The next day

! Five Tianjiao

! 8,000 closed disciples of the major elders! 120,000 inner disciples; 60,000 elite disciples

of the outer sect gathered at the Dao Sect's martial arts training ground! They all want to participate in today's big competition

! Want to get an opportunity

! Nearly 200,000 people gathered in the martial arts training ground, and the scene was very spectacular


"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, I really didn't expect you to participate in this competition, I remember that you didn't seem to like to participate in this kind of thing before!" The second holy son Yangtu is two meters tall and has a smile on his face

! The Dao Sect will have countless competitions of different specifications every year, and the rewards are also very rich

! But Xuanyuan Yue has never participated before!

In fact

, they didn't see Xuanyuan Yue fighting with Ao Han Ye, but they also heard about it! They were all surprised when they heard about it

! I didn't expect that Xuanyuan Yue would change so much after marriage! "Xuanyuan Yue

, you better not fall into my hands during the competition, otherwise I will be ashamed of the snow!"

"Are you trying to make things worse?" "

Let's see!" Ao Hanye snorted coldly, he had broken through and stepped into the peak of the sixth layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage, with his talent for crossing the level to kill the enemy, he could completely ravage Chen Nan

! Roar

! With a deafening dragon groan

! A thousand-meter-long cyan Azure Azure Dragon flew into the air! The

terrifying dragon power made many disciples who were still shallow in cultivation panic!

Zhou Daoyuan was wearing a green shirt and stood on top


the dragon's head! Ye Hongyi and the other eight elders stood behind!

Zhou Daoyuan looked down: "The dragon's nest is opened, this is a once-in-a-millennium prosperous era of my Dao Sect, according to the custom, when the dragon's nest opens, a thousand disciples can enter it to find opportunities!" "But because God bless my Dao Sect, not every disciple can enter the dragon's nest,

which is why today's big competition!"

The first level tests perseverance

!" "Those with excellent perseverance can enter the second level!" Speaking

of this, a large blue and white bowl appeared in his hand!

In the next second, a terrifying divine power swept

over, instantly covering everyone on the

ground! Many people did not expect it and fell directly to the ground

! Zhou Daoyuan said: "This bowl is called Qiankun Bowl, it can accommodate one heaven and earth!

This test seems simple, but it is full of challenges for everyone present

! Mo said that ordinary people, even Chen Nan, had a solemn expression

! Perhaps because he had the peak cultivation of the Yuan Infancy stage, the divine power he felt was far stronger than the others

! Fortunately, his physical body was terrifying, but he was able to persevere

! Time passed, and more and more people in the field could not bear the divine power and fell into a coma!


are almost 200,000 people participating, but there are only 10,000 places

! That is, a probability of twenty to one

! However, because Qiankun Bowl can release different magnitude of Tianwei according to each person's realm, this is a very fair competition

!" "Senior sister, the perseverance of this disciple of yours is not bad!" A certain elder looked at Ye Hongyi!

When everyone heard this, the corners of their mouths twitched

, what is the situation

? Do you want to make a fraud? An

elder said: "Senior sister, Dabi is fair and open, we should not be deceitful, if we deliberately release water, I am afraid that it will be unfair

!" "Yes, I am not happy with the unity of the sect!" Ye

Hongyi snorted coldly: "I mean, Yue'er can take the first place, not that you deliberately release water!"

An elder shook his head disapprovingly: "Although Xuanyuan Yue's performance last time was unexpected, it only showed the strength of the flesh!

If you want to win the first place, it is difficult!" Another elder said: "Yes, although I appreciate Xuanyuan Yue very much, if you want to win the first place in this competition, you must not only have extraordinary perseverance, but also have profound cultivation, and rich experience in fighting enemies!"

Several elders opened their mouths one after another, not optimistic about Xuanyuan Yue

! ------

the competition began at the hour of the hour, and it ended at sunset

! The remaining 10,000 disciples in the field all showed very weak and had a feeling of exhaustion

! Whether it was the so-called Tianjiao Saint Son or the outer disciples

! There were even many people who ignored the image and lay on the ground in large characters, greedily absorbing the air!

"Congratulations on qualifying for the second round!" Zhou

Daoyuan: "The assessment of the second level is very simple

!" He pinched the trick with one hand, and a time-space channel appeared in the Qiankun bowl: "This is an independent small world, I have let people hide two thousand

dragon scale tokens in it!" "As long as you can get dragon scale tokens and successfully bring them back, you can pass the level!"

"When the time comes, the small world will automatically close!"

This level tests the individual's

chance! There is also strength

! Both are indispensable

! Very simple rules, but also very difficult

! Finding the dragon scale token itself depends on the personal chance, let alone want to bring it back!

Zhou Daoyuan said lightly, in an instant, countless disciples flew into

the small world! Chen Nan also entered the small world at the first time

! "Well, you can't fly here?" After

entering the small world, Chen Nan's figure fell in the air!

The rules of the Dao Sect's competition are fair to anyone, if there are no restrictions on cultivation here, it is impossible for those cultivators in the foundation building period to find the Dragon Scale Token!" "

A strong person in the Yuan Infancy Stage can be regarded as reaching the heavens in front of the Foundation Building Period, and even the Golden Pill Stage powerhouse

! If there are no restrictions here, then there is no ordinary disciple's part of the trial at all

! Watching the dense figure enter the mountain forest in front, Chen Nan also took action

! But!


been more than an hour, but I haven't even seen what

the Dragon Scale Token looks like!"I come from the world, not the aboriginal of this world!" "The

rules of the Heavenly Dao here themselves are repelling me, how can they give me the so-called chance?"

"Finding the Dragon Scale Token is impractical for me!" Chen

Nan sighed secretly!

But if you

can't get the dragon scale token, then you can't complete the big competition and can't enter the dragon's nest!Thinking of this, he calculated his heart, and an intriguing essence flashed in his eyes: "Since you can't find the dragon scale token, it shouldn't be too much to borrow someone else's dragon scale token, right?"

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