When I open my eyes again, I am greeted by a cave with a slightly dim vision!

The cave is huge!

It seems that it should be the lair of those demon races!

But unexpectedly, there was no smell of the demon clan in the cave!

"Great King, wake up, this human is awake!"

As soon as Chen Nan opened his eyes, a fox's excited cry sounded in his ears!

Listening to the sound is motherly...

Moreover, it's raucous!

The kind of smell that has a strong body odor!

Knock knock!

The earth trembles!

The black bear spirit appeared in the cave, and after seeing Chen Nan wake up, he grinned: "Little fellow, you are finally awake, are you hungry?" Want something to eat? "

We don't have anything in Black Wind Ridge, but we have enough to eat!"

Chen Nan would rather the black bear essence kill him directly than be so enthusiastic!

He always felt that the other party was plotting against him!

Thinking of this, he sneered: "I want to eat bear paws, can I manage to be full?" "

No way, really no way!

At this moment, he could only provoke the black bear essence and beg it to give himself a pain!

Who expected that the black bear essence laughed, and I don't know where to touch a big knife, and directly chopped off the left palm!


Chen Nan is not a person who is afraid of things!

But now his face is bloodless, and he directly burst into a foul mouth!

This black bear spirit is a tiger, right?

I just said it casually, but it really chopped off its own bear paw?

The black bear spirit shouted outside the cave: "Come, take my bear paw and stew it to replenish the body of this little brother!" Chen

Nan swallowed his saliva wildly!

Does this belong to hospitality?

No matter how enthusiastic you are, there is no need to chop off your palm, right?

The question is don't you feel pain?

At this time, two juvenile black bears came out outside!

One of the black bears said: "King, you want to eat your bear paw again, this is your eighteenth chopping hand this month, right?"

"Don't believe the must-eat list written by humans before you die!"

"Even if our bear's paw is delicious, it can't be eaten as a meal!"

"You have to take care of your body!"

Chen Nan almost didn't vomit blood!

Chop hands eighteen times a month, and the purpose of chopping hands is actually to eat?

There is really something wrong with this black bear spirit's head!

Black bear spirit: "It's this little brother who wants to eat bear paws!" Stop talking so much nonsense, hurry up and cook! Put more salt, or it will not taste! "

Eating his own bear paw has eaten experience, Chen Nan feels that this guy should have eaten his own brain!"

The black bear essence said: "As for the matter of cherishing his body, King Ben has always had doubts!"

Speaking of this, it looked at Chen Nan, its eyes full of curiosity: "Little brother, they all say that you humans are smart!" Then I have a question for you, you said that chopping my own hands will affect my cultivation!

"However, eating my hand, I feel very happy, and after eating, a new palm will grow again, and my cultivation will also improve!"

"So the question is, am I ruining myself or cherishing myself with this behavior?"

Chen Nan: "My head is a little dizzy, I don't know how to answer this topic of yours..."

"It's that I didn't think it through, you just fell into a coma when you were weak, so you shouldn't use your brain!" The black bear spirit looked out of the cave and said loudly: "Get the black-tailed monkey and let it take a spoonful of monkey brain to replenish the brain of this little brother!" "


Chen Nan was stunned!

Is the demon world so ferocious?

"Great King, are you called the slave family?"

A black-tailed monkey appears in the cave with a wooden spoon the size of a fist in his hand!

This black-tailed monkey is very large and looks like those gorillas on Earth!

Listening to the sound is motherly!

And the eyes that look at the black bear spirit are full of adoration!

The black bear essence said: "This little brother is a little weak, you dig a spoonful of monkey brain to replenish his body!" The

black-tailed monkey looked disgusted: "No, the slave family's brain is only for you to enjoy!" "


The black bear spirit rudely slapped it out for several meters, causing the other party to let out a scream, but still returned to the cave as soon as possible: "Don't be angry with the king, don't be angry!" The slave family will dig up a spoonful of brains for this little brother to enjoy! Speaking

of this, it raised its right paw and directly lifted its scalp, skull!

And then...

It reached in with a spoon and took out a spoonful of white and tender monkey brains!

It looks crystal clear and emits heat!

Chen Nan's scalp was numb and creepy when he saw this scene!

The black bear spirit chops down!

But who would have thought that this black-tailed monkey actually took out a spoonful of his own brain pulp?

And this is not the most terrifying!

The most terrifying thing is that it actually said with a confused look in its eyes: "Comfortable!" "

Seriously, Chen Nan is a little afraid!


Not a little scared!

It's terrifying!

What a demon race!

It's the devil!

A series of operations shocked his eyes and ruined his three views!

It even made him feel sick to his stomach...

"Little brother, don't be nervous, I can't get used to monkey brain at first, but over time you will like it!"

"This thing is the ninetyth existence on the list of must-eat eaters of the Terran in this life, which is higher than my bear's paw!"

The black bear essence spoke, and there was a trace of envy in his tone!

The black bear spirit suddenly said: "By the way, do you like salty or sweet?" Although this thing does not smell very fishy, if you put salt or honey, it still has a special taste!

The black-tailed monkey took out two jade gourds like a trick, and looked at the black bear essence with affection: "The slave family can be salty and sweet!" "

Bring your own ingredients, is this wave of operation okay?"

And Chen Nan always felt that he had encountered a group of perverts!

Even if he can't swallow the monkey brain!

But at the moment, there is no choice!

He has to regain his strength as soon as possible and get out of this damn place!

Otherwise, the ghosts don't know what the black bear spirit will do to him!

One thing is not difficult to know, falling into his hands will definitely be better than death!

"Put some salt, I like salt!" Chen Nan said weakly, drinking tofu brains on the earth is salty, thinking that sweet taste is heresy!

The black-tailed monkey poured out some mineral salts and found a wooden stick to melt the mineral salts completely!

After doing this, it staggered to Chen Nan as if it had drunk too much, and sent the wooden spoon over, with a hint of arrogance in its tone: "Come, taste it, you are the only one besides the king who has tasted people's brains!" "

Chen Nan kind of wants to vomit!

But thinking of being able to recover his strength and escape from here, he still resolutely took the spoon and raised his head to swallow it!

This process is short, but for him, it is very tormenting!

He also knows that monkey brains are treasures!

But watch the black-tailed monkey personally dig out his brain, put salt and stir it evenly and send it to himself!

This feeling is really weird and terrifying!

Chen Nan's education level is not low, but at the moment, he can't find any way to describe it!

"How does it taste?"

Watching Chen Nan eat his monkey brain, the black-tailed monkey asked excitedly!

Chen Nan's face was full of embarrassment: "Can you get another spoonful?" "

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