After seeing the eyes of the black bear spirit!

Chen Nan didn't linger for a moment!

Toss and turn around the tree like a sturdy spirit monkey!

He knew that racial hatred between the two races of shemales and shemales!

Once it falls into the hands of these demon races, they will definitely kill themselves and then make themselves into dishes to drink!

Therefore, you must avoid the pursuit of these demon masters!

Fortunately, these demon clan masters were not good at climbing trees, and they did not catch up with Chen Nan for a while!

"If it's just some ordinary demon race, if I dispatch the cultivators of the demon clan, I won't be able to escape their pursuit at all!"

The immortal world is the same as the mortal world!

Although there are immortals here, there are also some ordinary people!

It's like the demon clan that Chen Nan met at this time, it's just an ordinary demon clan!

And at this point, there is still a difference between him and them!

At least be physically strong!

However, if the cultivators of the demon clan are dispatched, then he will not be able to escape!

Immortal cultivators are divided into Earth Immortals, Human Immortals, Xuan Immortals, Heavenly Immortals, Golden Immortals, Supreme Immortals, Spirit Immortals, True Immortals, and Immortal Emperors!

There are nine great realms, and each realm is also divided into one to nine grades!

The same goes for the demon cultivators!

If an Earth Immortal-level demon cultivator is dispatched, he is really unable to escape!

If things really get to that point, you can calmly ask the other person what flavor they like to cook...


night, Chen Nan was anxious!

Highly concentrated mental power!

Although those demon people on the ground can't catch him, running in the trees is very physically exhausting!

The slightest mistake will fall to the ground!

And those from the demon clan are running below!

"According to this momentum, before they catch me, I will be exhausted to death!"

Chen Nan is in a bad mood!

Leaving the earth, he is an ordinary person, and he can't get the favor of the rules of the Heavenly Dao at all!

Probably Ji Tai Lai or not!

A heavy rain suddenly fell in the air!

The crackling raindrops fell like steel balls, penetrating the thick leaves, making those demon clans bow their heads in unison!

The rain in the demon world is different from the rain on the earth, this is acid rain!

Acid rain can make the demon race uncomfortable!

If it enters the eyes, it will also damage their vision!

But he's different!

Although he is not an immortal, he has gone through the Nine Nine Tribulations!

The acid rain falling on the body just feels slightly hot, that's all!

"Acid rain can make those people of the demon clan lower their heads, can't lock my figure, and can also cover my breath, this is my only chance to escape!"

"Gotta hold it!"

Chen Nan's eyes were solemn, braving the rain to move forward!

Time passes!

When dawn, the rain stopped!

And he also ran out of that mountain range that stretched for an unknown number of miles!

What catches your eye is an endless, empty wilderness!

There is a lot of grass in the wilderness, but there are signs of being eaten by herbivores!

"Let's eat first..."

Chen Nan was hungry and thirsty, so he put some tender blades of grass in his mouth and chewed them!

Special situation, special treatment!

This is the only way he can survive at this time!

Although the taste of grass is not delicious at all, it contains a certain amount of moisture!

It can effectively provide the water his body needs!

"I didn't stop all night, the people of the demon clan should not know that I ran here, right?" Chen Nan looked back at the continuous mountains behind him, and without the slightest hesitation, he took a step and continued to move forward in the barren grass!

Barren grass can hide his figure!

If the upright is exposed in the wilderness!

It will definitely be discovered by the people of the demon clan!

To put it bluntly, it is simply a humanoid moving target!

It seems that no one with a little brain would do such a thing!



At noon, just as Chen Nan was lying on the grass to rest!

A large red eagle appeared overhead!

Its icy eyes locked on Chen Nan, and a high-pitched cry came out of its mouth!

Then he shouted: "I found that human, in the barren grass below me, you guys come and get him!" "


A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth: "You think you can catch me if you run faster?" Oh, to tell you the truth, even if you come slowly, you can catch me! "

Give up!

No more struggling!

It doesn't make sense!

After coming to the demon world for more than ten days, he only ate some wild fruits, and he didn't even eat a bite of protein that could replenish his physical strength!

Not to mention the rain last night!


The earth trembles!

There was a deafening sound of footsteps!

A moment later!

Those demon clans who hunted him last night appeared in front of him!

It was the black bear spirit that was the leader!

"Isn't this guy a rabbit refining into a human? This is also too capable of running! "The black bear spirit's eyes are shining with cold light!

"He's dying, eat him while it's hot, I haven't eaten a Terran for a long time!" A tiger spirit did not hide his eagerness towards Chen Nan!

The black bear essence slapped it out more than ten meters: "Eat and eat, you know to eat, are you blind?" This guy looks so white, what a pity to eat? "

The tiger spirit's eyes are full of fear!

Although it is the overlord of the mountain, it has no power to fight back in front of this black bear spirit!

The black bear spirit said angrily: "Although we are a demon race, we also have our own culture..." Yes, Terrans often put culture and heritage on their lips!

"Well, they like beautiful things, and they say that this can cultivate emotions!"

"This patriarch is so handsome and handsome, isn't it good to stay around and cultivate sentiment?"

Listen to this!

Chen Nan panicked!

He originally thought that in the hands of the demon race, it would only become food!

There are other uses!

The word Bai Jing made him think of a lot!

For example, this black bear spirit is nearly five meters tall!

If only it had ideas about itself...

Might as well be eaten!

Especially the next words of the black bear essence made his heart fall to the bottom: "Don't worry, little brother, we won't eat you!"

"Not only that, we will also raise you as white and fat as possible, and the water spirit is spiritual!"

Thanks to Chen Nan, he didn't eat anything!

Otherwise, you have to spit out the overnight meal!

You're a black bear spirit!

Isn't it disgusting to say overlapping words?

"Come, bring this little brother back to the cave!" The black bear spirit ordered!

"I'll come, I'll come! A few of you take the handle, I'll carry this little brother back to the cave!" "The tiger spirit wanted to perform in front of the black bear essence, and very gently lay down beside Chen Nan!

But because its tone was too heavy, Chen Nan rolled his eyes!


The black bear essence slapped the tiger essence away again, and said angrily: "Look at this little brother, are you eating?" "


With a low dog bark, a two-meter-long wild dog appeared next to the black bear spirit, its eyes were fierce, and it said angrily: "Who is tired of living and dares to rob my food?" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched!

Is there water in the heads of these guys from the demon clan?

Tease right?

Just as he complained in his heart, a feeling of vertigo swept over!

Then he fell into a coma...

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