The closer he got to

the top of the mountain

, the more difficult Chen Nan's steps became

! as if he was carrying

a mountain on his back! He knew that this was the divine power emitted by the runes on the top

of the mountain! Poof! With every step, the earth under his feet would crack

! "Are you really a Golden Pill Stage cultivator?" The mountain guardian followed behind him like a revenant!

Although it was just a phantom, his eyes revealed too much shock,

because he knew that a cultivator could not go here

! But Chen Nan showed a terrifying talent! Chen Nan

: "I don't know what realm I am!"


After all

, I have Jindan!" "If not, I have survived the Nine Nine Tribulations!" The

mountain keeper exclaimed: "Are you a heavenly forsaken?"

This is the second time Chen Nan has heard this name!

The mountain guardian is unbelievable: "Impossible, it is impossible for

the Heavenly Forsaken to carry the Nine-Nine Tribulation, no one can survive the Heavenly Tribulation!" Chen Nan grinned: "Scatter the Tribulation Cloud, won't you be able to survive the Heavenly Tribulation?" After

a pause, Chen Nan said: "Senior, what is a Heavenly Forsaken?"

The mountain guardian was stunned and said, "The fate of the heavenly forsaken is ill-fated, and he has been separated from his parents since childhood, if you are a heavenly forsaken, you can't have parents

!" "My mother is a stepmother!" Chen Nan: "But father... It must be his biological

father, and he is in this realm!" The mountain guardian looked at Chen Nan, vainly trying to see through his fate, but the heavenly forsaken is not a mortal after all, his life is strange and unpredictable

! After a moment of silence, he spoke: "Your

father is not in this realm!" "If I believe you, I will be a fool!" Chen Nan snorted angrily, his father Chen Shan is in White Emperor City, this old guy is very bad, his words cannot be believed!

Chen Nan ignored him at all, rested for a moment and continued to walk towards the top

of the mountain! According to his calculations, there are still about twenty minutes before the next flicker of

the rune! He now has to climb to the top of the Immortal Mountain

! Time passes

! Chen Nan is only more than ten meters away from the top

of the mountain! At this time, he can clearly see a palm-sized rune!

The golden rune paper and scarlet runes are extremely mysterious

! But it is these ten meters

! He feels extremely

difficult! Every step is extremely difficult and laborious

! Even if he has experienced the Nine Nine Tribulations,

but now his body has also cracked

! There are small cracks!

and golden red blood oozing out!"

There is still half a column of incense before the rune lights up, if you regret it at this time, I can still let you go!" The mountain guard spoke!

He could see that Chen Nan had reached the realm of the end of the strong crossbow




Nan didn't move forward again

! He needed to adjust his state, and then uncover the runes in one go

! Seeing Chen Nan's physical body heal quickly, the mountain guards were shocked: "What a terrifying degree of recovery!" He

knew that this place was not something that a truth cultivator could set foot in!

It is very likely that the body will disintegrate and die

! And Chen Nan not only withstood the power of the rune, but even recovered his injuries in a short time

! The Heavenly Forsaken is really terrifying

! But

even so, he didn't think that Chen Nan would be able to remove the

rune! Because the moment the rune lit up, even the Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse had to be dispersed!

"It's now!"

When he saw that the rune in front of him had completely extinguished its brilliance

, a flash of essence flashed in Chen Nan's eyes! He knew that the rune was extinguished in order to burst out a dazzling divine light in the next moment

! This was his chance

! Without much thought, he gritted his teeth and flew towards the top of the mountain with a stride

! But just when he appeared in front of the rune and was within reach!

The mountain

keeper sighed: "Let you leave, but you don't listen, it's a pity,

it's a pity!" "Wait!"

"How can there be a familiar breath on him

?" "What is the yellow light that shrouds his body?"


Forsaken, why does a heavenly forsaken

have the power of merit?" "This son has the resources to become holy!" The

figure of the mountain guardian flickered on and off, looking like a lamp that would go out at any time!

But it shouldn't appear in a heavenly forsaken

! "If true, the power of merit can counteract the divine power

of the rune!" Chen Nan came back to his senses

! Although he is not afraid of death, he is not an impulsive guy

! If he were not absolutely sure, he would not have

come here to make a personal risk! The reason why he dared to come here to expose the rune boils down to two points

! First, he had a lifelong friendship with the dragon mastiff!

Although it is only the mountain protection spirit beast of Kunlun Mountain

! But you have to ask Chen Nan who he believes in the most

! It is the dragon mastiff! Because the immortal mansion on his body is the opportunity brought to

him by the dragon mastiff! Since the dragon mastiff let him reveal the charm, then naturally it has its intention!


smiled and stretched out his hand and unveiled the rune under the shocked eyes of the mountain guards

! In an instant,

auspicious clouds floated

in the night sky! It was full of colors

! It was like a fairyland on earth

! A vision descended from the sky! A real

dragon and a phantom of a divine phoenix soaring can be seen in the sky!

At the same time, the Immortal Mountain also emitted a tremble! At

the same time

, the cultivators of this piece of heaven and earth all looked in the direction of the Immortal Mountain

! There was an inexplicable throbbing

! and I felt that the spiritual energy between heaven and earth was much richer

! "Senior, what is the use of this rune?" Chen Nan looked at the mountain guard!

The mountain guardian's eyes were complicated: " This rune is actually a curse, even if you remove it, there will not be much benefit!" "

It's useless?" Chen

Nan looked stunned

! If so, then what is the meaning of the dragon mastiff letting himself reveal the talisman?


! A colorful light appeared in the sky

! Tearing the firmament, instantly shrouding Chen Nan!

The runes are of no use to you at present, but they can bring you a lot of blessings!" "

For example, the recognition of the rules of the heavenly way of this world!" The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched, this is really nonsense literature

! And at this moment, Chen Nan, who was bathed in colorful light, saw the embodiment of the rules of the heavenly way of this world!

It transformed into a five or six-year-old boy, wearing a red belly

pocket, and was looking at him nervously at the moment: "Can I call you daddy?" "

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