Chen Nan clicked on the video!

However, the shooting angle surprised him!

It turned out to be from the space station!

I saw a golden light appear in the depths of the distant starry sky!

Even though there are too many sparkling stars in the universe, this golden light is extremely brilliant!

And it's fast!

It has long exceeded the speed of light!

When Jin Guang approached, he saw two golden dragons with a body length of 10,000 meters pulling a cart to break through the air!

This scene is shocking!

The breath of the divine dragon rushed to the face, making people feel small!

Especially when the golden dragon passed by the space station, it directly caused some kind of frequency anomaly, so that the video was a little blurry!

But you can see the curtain of the car being lifted by a girl!

She looked at the space station!

The eyes are very complicated!

The picture flashed!

The next moment, the dragon flew to Earth with the chariot!

"Unexpectedly, there are other creatures in the vast universe!"

Chen Nan couldn't calm his heart!

Even if he is a cultivator!

But about the universe, people don't know much!

Even with the current technology of human beings, it is impossible to detect that there are other races in the vast universe!

"You may not believe it, they come from the other side of the cosmic black hole!" Li Mu's tone was solemn, this matter was strange, after all, the black hole of the universe is an existence that human beings have not been able to explore so far!

The other party can pass through the universe black hole that devours everything, you can imagine how terrifying the strength is!

Then Shenlong landed on Qinglong Mountain with the girl!

The girl stepped out of the car, raised her hand, and Nangong Wan's coffin flew out!

She was immediately included in the storage space!

After that, Shenlong took the girl to Ultimate South Mountain!

After staying in Junan Mountain for almost an hour, the divine dragon soared into the air and drove the girl into the cosmic black hole!

"See? It's not that we don't want to resist, we're not their opponents at all! Li Mu sighed lightly, revealing a hint of helplessness in his tone!

"Who is the other party?"

"Why come in a cosmic black hole!"

"Why take Wan'er's body?"

"Why did she go to Ultimate South Mountain?"

There were too many question marks in Chen Nan's heart!

But he knew that the old man Nangong He could give him the answer he wanted!

"It's time to go to Ultimate South Mountain!"

Chen Nan whispered!

He then returned to Jeju and came to Kyoto the next day with Chen Hanlu and Chen Xiazhi, and took them to school!

After all, he is also a part of Tsinghua!

He thought about buying a house off campus, but was rejected by the two, they both wanted to live on campus!

After all, a college career is not perfect without living on campus!

After that, Chen Nan left Kyoto, and the imperial sword came to the Fire Cloud Cave of Ultimate South Mountain!

Fire Cloud Cave has become the number one force in the Ultimate South Mountain, and the head Nangong He has also entered the Golden Pill Period!

"Meet my father-in-law!"

For this father-in-law, Chen Nan is very respectful!

"We haven't seen each other for a while!" A shallow smile appeared on Nangong He's face: "Looking at your cultivation, it seems that you have improved a lot!"

Chen Nan said with a smile: "So-so, accidentally stepped into the out-of-body period!" The

corner of Nangong He's mouth twitched!

Listen, is this speaking in human language?

"Isn't this time busy?" Nangong He asked casually!

Chen Nan: "It's okay!"

Nangong He: "I'm quite busy, or do you want to come back in a few years?"

Chen Nan rolled his eyes and got straight to the point: "Father-in-law, there is something that the junior is puzzled about when he comes here, what happened a month ago?" Who is that girl?

"What did she say to you?"

"Why take away Wan'er's flesh?"

Nangong He's eyes were complicated: "I thought you didn't know about this!"

Chen Nan: "I knew it last night!"

Nangong He hesitated and couldn't help but say, "Chen Nan, you don't know about this matter, okay?" "

Father-in-law, junior also told you just now that I now have the cultivation of the Coming Out Period, and I can do a lot with my current cultivation!" Chen Nan: "For example, soul search!"

"Although I also know that this is very impolite!"

"But I guess my father-in-law doesn't want me to pry into the secrets of your heart, right?"

Everyone has secrets in their hearts!

Secrets that cannot be shared!

Nangong He silently took out a piece of jade Ruyi!

Jade Ruyi is not big, only the size of a palm!

But it emits bursts of light!

Not to mention that Chen Nan is a strong person in the realm of the out-of-body period, even ordinary people can feel its extraordinary!

"This is an immortal weapon?"

Chen Nan was taken aback!

The aura emitted by Jade Ruyi was very similar to the Qingxian Immortal Mansion!

"A defense-level immortal weapon, well, as long as it is there, Mo said that immortal cultivators, even immortal emperor-level powerhouses can't hurt me in the slightest!"

It was said that getting a treasure of this level should be a happy thing, but Nangong He couldn't see any joy on his face!

Chen Nan couldn't calm down in his heart: "That girl gave it to you?" Is she a relative of yours?

Nangong He asked, "Do you believe in reincarnation?"

"Believe it!"

Chen Nan believes in reincarnation more than anyone else, because he holds the gate of reincarnation and can send people to reincarnation!

"That's it, since you want to know, then I'll tell you the origin of that girl!" Nangong He sighed lightly, he knew Chen Nan's character, if he didn't get an answer, he would definitely not give up!

Instead of this, it is better to let him die completely!

"Actually, that girl is Wan'er!"

Nangong He's words were like a heavenly thunder falling on Chen Nan's body, making his scalp numb, and a thick layer of goosebumps rose on his body!

"No, let me wisp!"

Chen Nan subconsciously swallowed his saliva: "Before the dead are reincarnated and reincarnated, they will forget all kinds of dust in their previous lives!"

"Be strict, even if some people can awaken memories of their past lives, but Wan'er died less than a year, but that girl must be seven or eight years old, right?"

"How could she be Wan'er?"

Nangong He said, "At first, I didn't believe it!" But that's the way it is, she said a lot of things about living in the mountains, and said a lot of things that happened to us together!

"As for the fact that she died less than a year ago, she became an eight-year-old..."

"It is said that the world she lives in is different from ours!"

"A year there, a month here!"

Chen Nan was relieved!

Carefully calculate the time, Nangong Wan has been away from him for more than eight months!

If you follow this time ratio, it is also in line with her age!

After returning to his senses, Chen Nan asked, "Is she living in the Immortal Realm now?"

Nangong He nodded: "Yes, she lives in a powerful force in the immortal world, and this time she crossed the starry sky to cut off the dust of her previous life!"

"She wanted to see you and tell you this herself!"

"But I didn't find you!"

"So, she asked me to tell you a word!"

"She won't come to you in eighteen years, I hope you can forget her!"

Chen Nan clenched his fists, his eyes revealed an unconcealable anger, and gritted his teeth: "She is the only wife I have visited, and Ming Media is marrying!"

"Even if you break up with me, you have to tell me in person, right?"

He got up and bowed deeply to Nangong He: "I hope that my father-in-law will take care of his body, and for a long time in the future, the junior will not be able to come to visit you!"

Nangong He's face turned pale: "What do you mean?" "

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