Chen Nan felt that he was a very witty man

! If he couldn't find it, he could borrow it, was this excessive

? Zhuge Liang could borrow arrows from a straw boat

! Liu Bei could borrow Jingzhou

! Why couldn't he borrow someone else's dragon scale token?


! He returned to the exit of the small world as quickly as possible! and

then waited patiently!

After waiting for almost half an hour, he saw a disciple with a nervous

face and a look of being a thief and rushed over! The other party is a master of the Golden Pill Period! Seeing

Chen Nan looking at him at the exit, his face immediately turned green! Chen Nan

: "Don't be nervous, answer me a question, and I'll let you go!" The other party said: "I didn't

get the Dragon Scale Token!"

A black

dragon scale token fell to the ground in his sleeve!

This Golden Pill period powerhouse almost didn't cry

! You can't use storage magic weapons in this small world, so you can only

hold the dragon scale token in your arms! Chen Nan picked up the dragon scale token on the ground, and it was made of high-grade fine iron!"

Chen Nan handed the dragon scale token to the other party with a confused face: "Have you seen the cold night?" The other party

took the dragon scale token in a daze, a little confused about what Chen Nan was thinking!

He thought that Chen Nan would snatch his dragon scale token!

But ordinary disciples have no grievances or enmity with him, so why should they rob others of their opportunities?

He can't do this

! So

, his goal is the cold night

! As long as he is sure that he has not yet come out, he can wait here for the other party to come back

! At midnight

! Yang Tu led a group of attendants to come out!

They were full of smiles and looked very relaxed!

"Xuanyuan Yue, why are you sitting here, why don't you look

for the dragon scale token?" Yang Tu saw Chen Nan, his eyes full of suspicion! Chen Nan: "I'm waiting for someone with fortune to give me his

dragon scale token!" "Your head should not be in the water, right?" Yang Tu was amused: "The dragon scale token is related to whether you can enter the third level, who will give you the token you have worked hard to get?"

Chen Nan didn't pay attention to him

! Sitting cross-kneeled, closing his eyes and raising his mind

!"Holy Son, I feel like this guy is going to rob someone!" A Yuan Infancy powerhouse behind Yang Tu gave his opinion!

Yang Tu's eyes lit up: "You mean the cold night?"

"I feel that eight or nine are not far from ten!" Yang

Tu grinned: "If so, then this matter is much more interesting, this lively must be seen!" Speaking of this, he shouted outside: "Prepare some food and drinks for Xiao Ye, Xiao Ye wants to watch a big drama here!" Although

Ao Hanye is the first holy son of the Dao Sect

! But since the last time he fought with Chen Nan and broke the seal, his cohesion has dispersed! Now Chen Nan

is waiting here for Ao Hanye to grab the dragon scale token in his hand, this kind of thing is rare!

A moment later, someone brought in some food and drinks

! Yang Tu and the others sat on the ground casually, eating barbecued meat and drinking fine wine

! At the same time, many disciples found the token and returned to the exit of the small world!

But when they learned that Chen Nan was waiting here for someone (proud) (cold) (night), they were all very excited

! This is not yet the last level, the two Tianjiao tore their faces, this excitement can't be missed!

The problem is that Xuanyuan Yue actually stared at the dragon scale token in the hand of the proud cold night...


Daoyuan and the eight elders of the Dao Sect gathered under the starry sky

! A curtain of light appeared in front of them

! You can clearly see the picture of what is happening in the small world! You

can even hear the conversation inside!

Ye Hongyi held a jade gourd in his hand and drank alone at the moon: " Perhaps Yue'er is not very experienced in fighting the enemy, but I believe that after tonight, he must have a lot of experience with the enemy!" The

others were silent

! They were not optimistic about

Xuanyuan Yue! but it was undeniable

! In the small world, he was a near-invincible existence!

In the flesh alone, no one in the younger generation of the Daoist Sect could compare to him!"

"Senior sister, did you let Xuanyuan Junior Nephew wait for my apprentice at the exit?" If

Xuanyuan Yue really took the dragon scale token that belonged to Ao Han Ye, then he would not be eligible to enter the third level

! A once-in-a-millennium event, this is definitely the biggest loss in his life!

Ye Hongyi: "I just let Yue'er teach Ao Han Ye a lesson, but I didn't expect this guy to be so cute, not only to beat him, but even to take his dragon scale token!"

There was no deep hatred between them, and Xuanyuan Yue's move would deepen the contradiction between the two!" Ye

Hongyi: "Isn't cultivation just that you fight for me, why should junior brother be so pretentious?" "


At dawn

, Ao Hanye appeared in the eyes of everyone with more than ten subordinates!"

Yo, why are there so many people?

Yang Tu laughed: "Everyone is waiting for you!" "

Waiting for me?"

Yang Tu looked at the excitement with an expression that was not too big: "Junior Brother Xuanyuan said that you are his destined person, and he is waiting for

the dragon scale token in your hand!" "What do you mean?" Ao Hanye's eyes looked at Chen Nan indifferently, and after returning to his senses, he was furious: "Xuanyuan Yue, shouldn't you have the idea of hitting the dragon scale token in my hand?"

Hand over the dragon scale token, I can let you go, if not, I don't mind letting you learn my iron fist

!" "You look for death!" Ao Han Ye was furious: "I haven't had time to find you trouble, but you took the initiative to provoke me, do you really think that I am a soft persimmon in Ao

Han Ye?" "Your nonsense, there are so many!" Chen

Nan's voice just landed, but the whole person had already appeared in front of Ao Han Ye!

Although their cultivation has been suppressed to the foundation building period, his physical body is very terrifying

! "Roll!" Proud

Cold Night was furious, and cast his Spirit Rhinoceros Finger

! Although he resisted Chen Nan's attack, he was also sent flying out more than ten meters!

"Yes!" More

than a dozen masters rushed towards Chen Nan !! with fierce eyes

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