Shock in the wilderness!

People are restless!

The fact that Shen Fei was the son of King Ning shocked countless people!

This subverts people's three views!

After all, Shen Fei is the commander of the palace forbidden army, and he is the third son of King Wu!

This matter is known to the whole world!

But who would have thought that he would say that he was King Ning's son?

"Shen Fei, do you know what you're talking about? Do you know what you're doing? Shen Lang roared with anger on his face!

He didn't expect that Shen Fei betrayed his father at this time!

And it is also said that it is the son of King Ning!

Shen Fei said angrily: "Of course I know what I am talking about, and I also know who my father is!"

"Not only that, but I also know that Shen Duantian killed my mother and brother when my mother gave birth, and then took me away secretly!"

"I've gone deep into my mother's graveyard and done a blood confession!"

"Are you really me?"

King Ning's face was full of nervousness!

A few days ago he received a summons message!

Say that Shen Fei is his son!

He didn't believe it at all!

Because he had no idea that his wife was pregnant with twins!

He originally wanted to come to White Emperor City for the first time!

But what is written in the summons is very clear, let him appear again when King Wu ascends the throne!

At that time, he knew that there was a high-ranking person who arranged a bureau!

A game with King Wu as a pawn!

"Wang Ye, I have already seen it with the Hope Qi Technique, he is indeed your son!" An old man behind King Ning spoke!

King Ning burst into tears, but he didn't expect that he still had a son!

And still such a good person!

But thinking of the tragic death of his wife and another son at the hands of King Wu, a strong anger burst out in his heart: "King Wu, your methods are cruel and you have lost your conscience, what qualifications do you have to sit on the throne with your character?"

"If the rivers and mountains fall into your hands, the people of Li will definitely live in misery!"

King Wu sneered: "Although I don't know how Shen Fei learned of his life, but even so, what can he do?"

"Do you think you can defeat me?"

"Since you father and son cannot be turned against each other, then I will send your father and son to Huangquan together!" When the words fell, he waved his big hand and said directly to Shen Cong: "Kill them!"

Shen Cong grinned, "I'm sorry, I can't listen to your orders!" As

soon as these words came out, they shocked everyone!

No one expected that even Shen Cong would refuse King Wu's order!

King Wu was even more furious: "Even you want to betray me? Shen

Cong appeared beside Shen Fei and stood side by side with him!

"Shen Duantian, just as the so-called people are watching the sky, do you really think you can keep all the secrets?" Shen Cong's face was full of anger: "You think I don't know my background?

"Could it be that His Royal Highness is not a descendant of Queen Wu?"

"Oh my God, this can't be!"

The crowd was full of discussion, and their eyes were full of shock!

Shen Cong said, "My surname is Lu, and I am a descendant of the previous prime minister!"

"Eighty years ago, King Wu sent someone to kidnap me from my father's side!"

"He did this for the same purpose as the third man!"

"I want to wait for my father to attack White Emperor City, let us father and son kill each other!"

"It's a pity that people are not as good as heavenly calculations, and these things you do can't be concealed at all!"

King Wu's face was gloomy!

Shen Cong and Shen Fei's mutiny was unexpected to him!

He always thought that he could play the world in the palm of his hand!

But he never dreamed that the two sons living under his nose would bite him fiercely!

"Did you kill You Jin?" King Wu gritted his teeth and asked!

There were only a handful of people who knew about that, so he thought of the missing You Jin!

Shen Cong: "Yes, it was You Jin who told me this, if not, we would always live in the lies you madeup!"

King Wu asked puzzled, "I don't understand one thing, since you know your background, why do you still want to challenge Lang'er?" Why did your people pretend to have taken refuge in the Lang'er in the first place?

Shen Cong grinned: "If you want to gain your trust, you must not make some sacrifices, and you must not accompany your father and son to act in a play?"

King Wu showed a playful smile: "I want to know, who is the protagonist of this scene?"

"Naturally it's my father, Lu Zheng!" Speaking of this, Shen Cong looked at Chen Nan!

This moment!

Chen Nan became the focus of the eyes of the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu!

He became the right face of today at a young age, which in itself made countless people feel puzzled and curious!

Even if he is a strategist of Shizifu, he cannot become a right minister in terms of seniority!

King Wu's eyes showed incredulity: "Is he your father? "

Everyone else has a tingling scalp too!

Chen Nan is obviously younger than Shen Cong!

Shen Cong said, "His name is Chen Nan, but his soul has been taken away by my father!" "

Everyone is relieved!

The strong in the Yuan infancy period can take away the souls of others, this is known to the world!

At the same time, King Wu also understood why Chen Nan was almost a demon!

The feelings are all because of Lu Zheng!

Thinking of this, he grinned: "It's funny, it's really funny, as a son of man, you actually took your father to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!"

"Not only that, but he even arranged two banshees for your father!"

"What a thoughtful service you are!"

"It's really filial piety!"

"Filial piety is dead!"

Shen Cong was furious, but he didn't know how to refute it!

Because taking Chen Nan to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave was the thing he regretted the most in his life!

At this time, Chen Nan's voice sounded: "Okay, don't pretend, I have a showdown, in fact, I am from the world!"

"It's not Lu Zheng!"

"Lu Zheng died, and there was an accident when he took me!"

"You're not my father?" Shen Cong's face was stunned!

He has always regarded Chen Nan as his biological father!

But I didn't expect that my father had an accident when he took the house!

Everyone else feels like their heads are a little inadequate!

Today's melon is a bit much!

Chen Nandao: "Your father was besieged by two strong men under King Wu and was seriously injured. Although he tried to take me, something happened to him!

"But why are you pretending to be my father?" Shen Cong's eyes were torn, and he couldn't wait to cut Chen Nan by a thousand cuts!

Chen Nan: "King Wu colluded with your people to murder the Jia family, and I need someone to testify about this."

"Your former princess is the best witness, and as for your appearance, I didn't expect it!"

"However, your appearance has also helped me a lot!"

"If not, my plan would not have gone so smoothly!"

"Of course, you don't need to think ill of me, because we have the same enemy!"

King Wu narrowed his eyes slightly: "So, the reason why their brothers attacked the prince, and the rebellion of his subordinates, was all planned by you?" Chen

Nan: "Yes, this is all within my plan, and my purpose in doing this is to gain your trust and obtain the whereabouts of the Danshu Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal!"

"To prove the innocence of the Jia family!"

King Wu was angry: "But so what? "

Xu is the lord of the world!"

"Whether the Jia family is guilty or not has the final say!"

"Even if you get the Dan Book Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal, what is the use?"

"Who said you are the Lord of the World?"

Without warning, a sound that made the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu's scalp tingle sounded!

Immediately afterwards, Qinjing Emperor Shen Ao appeared in the eyes of everyone wearing a dragon robe!

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