"Quick, interrupt their sacrifice

!" "If their sacrifice is successful, it will awaken that demon king!" "

Then all of us will have to die!" With

Chen Nan's angry shout, Lu Yuqiu and the others also realized the seriousness of the matter!

However, when they arrived behind

Yin Jian and the others, the demon king in front of them burst out with a monstrous demonic qi! No matter how strong their attack was, it was difficult to break through this demonic qi

! let alone interrupt the sacrifice of Yin Jian

and the others!"It's not good, this demon king has a consciousness!" Chen Nan didn't

expect that this demon king actually had consciousness, and without saying a word, he directly cast a magic phase heaven and earth to appear in front of the demon king

! ! This demon king is 100 meters tall, much weaker than the giant that

Chen Nan killed! Chen Nan's move is more or less a sense of déjà vu of anti-aircraft cannons hitting mosquitoes

! But Chen Nan did not have a choice

! He was a thousand feet tall, like a giant

! Boom

! Smashed out with one punch

! Destroying the decay

! The momentum was terrifying!

One force fell ten times!

In the face of absolute power, anything is nothing

! The demonic energy on the demon king's body only resisted Chen Nan for a second, and then he was smashed out by a punch! Then Chen Nan stepped on the

demon king's body, crushed it hard, and the demon king's body made a crackling bone breaking sound, and finally turned into a piece of meat mud...




everyone had a shocking feeling

! Lying in the groove!

Is it so fierce

? You are too cruel, right?

That is the corpse of a demon king, which has not decayed for 100,000 years, but now it has been trampled into meat paste by you?

They never thought that Xuanyuan Yue would have such a murderous side

! If, if those demon races were still alive, I am afraid that they were not as brave as him, right?

"What happened?" "Yes, what happened?" "Why do you feel so tired?" Yin

Jian and the others looked confused, not remembering what happened before!

"You guys are about to be freed!"

Chen Nan raised his foot and fell heavily on several people, causing his soul to scatter and disappear between heaven and earth

! This made everyone gasp

! Especially Lu Yuqiu, he didn't expect Chen Nan to kill Yin Jian and others

! "Which of you has clothes, can you lend me one?" Chen

Nan fell to the ground, covering his crotch with his hands, his face full of embarrassment!

"Cultivators don't have much spare clothes at

all!" those Jindan period powerhouses opened their mouths one after another, with a smile in their eyes, feeling that Chen Nan was very funny at the moment! Chen Nan

wanted to cry without tears

! He knew that he should have ripped off the clothes of Yin Jian and the others before killing them!"

"Senior Brother Xuanyuan, I have a pink long dress here, do you want it?" A woman forced a smile and spoke!


Nan is a little sore!

Although he doesn't want to wear women's clothes, he can't

run amok in the battlefield of gods and demons naked, right?

"Senior Brother Xuanyuan, or you wear my clothes!" A young man named Zhiyan took off his robe and wore only the

inner lining! No matter what, Chen Nan had a life-saving grace for them

! How could he wear women's clothes

!"Thank you!" Chen Nan was overjoyed, and quickly took the robe handed over by the other party, although it did not have an inner lining, it was stronger than being naked!

"Why did you kill Yin Jian and the others?"

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Why can't I kill them?" Lu

Yuqiu said, "Yin Jian and the others are guilty of killing their fellow people, but they also have to go back and be dealt with by the Law Enforcement Hall, you like this..."

Chen Nan directly interrupted her words: "Their consciousness has been eroded by the demon race, if they are not killed, other demon races will let them worship

!" "This time thanks to our discovery, if they really awaken a demon race powerhouse, do you think we can leave alive?" Lu

Yuqiu's pupils trembled: "What you said is true?"

Chen Nan said lightly: "Since you and I have an alliance, you should believe me!"

She found that Xuanyuan Yue had changed to make her feel strange

! "Let's go, continue to look for other fellow sects!" Chen

Nan didn't say anything, controlling the magic weapon and flying into the air

! Although their mission is to find the god and demon spar, but at this time their goal is only to find the same clan and survive as much as possible! The god and demon spar is

no longer important to them!


the outside world!

"Something happened, something must have happened!" Zhou

Daoyuan's face was solemn: "Now that five days have passed, normally there must be a disciple who encountered an accident, and then activated the Dragon Scale Token

!" "But now, I haven't seen anyone come back for five days

!" An elder spoke: "According to legend, the god and demon battlefield is connected to the demon world, but the passage of the ancient battle has been sealed by power!"


the seal really loosens, the demon race is bound to make a comeback

! It will definitely be a disaster at that time

! They alone will not be able to resist

! Zhou Daoyuan waved his right hand, tearing the void, and the scene of the god and demon battlefield appeared again!

Ye Hongyi flew directly

to the God and Demon Battlefield! She wanted to retrieve Xuanyuan Yue and bring him back safely

! But she was blocked outside

! No matter how she tried, she couldn't enter

the God and Demon Battlefield!" "If I'm not mistaken, the small world of the God and Demon Battlefield has an independent consciousness!" Zhou Daoyuan clenched his fists tightly, the small world of the God and Demon Battlefield has been abandoned for more than 100,000 years, and he also entered and experienced it when he was young!

Because he knew that the danger factor inside was not large, this would let people enter it to look for the God and Demon Spar

! But he never dreamed that there would be an accident!

Gu Yu sighed: "Now all we can do is wait!" Another

elder spoke: "Yes, the Tianjiao of our Dao Sect are all inside, and someone must be able to resolve this crisis!"

Because he knew that this crisis was not something that those young disciples could resolve at all, not

to mention them, even if he didn't know how to get through this crisis

!" "I once told Yue'er about the battlefield of gods and demons, with his ingenuity, he should be able to think of how to break the game!" Everyone

looked at Ye Hongyi in unison, and said that it was a fair competition, you are afraid that this is a little inappropriate, right?

Ye Hongyi didn't pay attention to their eyes at all, and looked indifferently into the god and demon battlefield: "If Yue'er can't come back, then I will personally enter the demon world and

blow up that world!" Several elders pouted one after another, not believing that Ye Hongyi had this ability

! But Zhou Daoyuan knew that Ye Hongyi could really blow up that world!

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