Chen Nan saw Ye Hongyi

! She looked like she was in her thirties

! She was wearing a long red dress without any embellishments on

it! A black silk casually hung behind her head and fluttered in the wind, fluttering out of the dust

! Holding a turquoise jade flute in her hand! With

that cold appearance, it gave people a feeling of being out of reach!

She stood quietly on the boulder at the top of the mountain, not seeing any joy or anger

! "I've seen Master!" Chen Nan imitated Xuanyuan Yue and bowed to her!

Ye Hongyi: "Now that you have found a Daoist, I hope that you can cultivate hard and achieve excellent results in the sect competition in a month!" Ye Hongyi

not only gave people a cold feeling, even if there was no emotion in his tone!"

Chen Nan pretended to be nervous

! "I hope you don't embarrass your teacher!" Ye

Hongyi's figure disappeared into heaven and earth

! Chen Nan's expression was solemn! The

dragon's nest opens once every thousand years

! And if you want to enter the dragon's nest, you need to compete through competitions

! Even Tianjiao is no exception!


Chen Nan's plan has changed!

He used to hold the principle of not fighting without fighting others, for fear of being found out that he was an impostor!

But now, Dabi is imminent, and he wants to enter the dragon's nest but does not fight with others, is this possible


?Even if he gets married today, there are very few fellow disciples who come to congratulate


! To put it bluntly

, Xuanyuan Yue is not well received in the Dao Sect! It is just that she has been spoiled by Ye Hongyi!

If not, how could she let so many experts accompany Xuanyuan Yue to pick up her relatives?

The Dao Sect has five great

Tianjiao! Although the other four Tianjiao are not as outstanding as Xuanyuan

Yue, they have conquered everyone by their strength

! They have single-handedly opened up a forbidden place

! Xuanyuan Yue has a cultivation, but he has never made any contribution to the sect

! And most importantly,

the four Tianjiao in front have all been canonized as holy sons!

In other words, in the future, the head of the Dao Sect will be born among the four of them

! The other three must be at least a Tai Shang Elder level existence

! Look at Xuanyuan Yue

! Although he is Tianjiao

, he has not been recognized by people

! let alone the Holy Son

! Therefore, no one came to congratulate him even on his wedding day!

But this is also as Chen Nan intended!

He didn't like those false compliments

! Worship hall

! After that, there is the cave room that Chen Nan likes

! Although he has long been involved with Yan Wushuang, but as the old saying goes, Xiao Beisheng is newly married

! ------

night is like water

! Chen Nan seems to be sitting cross-kneeled and cultivating, but his soul has entered the immortal mansion!


had to raise his cultivation to the peak of the seventh layer of the Yuan Infancy stage before this! One month seemed short

! But for him

, it was different! Ten years inside the third layer of the Immortal Mansion, only one day in the outside world

! That is to say, he had three hundred years to improve his cultivation!

Chen Nan

finished his cultivation

!" "Xianfu is really a terrifying plug-in, one night outside, but five years have passed inside

!" "And I also stepped from the first layer of the Golden Pill Period to the fourth layer of the Golden Pill Period!" Chen

Nan was in a good mood

! Although he was still far from the peak of the seventh layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage,

he still had a lot of time!

Of course!

If he hadn't taken Yan Wushuang to toast tea to Master Ye Hongyi today, he wouldn't have stopped cultivating

! ------

have to say that the reason why Xuanyuan Yue is annoying is still reasonable

! Although his breakfast is simple, it is all some spirit fruits! After

taking it, it is of great benefit to the cultivator

! Ordinary disciples who want to obtain spirit fruits have to exchange them with contribution points, but he can get fresh spirit fruits every day!

After taking the spirit fruit, he and Yan Wushuang flew to the main peak on a magic weapon and came to Ye Hongyi's cultivation place

! "Toast tea is exempt, cultivate well!"

Ye Hongyi spoke! Obviously, Ye Hongyi was a little unwilling to see Yan Wushuang

! Chen Nan had a hunch

! Ye Hongyi seemed to like Xuanyuan Yue!

Because in Xuanyuan Yue's memory, before

Yan Wushuang appeared, Ye Hongyi spoiled him as a son! But since Xuanyuan Yue liked Yan Wushuang, the relationship between the master and apprentice was a little weaker

! And the most important point

! Ye Hongyi never forced him to do something

! But now, letting him participate in the big competition a month later still invisibly gave him a lot of pressure!


This pair of masters and apprentices played wild enough...

Just as Chen Nan was about to leave with Yan Wushuang, a group of inner disciples of the Dao Sect blocked the way

of the two! The person at the head was called Lu Yuan, a master of the third layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage!

He had a playful smile on his face: "Yo, isn't this Senior Brother Xuanyuan?

Don't worry, our brothers' strength is definitely stronger than yours, and can make your woman feel happy!" "

Lu Yuan, do you want to die?" A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes, he knew that Lu Yuan was the person who was proud of the first day and had a lot of disrespect for

Xuanyuan Yue! It's just that Xuanyuan Yue didn't pay attention to him before! But it's

a pity

! Now Xuanyuan Yue is Chen Nan!

Lu Yuan was stunned, and then said with a smile: " I really can't see that after getting married, Senior Brother Xuanyuan actually had a temper, and actually asked me if I want to die?" "

Do you know how to write dead characters?"

No, have you ever killed

a demon beast?" As soon as these words came out

, the disciples behind him burst into laughter! Xuanyuan Yue was as timid as a rat

! Once when he went out on a mission, he saw a dying demon beast and fainted directly in fright

! After that, he became a shame of the Dao Sect

! Although ordinary disciples did not dare to laugh at him in person, the other four Tianjiao had humiliated him more than once!

However, Xuanyuan Yue did not even dare to let a fart go

! Now this guy was angry in public, and even asked Lu Yuan if he wanted to die

! Why didn't they feel funny?

"You, successfully provoked me!" Chen

Nan's face was full of chills

! He did not allow anyone to insult Yan Wushuang

! Let alone be as indifferent as a coward

! In an instant,

he punched Lu Yuan's chest!


next moment

! Lu Yuan's chest was sunken, his mouth spit out blood, and he flew out under a pair of shocked eyes! Those

disciples of the Dao Sect all gasped

! Lie down!

This guy dared to hurt people?

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