
When Immortal Fu is close to the cosmic black hole!

The entire Immortal Mansion trembled!

Watch as you spin ahead, twist, and devour the surrounding black holes!

Even Chen Nan, who was in the Immortal Mansion, felt a strong sense of oppression!

Immediately, the Immortal Mansion was swallowed into it, and the scene in front of his eyes was also distorted!

Colorful light flashed before his eyes!

It also made him feel dizzy!

I don't know how long has passed, a point of light appeared in the darkness!

"Soon to arrive in the Immortal Realm, please prepare the mansion master to withstand the impact!"

The golden boy's voice resounded in Chen Nan's head!

Don't wait for Chen Nan to react!

He felt an unparalleled power sweeping through the Immortal Mansion, making him can't help but spew out a mouthful of blood!

Immediately fell into a coma!

This is not a simple crash!

Instead, he is bound by the rules of the heavenly path of the immortal world with a mortal fetus!

If you change to an ordinary person, you will definitely die in an instant!

But Chen Nan's flesh... Pretty ok!

Even if he was constrained by the rules of the Heavenly Dao, he did not lose his life!


I don't know how long has passed!

Chen Nan opened his eyes with difficulty!

What came into view was a round of blood moon!

"Groove, demon realm?"

"This is too bad luck, right?"

Chen Nan's mentality exploded!

He read a lot of books about the fairy world!

It is said that the moon is blood red when viewed in the demon world!

The Demon World is dark red!

The human world is white!

Now that the blood moon is empty, isn't it in the demon world?

And at this time, he is in a continuous mountain!


sat up with difficulty, and Chen Nan gradually adapted to the rules of the Heavenly Dao here!

"I'm like a mortal here, but fortunately, I can still absorb the Yin Qi between heaven and earth!"

"At this rate, I can regain my strength in three months!"

"Although the out-of-body period is also weak here..."

"But it's better than an ordinary person!"


At this time, there was a sound of protest from Chen Nan's stomach!

"First find something to fill your stomach, and then find out which place in the demon world this is, you have to rush to the human world as soon as possible!"

The demon world is very cruel!

Full of endless killing!

If you want to survive here, you have to get out of this place as soon as possible!

Fortunately, he has mastered the pattern of the immortal world, and if he knows the location at this time, he can leave!

There are many wild fruits in the mountains!

It's just that it doesn't taste good!

Most of them are very sour!

However, special times can be satisfying!

In this way, Chen Nan spent ten days in the mountain, but he still did not get out of this mountain!

After eating wild fruits for ten days, he desperately wanted to eat some meat!

If you can have a little meat at this time, it is great!


"After living for so many years, it is the first time that I want to eat meat so urgently!"

"I already knew that when I entered the demon world, I had to prepare some meat to bring with me!"

"Roast chicken, pig's trotters or something... It makes people drool when they think about it..."

Chen Nan took out the storage bag and poured out all the contents inside!

There is some clutter inside!

There were even a couple of bottles of dressing!

But this thing is not full...


Chen Nan saw that dragon egg!

"Do you want to boil this dragon egg?" Chen Nan's eyes lit up, and since he was recognized by the Dao Sect to obtain the dragon egg, he had collected the dragon egg into the storage magic weapon!

If he hadn't poured out all the contents of the storage bag this time, he would have even ignored this dragon egg!

"Forget it!"

"Let's keep this dragon egg!"

He gave up the idea of eating dragon eggs!

Nor is it because this dragon egg recognizes him!

The main thing is that the pot that did not cook it...

(Dragon egg: If I don't eat it, I don't have a pot?) Are you polite? Right


There was an animal cry in the distance!

Following the sound, it turned out to be a snow-white white deer!

At this time, it is foraging in the mountains, and its hair is white and flawless, very soft!

Chen Nan swallowed his saliva wildly!

After so many days, I finally saw a serious animal!

As long as you can kill it!

What about sashimi?

Thinking of this, he quietly approached the white deer!

This white deer, called edelweiss deer, has delicious meat and is listed by human foodies as one of the 100 must-eat species in this life!

Being able to meet it here shows how lucky you are!

As Chen Nan approached, he looked for a fist-sized stone on the ground!

Although he lost his cultivation!

But I think the accuracy is okay!

If you hit it with a stone, you will definitely be able to knock this edelweiss deer unconscious!

Stay more than ten meters away from this edelweiss deer!

Chen Nan took a deep breath and threw the stone in his hand violently!


Stones flew through the air, causing a faint sound of breaking wind!

It also aroused the alarm of the edelweiss deer!

It saw the stone flying towards it and immediately turned its head and ran away!


Chen Nanqi's face turned green!

"I finally encountered a prey that could fill its stomach, and I actually let it run!"

The mood is not beautiful!

After all, it has been ten days since I came to the demon world, and although I have seen some birds, I have not seen any living species on the ground!

Now I have run away when I meet one...

At this moment, Chen Nan finally knew what it was called a cooked duck to fly...

In desperation, he looked for some wild fruits that he thought tasted good, forcibly ate them, and then climbed to a big tree weakly, preparing to spend the night here!

Although there are no wild beasts in the mountains, it is safer to spend the night in the trees!

At least let him sleep peacefully!


"There are many mountain ranges in the demon realm, and although I have lived in this mountain range for ten days, I can't figure out which mountain range I am in!"

"Anyway, just go west!"

The demon world is in the east of the human world!

No matter which mountain range he is in, as long as he goes west, he can always get closer to the human world!

"I don't know what identity Wan'er is!"

"Why did she cut off her relationship in her previous life?"

"Am I not worthy of her?"

Chen Nan's mood was a little irritable!

But it was not very important to him, he came here only to bring back his wife's body!

That's his wife!

Night is shrouded!

There is silence in the mountains and forests!

In this environment, it's easy to get sleepy!

Just when Chen Nan was about to enter his dream!

Suddenly, I heard the cry of an edelweiss deer!

Under nightfall!

The man suddenly opened his eyes!

Is there an edelweiss deer approaching?

That's it!

Then you can't let it run!

He looked around cautiously, but the next picture made him creepy!

He did see the edelweiss deer that he almost killed, but he also saw a large herd of jackals, tigers and leopards!

They are monstrous and transcendent!

"I met that human here before, if I hadn't reacted quickly, I would have been killed by him!" The edelweiss deer said to the black bear spirit next to him!

The black bear spirit sniffed his nose: "You are right, there is indeed a human breath here!" As

soon as the words fell, its scarlet eyes locked onto Chen Nan!

Chen Nan's scalp was numb: "Lying groove, it's going to be cool!" "

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