Inside the battlefield of gods and demons


A week has passed since entering this world! In this

week's time, there is also a team of five hundred people behind Chen Nan

! These are disciples of the Dao Sect

! They gathered in all directions and finally met!

"Something is wrong, something is very wrong!"

According to what you said, you were all chased all the way by the corpses of the demon creatures

!" "But if so, why did we meet here?" "


should flee in all directions!"

Xuanyuan Yue himself is one of the five great Tianjiao, plus he has shown amazing strength in this competition!

Following him, people all had an inexplicable sense of security!

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan, do you mean that our gathering together is most likely a conspiracy?" a middle-aged man asked.

Lu Yuqiu also expressed his opinion: "What Junior Brother Xuanyuan said is very much, although you were attacked by demon creatures before, you were only attacked and driven away, and no one died because of this!" "

Don't you feel weird?" The

others looked at each other

! Their eyes flashed with shock! At first,

they just thought they were lucky!

Chen Nan said, "When I came, Master told me that there is an entrance to the Demon Realm, but that entrance has been sealed by power

!" "If I'm not mistaken, our final destination should be the sealed land!" "

And the meaning of our existence..."

"It should be sacrificed by blood, and then open the seal!"

As soon as these words came out

, everyone's faces changed! At first,

they thought that many of their fellow disciples would definitely be able to help each other and survive here!

The road of cultivation is full of difficulties and dangers, and I have long been prepared to die generously, but I don't want to be sacrificed in blood

!" "Many people are full of fear

! This method of death is too meaningless

!" "Junior Brother Xuanyuan, since Master Uncle told you this, did he tell you the way to crack this game?" Lu Yuqiu looked at Chen Nan nervously!

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, take it one step at a time!"


there are eighteen small worlds outside the earth, these eighteen small worlds are all attached to the earth! and all have the same civilization

! In

general, the natives of the eighteen small worlds will not affect the balance of the earth!

At that time, human beings are very likely to disappear into the vast universe

! "Is there a possibility that in three days, the strong people of the sect will break through the void of the battlefield of gods and demons and save us?" Someone asked carefully

! As soon as these words came out, many people looked at the past

! It was like looking at a fool!

I don't believe that normal people can say such things!

Although the competition ended three days later, they all had a premonition: Even

if the competition was over, they would not be able to leave this place

! In the evening after three days!

According to the regulations, the competition was over

! However, no one tore through the heavenly dome of the god and demon battlefield to rescue them

! ------

five days later

! Chen Nan and the others appeared in a huge crack!

It is not that they wanted to come, but they were driven here

! It is said that it is a crack, but it

is more like a huge canyon! The canyon extends in all directions, like a crossroads

! And in the middle, there is a circular altar about tens of meters high

! The altar is very large, and can accommodate thousands of people at the same time! There

is an ancient and hideous beast statue around the altar! Without

exception, all of them are monster statues of the demon race!

Of course, in addition to Chen Nan and the others, Yang Tu, Ao Hanye, and Geng Rao also came here

! There were hundreds of people behind them

! Chen Nan counted that with a team of 2,000 people, there were only more than ten casualties these days!


about my cousin Yin Jian?"

He knew that Yin Jian was with the other party, but he never expected it, but he didn't find his figure!

Senior Brother Ao, your cousin Yin Jian and others have been controlled by the consciousness of the demon race, they believe in the demon race, and they are performing sacrificial ceremonies

!" "As a last resort, Senior Brother Xuanyuan killed a few of them!" She

felt the need to explain for Chen Nan!

"Now is not the time to talk about personal grudges!" Geng Rao spoke: "We have been in the God and Demon Battlefield for fifteen days, beyond the ten days that the master said!"

At this time, the only thing we can do is to save ourselves

!" Geng Rao was very low-key among the five Tianjiao

, but he was also very clever

! Therefore, his words carried a sense of weight!

He said: "Although we have encountered many attacks from the corpses of the demon race, they are all soul devouring ants, this is known to everyone!" "But why did the soul devouring ants

drive us from all directions to this sacrificial place?"

Use us to carry out a blood sacrifice and open the seal of the demon race

!" Geng Rao's pupils trembled, and he couldn't help but say, "Junior Brother Xuanyuan's words are true?" The

others also looked at Chen Nan in unison

! Chen Nan said: "This is what my master told me before leaving, I think, she should not lie to me!" Everyone

was terrified

! No one doubted Chen Nan's words!

To be precise, no one doubted Ye Hongyi's words

, after all, she was the daughter of the previous head of the sect, the most mysterious person in the Dao Sect

!" "That Master Boke once told you the way to crack the blood sacrifice?" Geng Rao asked!

Chen Nan: "As long as we don't step on the altar, we should be fine!"

They roared

! The monstrous demonic qi made everyone tremble

! They had only encountered the attack of soul eater ants before

! but they had not seen this large demon corpse

! Now appeared, this is to force them to go to the altar!

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