated, and slashed a sword at Chen Nan's shoulder!


The long sword broke open, emitting a sharp sound of breaking wind!


When it landed on Chen Nan's shoulder, there was a sound of metal colliding!

Yu Ye withdrew his right hand in shock, feeling a faint pain in the mouth of the tiger!

Lu Zheng also gasped!

I never dreamed that Chen Nan, a cultivator in the early stage of Jindan, would have such a terrifying body!

Mo said he saw it with his own eyes!

Even in ancient books, I have never seen this kind of demon!

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "Can you trust my strength now?"

Lu Zheng took a deep breath and revealed a sinister smile: "Young man, thank you for sending a powerful body, this body of yours is about to belong to old age!"

Chen Nan's face changed drastically: "What do you mean?"

"Don't you know that a strong person in the Yuan Infancy period can take away his soul?" Lu Zheng's eyes emitted a ghostly light, and his soul was out of his body, and he instantly entered Chen Nanzhihai...

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