Shen Ao's appearance was like an extraterrestrial meteorite falling on a calm lake!

Instantly caused an uproar!

"Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty, are you still alive?"

"Oh my God, am I right?"

The faces of the courtiers were all shocked, and they couldn't accept this matter at all!

Because they watched Shen Ao be buried!

Who would have thought he was still alive?

The most shocking is King Wu!

His face was full of anger, and his body even erupted with the breath of a peak powerhouse in the Yuan Infancy Stage!

"King Wu, you colluded with the remnants of the previous dynasty to frame Zhongliang!"

"Not only that, but you also stole the Dan Book Iron Ticket and the Death-Free Gold Medal!"

"Even let people kill Xu and seize the world of Xuan!"

"The sins you have committed are unforgivable, what is there to say now?"

Shen Ao is just an ordinary person, but he has the momentum of a king!

King Wu looked at Chen Nan gloomyly: "You obviously poisoned Shen Ao, this waste, but why is he still alive?"

"Be bold!"


"Shen Duantian, you dare to insult Your Majesty?"

The courtiers in the dynasty were furious!

Even if King Wu has ascended the throne, in their hearts, Shen Ao is the lord of the world!

Now that he is back, the world is naturally his!

And everyone can see that this is a chess game against King Wu!

Even if he completed all the procedures of the enthronement ceremony before, he was just a jumping beam clown!

"Those corpses you saw before are just puppets!" Chen Nan said quietly!

It's not that hard to make an ordinary humanoid puppet!

Although he has not learned, the golden boy is proficient in this art!

Because of this, he came to hide the sky and cross the sea!

"High, really high!"

King Wu laughed: "Chen Nan, Chen Nan, I really admire you, you play me, Shen Ao, and the people of the world in the palm of your hand, in order to make it difficult for me to ride a tiger at this time, right?"

"If I kneel at this time, you will get rid of me without much effort!"

"If I openly resist, I will be a sinner under the world!"

"Even if I become the lord of this world, I can't wash away the word anti-thief!"

Chen Nan: "Yes!"

"Those who become great things are not informal, as long as they can win the world, even if they are enemies of the world?" King Wu sneered: "You think you won me? Don't be so naïve!

"My means are not what you can imagine!" When the words fell, he snapped his fingers!

Wu Mei, wearing a long red dress, appeared in front of the main hall!

King Wu smiled and said, "Know her, right?" Do you know that your divine soul has been controlled by her? As long as I give an order, you will be controlled by me!


Chen Nan also snapped his fingers!

At the same time!

A dazzling light bloomed in Wu Mei's body!

A faint crisp cracking sound sounded inside her!




King Wu let out a piercing scream: "How can you destroy my beast ring? "

Wu Mei is the sharpest knife under him!

Even if the people of the world are enemies of him, he is not afraid!

But now!

Wu Mei is out of his control!

"Thank you Young Master Chen for your life-saving grace, from now on you will be the benefactor of my fox clan!" Wu Mei bowed to Chen Nan, and then looked at King Wu: "Actually, when Young Master Chen went to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, he left a mark in my body!"

"All of you deserve to die!"

King Wu is furious!

What happened today is beyond his imagination!

It made him extremely angry!

"National Master, break the formation, I will drive out and kill all these people who are enemies with me!" King Wu let out a thunderous roar, and the aura of the peak of the Yuan Infancy period was unreserved, which made the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu tremble!

Even if King Wu reached the point of betrayal and separation of everyone!

But after all, he is a super strong person at the peak of the Yuan Infancy Period!

Once this kind of person is angry, his corpses will be all over the field and blood will flow like rivers!

Wu Mei giggled and said, "It's useless, he has been to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, and he has already been controlled by the little woman!" "


King Wu almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood!

He really didn't expect that even Hengji, the master he valued the most, had been to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

Is that place really that much fun?

King Ning spoke: "Shen Duantian committed a crime, intending to rebel, colluding with the remnants of the previous dynasty, and the crime committed was unreasonable, come to someone, kill him!" "


Shen Fei was the first to draw his long sword!

The moment the sword pointed at King Wu, the Yulin Army erupted into a deafening slaughtering sound!

"Kill him!"

Shen Cong also pulled out his long sword!

Although he didn't like Chen Nan pretending to be his father, he knew that his father had died at the hands of King Wu!

Moreover, King Wu has killed too many of his people over the years!

Kill King Wu no matter what!


Although King Wu betrayed and left, there was a group of dead soldiers around him!

These people are led by the order of King Wu!

Although there are only eighteen people, their strength is terrifying, even in the face of Yulin Army and Qinglong Wei, they will not fall behind!

"Shen Ao, you shouldn't come back!"

King Wu walked towards Shen Ao step by step, and the breath on his body was like a volcano erupting: "This river and mountain is mine, no one can take it away in my hands, and you are no exception!"

"Since you come back and send you to death, then I will fulfill you!"

Shen Cong said angrily: "We are all in the formation, our cultivation is equal, who gave you the confidence to let you say such words?" "

Shen Duantian, take your life!"

Shen Fei's sword pointed at Shen Duantian and killed with a sword!

"Get out!"

Shen Duantian roared angrily, raised his hand and spit out blood from his mouth and flew out more than ten meters away!

"Shen Duantian, eat my sword!"

Shen Cong held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and swept a thousand troops and slashed towards Shen Duantian!

"I taught you all your spells, kill me? Do you have this qualification? Shen Duantian's eyes froze, and he slapped out a slap in the air, and the blood that hit Shen Cong did not stop!

"It's not good, Shen Duantian has practiced the exercises of refining the body, even if he is in the formation, but the physical body is extremely terrifying, we are afraid it will be difficult for us to kill him!" Behind King Ning, a Yuan Infancy powerhouse had a solemn face!

Cultivators are all cultivators of Taoist spiritual methods and spells!

But very few people practice the exercises of refining the body!

Because master duels are often instantaneous!

No hand-to-hand combat at all!

And now, Shen Duantian has the absolute upper hand!

"Protect Your Majesty's safety no matter what!" King Ning blocked in front of Shen Ao, and the two Yuan Infancy powerhouses behind him killed Shen Duantian!

Both of them have late Yuan Infant cultivation, plus they hold medium-grade spirit weapons, and they think they can fight with Shen Duantian inextricably!

But everyone didn't expect that Shen Duantian was like a heavenly god possessed!

With just a long sword in his hand, he could withstand the attack of those two Yuan Infancy powerhouses!

Not only that, but it even hit the two hard!

"I said, no one can resist me inheriting the throne!"

"Heavenly King Laozi can't even come!"

Shen Duan Tianyi was furious!

This moment!

Everyone panicked!

Whether it is the Manchu Dynasty Wen Wu!

King Ning!

And Shen Ao's face was full of panic!

The power of King Wu subverted their imagination!

It's just the right time!

Chen Nan appeared in front of King Ning and Shen Ao like a ghost!

He held a reluctant cigarette in his mouth, and his calm face was full of indifference: "You seem to have ignored my existence, I am the protagonist who controls the chessboard!" "

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