At first, Chen Nan's speed was still very fast

, even if the cold qi could invade his body, but he was physically strong after all

! But as time passed, the expression on his face became a lot heavier

! Because this cold qi could not only invade his body, but even affect his steps!

Taking a deep breath, he urged the power of the golden pill in his body to dispel some of the chill in his

body! But even so, he can't completely isolate the cold qi between heaven and earth!

This cold qi is too terrifying, and it is simply not something that human beings can bear

!" "I have experienced nine heavenly thunder quenching bodies, and even taken thunder spirit liquid, and the strength of my physical body can completely exceed the Yuan Infancy stage, and even the strong people in the out-of-body stage!"

He gritted his teeth and walked out of this icy land as fast as he could, as his body began to stiffen

! But the next moment

! The scene in front of him changed! Before it was ice and snow

! and now

! In front of him is a suspension

bridge! On both sides of the suspension bridge are boiling magma!


Nan, who had just walked out of the extremely cold place, instantly turned into water vapor, shrouding his whole person! Not

only did the chill in his body turn into water vapor

! He even felt that the blood in his body was evaporating rapidly!

Because there is a dried corpse on

the suspension bridge in front of him!" "This place is really a murderous place, and I have been in the ice and snow for almost

half an hour!" "Now I only have an hour and a half to reach the top of the mountain

!" "I must be able to cross the suspension bridge in the shortest time

!" "If I wait until the runes flicker, I will most likely explain here!" Chen

Nan quickly flew over the suspension bridge!

The deeper he went into the front, the more terrifying the temperature became, causing his skin to turn red and have a burning feeling

! But

! He didn't look back! He didn't

even look back

! Just went forward bravely

! Suddenly

! A dragon groan echoed in this world

! It shook Chen Nan's eardrums and tingled

! The next moment!

A fire dragon appeared in the boiling magma

! The fire dragon appeared above the suspension bridge

! The body was nearly a kilometer long, and the huge dragon's head was like a truck

! The cold eyes looked at

Chen Nan! An unprecedented sense of oppression rushed to his face

! "You give me death!" Chen

Nan roared

! He jumped into the air and slammed forward with a punch!

The void trembled, giving people the feeling that it would be annihilated at any time

! The next moment! The

fire dragon was beaten and emitted a deafening dragon groan

! Chen Nan angered it

! It angrily spewed a

dragon breath fire! The temperature is very high

! It can melt steel

! Even spirit weapons

! But Chen Nan is not afraid!

He passed through the dragon breath fire!

Although the clothes on his body turned to ashes

, he was unscathed

! "Give me death!"

Chen Nan smashed a punch on the lower jaw of the fire dragon! Boom! The

fire dragon flew directly into

the air! In an instant

! Chen Nan jumped into the air and appeared above

the fire dragon! A punch smashed on the dragon's head

! The fire dragon

let out a heart-rending scream, and then fell down the magma, stirring up flames in the sky!

At this time, Chen Nan was already gasping for breath

! The temperature here itself is terrifying, not to mention fighting with

the fire dragon! Fortunately, he can still endure

! He quickly passed on the suspension bridge

! and finally crossed the sea of fire

! At this time, he had appeared halfway up the mountain, and he was only a third of the distance from the top of the Immortal Mountain!

"I wasted almost an hour just before and after!"

"Although there is still a third of the way in front of him

!" "But if you want to climb to the top and remove the runes, I am afraid it is not so easy!" He

picked some medicinal herbs and weeds at random, put them directly in his mouth and chewed them!

But it can also slightly alleviate his current state

!"Young man, congratulations on coming here!" Without


, a white-robed figure appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes

! He had a childlike appearance, holding a whisk, giving people a feeling of fairy wind Dao bones

! Although it was only a phantom, it exuded a powerful aura!

"What are you?"

Chen Nan couldn't calm down in his heart!

Didn't it mean that there were no creatures above the Immortal

Mountain, how could there still be a phantom?

"I am a mountain guard!" Chen

Nan was relieved, and then said: "Senior is trying to prevent me from climbing the Immortal Mountain?"

The mountain guard: "The rules here stipulate that once you enter the Immortal Mountain, no one can leave unless the rune is removed!"

"But you are an exception!" Chen

Nanle said: "Then why did the senior let me leave?

Despite this, his pace did not slow down, and he still walked towards the mountain!

The mountain guardian continued: "As of today, a total of 3,528 people have come to Immortal Mountain, wanting to remove the runes to obtain opportunities

!" "The weakest of them have reached the peak of the Yuan Infancy stage

!" "They think they can't break through the shackles and want to fight to the death!"

There is even a master at the peak of the Mahayana period


"It's the one on the suspension bridge

!" "He is the only one who has broken through the extremely cold place

!" "But he is very disappointed, he failed to break through the sea of fire!" Chen

Nan asked: "What do you want to say?"

To be precise, it's not

something you can touch now!" "Maybe you can come here in tens of millions of years to uncover the runes

!" "But not now

!" Chen Nan shook his head, his eyes were firm: "Ten million years is too long, I only compete for the day!" The

mountain guardian sighed lightly: "Young man, this thing involves a lot of ancient secrets, you can't grasp it!" Speaking of this

, with a wave of his right hand, a space-time passage appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes: " If you want to leave, turn around and walk out of the Immortal Mountain!" Chen

Nan raised his head to look at him and asked calmly, "If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, what is the meaning of practice?"

Chen Nan passed in front of him, without turning his head, and resolutely headed towards the top of the mountain...

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