Before everyone could return to their senses,

Chen Nan appeared in front of Lu

Yuan! Directly grabbed him by the hair

and smashed him to the ground! He was very cruel

! He didn't use spells at all

! Lu Yuan, who was crushed in this simple and brutal way, had no power to fight back!

This scene shocked those Daoist disciples!

This murderous appearance is not even comparable to the next day's arrogant Yangtu


The fight between Chen Nan and Lu Yuan attracted many disciples to watch

! When they saw that it was Xuanyuan Yue who squashed Lu Yuan, everyone gasped in unison!


now, seeing Xuanyuan Yue start beating people, everyone feels very strange!"

"It is said that beating dogs depends on the owner, Junior Brother Xuanyuan, do you not put my Cold Night in your eyes too much?"

At this moment,

an indifferent voice sounded!

He was wearing a black robe

! The whole person revealed a powerful aura! The strength

of Ao Han Ye was not comparable to Xuanyuan Yue, but it also reached the peak of the fifth layer

of the Yuan Infancy Stage! Although there were two big realms difference between the two

! But Ao Cold Night did not take Xuanyuan Yue seriously at all!

A waste that fainted at the sight of blood, Mo said that he had the Yuan Infancy stage cultivation, even if he stepped into the Mahayana period?

Chen Nan looked at the cold night, threw Lu Yuan out tens of meters, and asked in a cold voice: "What are you? Do I need to put you in my eyes?"

In terms of strength, who can compare with the five great Tianjiao of the Dao Sect?

The face of the cold night is gloomy

! He has always regarded Xuanyuan Yue as an ant! But he did not expect that at this time, he dared to contradict himself

! Especially his eyes, which actually made him feel an inexplicable palpitation

! At this moment, he felt that Xuanyuan Yue was a lot strange!


he did not panic at all, the corners of his mouth rose, and an intriguing smile appeared: " Interesting, really interesting, it's really hard to imagine that you waste will have such a strong side

!" "That's it, then let's try it out?" Chen

Nan: "If I compete with you, others will definitely say that I bully you! After all, your strength is the same as an ant in my eyes, if I want to defeat you, you will not be able to fight back!"

Chen Nan continued: "In this way, you and I suppress the realm to the Golden Pill Stage, and then fight fairly, do you dare?"

He has the qualifications to be proud, as a Tianjiao, it is not a problem for him to kill the enemy beyond the level

! But Chen Nan can't agree

! If he suppresses in the Golden Pill Period, he can still defeat the Proud Cold Night, and he is not afraid that others will see his strength!

Don't make a fuss!

Can't beat it...

He snorted heavily: "Everyone is also Tianjiao, since you want to fight, then fight fairly, otherwise others will say that I am

a bully!" The onlookers were stunned

! Lie in the groove!

Is it so arrogant?

Chen Nan said: "I don't want to be called a bully, this will affect my reputation!"


hold it, really can't hold it!" "This guy actually said that it affected his reputation

?" "Doesn't he know that he is a disgrace to the Dao Sect?" Chen

Nan ignored everyone, directly suppressed Xiu Wei to the first layer of the Golden Pill Period, and then looked at the cold night: "If

you fight, then fight!" "If you don't dare, apologize to my wife!"

After all, your dog once insulted my wife!"

"He is arrogant and strong

! At the same time it makes people feel strange, he actually feels that his momentum is a little terrible

! People can change

! He is angry, this behavior is understandable!

"Do you think this Holy Son will be afraid of you?"

Xuanyuan Yue's performance today is a bit abnormal, but he doesn't care

! No matter what, he can't be his opponent

!" A

loud voice came from a certain hall on the mountain

! It was the voice of a law enforcement elder

! This battle attracted the attention of the senior leaders of the Dao Sect!

"Three moves, this holy son can fight in three moves, you kneel and beg for mercy!" Ao Hanye shouted angrily, and instantly appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes, and a terrifying true qi permeated his fist

! Boom! A

punch swept by, and the void was almost torn apart

! Although he only had the cultivation of the first layer of the Golden Pill Period, this blow made many strong people in the middle of the Golden Pill period feel palpitations and unease! After all, he

was the first proud of the Dao Sect! No

one could cover the aura on his body before Xuanyuan Yue was born!

Chen Nan stood there quietly, don't say that he resisted it

! He didn't even take a step back! When the fist of the proud cold night landed on Chen Nan's chest, everyone thought that Chen Nan would be punched away

! But a scene that made people's scalps numb happened

! A loud sound came from his body

! It was as if that punch hit the big bell

! Not only that

! His footsteps didn't even

move a bit!

Looking at the cold night, his face was livid, and his right arm was trembling slightly

! There was a feeling of swelling

! It was as if the muscles had been torn apart

! Recalling just now, that punch seemed to hit Xuan Tie

! All his strength was rebounded

! "Senior Brother Ao, you don't have to show mercy to your subordinates, there is no need for that!" Chen Nan said lightly! The

blow just now seemed powerful!

But he didn't feel anything when it fell on

him! After all, he survived the Nine-Nine Tribulation! The

attack of the strong man in the Golden Pill Period fell on him the same as tickling, there was no difference at all

! The cold night almost didn't spew out a mouthful of blood

! Lao Tzu didn't show mercy to his subordinates from beginning to end

! "You still have two tricks!" Chen

Nan really wanted to light a cigarette!

Because he felt that the atmosphere of pretense was brought to the extreme

! "Fall for me!"

roared in the cold night, like a mad lion, and made the strongest finger of the Dao Sect, the magic spirit rhino finger

! He wanted to break through Chen Nan's defense and trample him fiercely under his feet!

But at this moment, he was shocked to find that Chen Nan actually looked at the disciple standing on the tree in the distance and watched the excitement, and shouted loudly: "How can you stand on a tree?


disciple fell to the ground with an embarrassed face! "That's

about it!" Chen Nan nodded gratifyingly, and then looked back at Ao Hanye: "Senior Brother Ao, why are you still stupidly stunned?

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