"I stepped into the nine-layer peak of the Yuan

Infancy Stage, don't you know about this?" A

simple remark was like a thunder in the flat ground

! Everyone was numb and creepy

! Lying groove! The

peak of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage

? I heard correctly

? When did he step into this realm?

More than a hundred years ago, ordinary people stepped into the peak of the Yuan Infancy Period, and looking at the amazing ancestors in the history of the Dao Sect, they couldn't compare to his talent, right?

Now, do you still want to kill me?" Chen Nan looked at Aohan Ye with a smile!

Aorhan Ye subconsciously swallowed his saliva and said in horror: "Junior Brother Xuanyuan, I was joking with you just now, and I didn't think about killing you!" "

Yes, yes, you

are the first day of our Dao Sect, how could we kill you?"


Nan snorted coldly: "For the sake of us being of the same race, you guys get out! Don't let me meet you here, otherwise I'll see you fight you once

!" "Yes,

yes, yes!" "Ao Hanye and the others were amnestied, and the imperial sword left here at the first time

!" "Junior Brother Xuanyuan, your cultivation is impressive!" Yang Tu grinned: "However, you shouldn't be a woman's kindness, and leave in the cold night

!" "This person will report with his eyes, I'm afraid he will still find trouble with you!" Chen

Nan looked over: "Do I need you to point me out when I do things?" Yang

Tu was embarrassed and angry: "I don't know what things to lift, what do you think you are?

It's just a cold night he hasn't put it in his eyes

! A group of ants, even if they want to kill, it's not now!

One trick is eaten all over the sky, and Chen Nan is still counting on them to help him find more god and demon spars...

"Senior Brother Yangtu, there is no one in Xuanyuan Yue's eyes, you should teach a lesson and let him know the fate of being an enemy with you!" A young man next to Yangtu said viciously

! Yangtu slapped it over, and said angrily: "The peak of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage, can you beat it?" The

young man lowered his head nervously

! ------

On the other side!

There is no vegetation on the ground, and the earth is all stained red with blood!"

"How did that dog in Xuanyuan Yue step into the peak of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage?"

Senior Brother Ao, if you obtain ten thousand year elixirs, you will definitely be able to step into the peak of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage, no, it is even possible to break through the shackles and become a strong person in the realm of the Yuan Infancy Stage!" Lu Yuan carefully slapped a! Ao

Hanye gritted his teeth and said: "Xuanyuan Yue deceived me too much, if I don't cut him by a thousand cuts, it is difficult to vent the hatred in my heart!"



"According to what Ye Hongyi said, there are no creatures in this god and demon battlefield, and the biggest risk is the so-called god and demon will, as long as the luck is not too bad, when you encounter the god and demon will, then there is no danger!" Chen

Nan's imperial sword soared in the air

! Before coming, Ye Hongyi told him a lot about the god and demon battlefield!

This giant is thousands of feet tall, with a sky above his head, stepping

on the ground, and a giant mace in his hand! A scarlet light is revealed under the mace

! It looks very eye-catching in the dark red heaven and earth

! "God and Demon Spa?" Chen

Nan's eyes lit up, and he flew directly over! The

mace was as heavy as a mountain, causing the earth to crack a large opening!

Chen Nan sneaked into the crack in the ground and took out all

the god and demon spars inside! Although it is not much, it is also more than a hundred catties

!" "If these god and demon spars are not contaminated, they definitely have the quality of medium-grade spirit stones or above!" Chen Nan was a little distressed, spirit stones have many uses

! But the only purpose of the god and demon spar is to arrange the magic array

! Just when Chen Nan was about to leave!

A sense of crisis suddenly struck

! Before he had time to think about it, he flew out of the crack as soon as possible

! In an instant

, a group of red ants more than two meters long swarmed out

! They had wings, like a blood cloud, covering the sky, very spectacular

! "Wait!"

Chen Nan's face changed greatly!

"Ye Hongyi said that there are no creatures here, but why do countless giant ants appear?"

Chen Nan's scalp was numb

! Although he was an ant, it gave him a strong sense of oppression and crisis

! Because every ant has a cultivation comparable to the golden pill period

! Don't think about it, he raised his hand and wrote a rune in the air

! 'Fire'

was instantly


The shouting was harsh, making Chen Nan feel like his eardrums were tingling and his soul was dizzy! I

thought that the fire character could kill these ants,

but he was shocked to find that those ants flew through the sea of fire and continued to devour him

! "Yan!"

Chen Nan took a deep breath and directly wrote the Yan character!

The flames shrouded this heaven and earth, and after falling on those giant ants, those giant ants suddenly turned into flying ash and disappeared between heaven and earth

! There was a burning smell in the air

! "It seems that this place is much more terrifying than I thought!" Chen

Nan's expression was solemn,

because Ye Hongyi had said before that there were no creatures here!

And now, since there has been an ant colony comparable to the Golden Pill Period, there will naturally be other creatures

! As for how strong the strength is unknown

! In short, Chen Nan is a little more vigilant about this world

! "I hope others will not encounter ant colonies, or other creatures!" Chen Nan sighed secretly, and then he flew his sword into the distance

! But at this moment,

the sky above his head suddenly darkened!

Although the light of this world has not been bright, it also surprised him

! Suddenly raised his head

! I saw a huge paw covering the sky and collapsing violently in the depths of the nine heavens

! "Lying groove!" "

That giant is still alive?"

Chen Nan's scalp was numb, and a huge wave rose in his heart!

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