When an eighteen-nine-year-old young man walked out of the small world with a haggard face, Zhou Daoyuan directly announced that the second level of the assessment was over

! Then, those disciples who entered the small world returned to the outside world one after another

! Without exception! Everyone had frustration written on their faces! After

all, this is a once-in-a-millennium event, and it would be a pity to miss this time!

"Congratulations to the two thousand disciples who advanced!"

Zhou Daoyuan's voice resounded through the main

peak! "Next is the test of the third level!" Speaking

of this, he tore the sky with his bare hands

! A huge crack appeared

in the air! In an instant, a dark red sky dome appeared in the eyes of everyone

! There stood the corpses of countless towering demon beasts, and the severed peak could be seen everywhere!


even creepier is that there is a star in the sky that has been cut in two...

The ancient and desolate breath mixed with the bloody aura rushed to the face

, making people have the illusion that they were in purgatory! For

a while, many people shivered! Not

only those disciples who failed the assessment! Even those disciples

who had completed the assessment and were about to enter the third level were full of anxiety!

The Dao Sect is the first sect, and although the disciples under the sect also compete with each other on weekdays, they have never seen such a bloody

picture! Chen Nan was also shocked

! But it was not because of the picture in the battlefield of gods and demons,

but Zhou Daoyuan could tear the void with his bare hands!

Compared to the first two levels, the third level is full of endless hardships and dangers, and even life-threatening

!" "All you have to do is enter the Ancient

God and Demon Battlefield and look for the God and Demon Spar!" "The God and Demon Crystal is a spirit stone soaked in the blood of the God and Demon

!" "Although this trip is very dangerous, there are many opportunities in the God and Demon Battlefield!"

The scene was silent

! Just kidding

! I finally completed the test of the first two levels!

Who would give up the last level?

Even if you can't get a chance in the God and Demon Battlefield, you can enter the dragon's nest when you come back

!" "There is danger in the God and Demon Battlefield, if you encounter danger, you can inject True Qi into the Dragon Scale Token at the first time, and it will send you out safely

!" "The assessment time for the third level is ten days!"

"According to how many points the god and demon spar wins and loses

!" "If you have no opinion, then enter

the god and demon battlefield!" One after another figures rose up and entered

the god and demon battlefield! Entering the god and demon battlefield, the bloody qi on his face made Chen Nan very uncomfortable

! Fortunately, it does not suppress cultivation here, but can fly with the sword!

Yang Tu appeared behind Chen Nan and said cheerfully: "Junior Brother Xuanyuan, this level is full of dangers, or should we join forces?"

"No need

!" "Chen Nan doesn't have any good feelings for this guy who doesn't care

about the excitement, because no one knows if this kind of person will stab you in the back at a critical moment

!" "Junior Brother Xuanyuan, Senior Brother Ao is also here, if you are alone, I'm afraid there will be great danger!" Yang Tu grinned!


Chen Nan frowned slightly

, Ao Hanye also completed the second level of assessment

, could it be that he plundered other people's dragon scale tokens?

"Xuanyuan Yue, I didn't expect that I also came to the God and Demon Battlefield, right?" Ao Hanye appeared behind Chen Nan with a dozen Yuan Infancy cultivators with a blue nose and swollen face who were beaten by Chen Nan! He

had a hideous smile on his face: "Today is time to settle the old accounts between us!"

Some people even directly sacrificed spirit weapons

! Although they were beaten by Chen Nan

, they couldn't exert their due strength at that time

! And now

! Proud Cold Night has the six-layer cultivation of the Yuan Infancy Stage, and the remaining dozen or so people also have the cultivation of the fourth layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage! A dozen people add up to Xuanyuan Yue, a seven-layer cultivator of the Yuan Infancy Stage, even if it is the eighth layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage, even the nine-layer powerhouse has the power of a battle!


Yue, now kneel down and confess to Senior Brother Ao, we can let you live!" "Yes, if you want to survive, you must kneel down and apologize to Senior Brother Ao!" "Xuanyuan Yue, quickly kneel down and apologize! And return those ten 10,000-year elixirs and a thousand medium-grade spirit stones to Senior Brother Ao!" Several

people looked like they were sure of

Chen Nan! In

their eyes, Chen Nan had become a fish meat cut by anyone on the board!

Although there were many people passing by here and watching, no one dared to stand up to defend Chen

Nan! After all, Ao Hanye is the first holy son

! If you really offend him, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

If you ally with me now, I can help you resolve the situation in front of you!" Yang Tu spoke, with a playful smile on his face!

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "In this case, you can threaten me, I really can't convince myself to form an alliance with you!" Well, I can't find a reason to ally with you at all

!" The smile on Yang Tu's face instantly cooled, he didn't expect Chen Nan to embarrass him in public!"

Senior Brother Ao, I should unite and help each other when I come here with the same door, even if you and Senior Brother Xuanyuan have a conflict, you should go outside to solve it!" Lu Yuqiu, the only woman among the five great Tianjiao, walked over wearing a white long dress, followed by a group of women!

Junior Sister Lu wants to stand up for Xuanyuan Yue?" Lu

Yuqiu said indifferently: "I didn't want to help anyone come forward, but the gentleman did something and did nothing

!" "Senior Brother Ao, as the first holy son of my Dao Sect, this kind of behavior is afraid that it will cause the dissatisfaction of the disciples in the disciples, and it may be difficult to convince the public!"

If you don't teach Xuanyuan Yue a lesson, you won't be able to convince the public!" Lu

Yuqiu glanced at Chen Nan, and then the imperial sword left

! Her relationship with Xuanyuan Yue itself is not very good, and her previous words are only out of the identity of passers-by!

But let her help...

"Xuanyuan Yue, don't kneel down to repent

?" Chen Nan raised his hand and slapped it

! With a crisp slap sound

! Ao Han Ye was beaten again and spit out blood

! This scene shocked everyone

! Because no one expected Chen Nan to dare to take the initiative at this time

! "Damn!"

Ao Hanye became angry: "Xuanyuan Yue, do you really think that Xiao Ye is a soft persimmon, even if

you have the peak cultivation of the seventh layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage, I will definitely kill you today!" Chen Nan's face flashed with disdain, and the aura of the peak of the Yuan Infancy period was unreserved, like a volcano erupting and pouring out: "Who said that I only have the seven-layer peak of the Yuan Infancy Stage?"

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