"Just because of you, you also want to resist King Ben?" King Wu's face was full of mockery

! A cultivator of the Golden Pill Period

! He didn't put it in his eyes at all!

Chen Nan took out a lighter and lit the cigarette in his mouth, and then smoked with a face full of intoxication: "It's not difficult to stop

you!" "It's easy to kill you

!" "Arrogant to the extreme!" King Wu snorted coldly: " Ben Wang is also a peak powerhouse in the Yuan Infancy Period, even if he can't exert his strength in the Yuan Infancy Stage in the formation, but cutting you is like probing for something!" When

the words fell, he slapped a palm towards Chen

Nan! The palm wind roared, emitting a piercing sonic boom

! See this scene

! Everyone held their breath! King

Wu is a master of refining the body, don't talk about Chen Nan with one palm with all his strength, even a strong person in the Yuan Infancy stage has to vomit blood

! And at this moment!

Chen Nan moved

! He punched out

! A simple straight punch collided with King Wu's fist

! Boom! In an instant!

A terrifying wave of qi crushed in all directions! King

Wu fell back more than ten meters under this blow, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth

! Look back at Chen Nan

! Standing there unharmed!


"How can this guy's physical body be so terrifying

?" "Oh my God, is he really a cultivator in the Golden Pill Stage realm?" Countless people's

hearts rose with monstrous waves

! Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they didn't believe that Chen Nan actually punched

King Wu away! "I underestimated you, but I have survived the existence of six or nine heavenly tribulations, can your physical body be comparable to King Ben?" King Wu stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then rushed towards Chen Nan again!


Nan stood there quietly, and then punched to meet it

! Boom

! The impact was like thunder

! Everyone retreated to the front of the hall to watch the fight between the two

! At this time, Yu Lin Jun and Qinglongwei had already eliminated the eighteen dead soldiers of King Wu!

Even Shen Lang was captured alive by them

!"This guy's strength is really terrible, no wonder his father will fail to take the sacrifice!" Shen Cong's heart could not be calmed

! He felt that he should hate Chen Nan

! But seeing his resourcefulness

! and the strength he displayed

! He found that he couldn't hate it at all!

"King Wu, is your strength so weak, why can't even my defense be broken?"

King Wu was furious: "The surname

Chen, you are happy too early!" He attacked while saying: "There is something you may not know, I have already sent people to the Heavenly Prison, if nothing else, the eighty-one members of the Jia clan are now dead

!" "You don't know anything about my background!" Chen Nan's face was full of disdain, he didn't know if what King Wu said was true, even if he really sent someone to the Heavenly Prison, so what?

He left behind a sword immortal puppet

of the Yuan Infancy Stage! And it can burst out the cultivation of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage! Mo said that the few strong people guarding the prison can even kill King Wu in seconds

! At the same time, ------

at the same time,

an old man named Baishi appeared on the eighteenth floor of the Heavenly Prison! He

is the hall master of the Xuanji Gate and has the cultivation of the middle Yuan Infant Stage!

His appearance made the Jia family inexplicably nervous, you must know that this is the first time that a master has appeared since they were imprisoned here

! If nothing else, it should be King Wu who wants to get rid of them

! Bai Shi spoke: "Patriarch Jia, Your Majesty has a decree to send you to the prefecture!" "

Brother Bai, you really want to kill everything? Have you forgotten our friendship?" Jia Xiangan looked complicated, he and Bai Shi had been intersecting for a hundred years, and they had practiced together and exchanged ideas!

But he didn't expect that the other party turned out to be King Wu's person, and he also betrayed the friendship between them!

Bai Shi said: "Patriarch Jia, you don't understand the principle of choosing trees to live, now that King Wu has inherited the throne, it is the destiny of heaven."


Xiangan sighed lightly and said, "Brother Bai, for the sake of our hundred years of intersection, I won't kill you, you go!" Bai

Shi once thought that he had hallucinations, and said with a smile: "What did you just say?

Mo said that you are still wearing special handcuffs and leg irons, even if you don't have handcuffs and leg shackles on your body, you

are not my opponent, right?" "Jia Xiang'an has the cultivation

of the Yuan Infant Layer! Compared with Bai Shi

, there is a world of difference!"You are right, I am indeed not your opponent, but the means to cut you are still there!" Speaking of this, with a wave of his right hand, the Yuan Infant Sword Immortal Puppet given by Chen Nan appeared in the Heavenly Prison!

It's just a puppet, and I want to kill it..."

Before the words were finished, the sword fairy puppet slashed at

Baishi with a sword! The sword light pierced

through the void, leaving a blood line in his eyebrows

! Then Baishi's consciousness turned into nothingness

! The whole body was even divided in two

! He never expected that the Jia family still had such a powerful method!

"Father, the strength of this puppet is too strong, right?"

Jia Xiang'an nodded

! He just let this puppet emit

the strength of the seventh layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage! If the strength of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infancy stage is brought into play, a sword should be able to split the entire Heavenly Dungeon, right?

Under Jia Xiangan's order, the Sword Immortal Puppet cut off the handcuffs and leg shackles on their bodies, and then said: "Since King Wu wants to ascend the throne, then we don't need to have other worries, kill the heavenly prison, and prevent King Wu from ascending the throne!"

"Kill!" The

Jia family all killed the heavenly prison with the help of the sword fairy puppet as if they had beaten chicken blood, and then went in the direction

of the palace! Of course

, only the cultivators

went! Ordinary people like Chen Shan, Jia Cui, Chen Xiazhi, Chen Hanlu and others hid

! Because they knew that even if they went, they would only become a burden!


the palace!

In front of the main hall

! "Death, give me death!" King Wu roared angrily, his long hair was very messy, and the whole person was like a violent lion

! He used his life's strength to fail to break through Chen Nan's defenses

! This was a great shame for him

! Chen Nan threw out a punch, and the King of Wu spit out blood and flew out tens of meters!

"Why, he is just an outsider, why don't you help me kill him, do you really want to let him be an outsider to bully your people?" King Wu looked at the sky angrily, and a strong resentment rose in his heart

! Click

! A thunder descended on the large array above the palace without warning! The

formation that shrouded the palace disappeared instantly, and it was impossible to withstand the bombardment of the heavenly thunder!

The next moment, King Wu burst into loud laughter: " The formation has disappeared, Xuan's strength has returned to its peak, who can kill me now?"

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