It's late afternoon!

Gao Zhendong's mobile phone received a message pop-up!

After clicking on it, his whole person directly panicked!

The content is very simple, saying that Li Yungang and Li Song tampered with other people's college entrance examination information!

This matter has attracted the attention of the Ministry of Education, and it is necessary to crack down on this kind of behavior!

No matter who it is, what backers are behind it, we must catch it all!

"Hurry up, pack your things, and go abroad!"

Gao Zhendong felt desperate!

He had a hunch that the fall of Li Yungang and Li Song was most likely Chen Nan's secret ghost!

Because as long as they are caught, they can't let Chen Hanlu enter Tsinghua at all!

At that time, he will kill his entire clan!


It must be so!

Because Li Song and Li Yungang have both participated in changing Chen Hanlu's grades!

Now that these two people have been arrested, why are they safe and sound?


This trick is really inferior!!

"Chen Nan, you really are a lack of morality!" Gao Zhendong hated Chen Nan in his heart, he would rather Chen Nan kill himself with a sword than experience this despair and helplessness!

Gao Zhendong's wife and children have long been ready to go abroad, and after hearing Gao Zhendong's words, they didn't even pick up their luggage, and went to the airport as soon as possible!

It doesn't matter which country you go to these days, what matters is to be able to leave the country!!

Under nightfall!

A Mercedes-Benz van is speeding towards the airport!

After arriving at the airport, the family of six passed through security and boarded the plane!

However, after boarding the plane, Gao Zhendong was inevitably nervous!

Until the plane does not take off, everything is unknown!

What if Chen Nan knew their plan and chased after them?

Nine o'clock in the evening!

The sweet voice of the flight attendant sounded on the plane, asking all passengers to fasten their seat belts, and the plane was about to take off!

Happy Gao Zhendong!

Quickly fastened my seat belt!

Almost a minute later, the plane took off and then flew high into the air!

This moment!

Gao Zhendong's hanging heart landed!

Looking at Ningjicheng below, Gao Zhendong had a complicated mood, he thought he could survive until retirement!

But now!

But you're going to be forced to get out of here!

Moreover, this time to leave, it will be a lifetime!

"Chen Nan, Chen Nan, even if you are a cultivator? You didn't expect me to leave overnight, did you? Gao Zhendong had a sneer on his face!



In the seat next to him, the man sleeping with the newspaper covered with his face opened it!

The sudden change frightened Gao Zhendong and cursed angrily: "How are you a person..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt an invisible big hand strangle his throat!

Because he never dreamed of seeing Chen Nan here!

"Why are you here? Are you a human or a ghost? Gao Zhendong's face was full of horror, he thought that he was a chess master, but he really didn't expect Chen Nan to wait for him on the plane!!

Chen Nan had a shallow smile on his face: "Director Gao, is this preparing to escape from the Great Xia Dynasty?" They took my fifty million and six pills, but they didn't help me with things! "

Isn't this too much to put me in the eyes of Chen someone?"

"Also, did Director Gao forget our agreement?"

"No, no, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I just went out for a vacation!" Gao Zhendong swallowed his saliva furiously, not daring to admit that he was ready to flee abroad!

Chen Nan shook his head: "Director Gao is afraid that he can't go out!"

Gao Zhendong said nervously, "Why?"

Chen Nan snapped his fingers!

The flight attendant came when she heard the news!

"What can Mr. Chen do for you?" The flight attendant asked politely!

Chen Nan: "Let the plane go back!"


The flight attendant took out the walkie-talkie to call the captain and let the plane return!

Gao Zhendong's scalp was numb, and he couldn't imagine why Chen Nan could let the plane return with a word?

The passengers on the plane couldn't figure out what was going on!

However, they didn't have a choice!

The plane returns to Ningji Airport!

After getting off the plane, a group of men in black stepped forward directly and handcuffed Gao Zhendong and his relatives!

"It's not good for the old and young, they are innocent!" Gao Zhendong panicked!

Chen Nan looked indifferent: "They wear gold and silver, enjoying the wealth you exchanged for changing the fate of others, do you dare to say that they are innocent?"

"If your loved ones are innocent, then the cold student whose fate was changed by you deserves to die?"

"They study hard in order to change their fate through the college entrance examination!"

"But you secretly manipulated and changed their fate of turning over!"

"When you do that, you have to think about today's end!"

Although legally they are innocent!

But for Chen Nan, not a single snowflake was innocent when the snow mountain collapsed!

"Take them all away!"

He resisted the urge to kill and ordered Gao Zhendong and the others to be taken away!

What awaits him will be the judgment of the law... Chen Nan's sanctions!


tampering with candidates' results caused an uproar across the country!

Although freshmen are about to register, all colleges and universities across the country have suspended the registration of new students!

The Department of Education issued a document to strictly investigate the behavior of substituting for others' grades to enroll!

This move triggered countless applause!

Chen Hanlu also resumed her college entrance examination results, and received an admission notice from Tsinghua on the fifth day!

This matter is over!

It's just that Chen Xiazhi and Chen Hanlu still have a face at Chen Nanban!


It's simple!

During this time, there were always some women in the house, and they flirted with Chen Nan under their noses!

Scumbags have become Chen Nan's label in the hearts of their sisters!

Fast forward to the end of the month!

It's also close to the day of freshman registration!

Chen Nan plans to take his two sisters to Kyoto first!

Check out buying a house near Tsinghua!

Before you go!

Chen Nan went to Qinglong Mountain!

He wants to come here to see Nangong Wan, as well as Master Wushan!


When he came to Nangong Wan's tomb, he saw an incredible scene!

Nangong Wan's tomb was dug up!

The coffin inside is gone!

Look at the color of the soil, at least someone has been digging it for more than a month!

"Who is going to steal Wan'er's coffin? Who exactly? Chen

Nan's heart rose with monstrous killing intent!

Without much thought, he dialed Li Mu's phone and said angrily, "What happened here in Qinglong Mountain?" Aren't you keeping an eye on this?

"In that case, why is Wan'er's coffin missing?"

"Why didn't you stop him when someone else stole his coffin?"

"Why didn't you tell me when this happened?"

Li Mu sighed lightly: "I didn't want to tell you about this, I was afraid that you would be worried and angry!"

"But since you know, it doesn't hurt to tell you!"

"Come to Kyoto, show you something!"

Chen Nan directly teleported, and arrived in Kyoto ten minutes later, arriving at the Guardian Headquarters!

Li Mu was not shocked by Chen Nan's speed, after all, this guy was a demon!

"This is a video that our people monitored a month ago!" Li Mu handed Chen Nan a tablet and said helplessly: "After reading it, you will know why we didn't stop them!" "

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