Dapeng Bird: "A chance that you Terran men love!" "


Chen Nan looked puzzled!

Without waiting for him to ask, the big peng bird spread its wings and flew into the air!

"It seems that the world is not what I imagined, as for the competition... With my current strength, as long as I don't meet an immortal cultivator, no one can defeat me at all!" "

The flesh is his forte!


time passes!

A month has passed in the blink of an eye!

It's evening!

Dapeng Bird appeared again and left the residence with Chen Nan!

Then go to the hollowed-out mountain!

There's a huge space and a ring in the middle!

At this moment, there are many strong people of the demon race gathered around the ring!

Jackals, tigers and leopards, all kinds of birds and beasts, you name it!

Especially the aura when they gathered together, even Chen Nan gave birth to a feeling of humility like an ant!

After all, he is too weak!

Even immortal cultivators are not even counted, and they don't dare to look directly at those demon race powerhouses!

Shift your gaze to the ring!

I saw that the ring was stained red with blood, and it looked very tragic!

It makes people think about what happened before!

In addition, there is a shirtless, blood-covered middle-aged man!

He looks like he is in his forties, with a tiger's back and a bear's waist!

At this time, he was gasping for breath!

This moment!

Chen Nan has some understanding!

"The demon race raises humans to see humans fight and kill each other, so as to find a sense of superiority!"

This is a vengeful psychology!

After all, humans often let the clans of the demon race fight each other!

It's just that!

He didn't expect that one day he would fall to this point!

Dapeng Bird threw Chen Nan in the ring, and immediately said, "His name is Min Yuan, he has the peak of the Convergence Period, and he is a big realm higher than you!"

"If you can beat him, you will win this competition!"

Before Chen Nan could speak, Min Yuan said with a contemptuous expression: "Young man, you are not my opponent at all, let's quickly admit defeat!" If you fight me, I can blow your head with one punch! "

He is very confident, and the peak of the fit period should not be underestimated!

"I like Min Yuan's empty look!"

"Yes, I saw in him the arrogance and arrogance of the Terrans!"

"But there is one thing to say, Minyuan's strength is still very strong, that is, the person is ugly!"

There was a lot of talk all around!

The people of the demon clan are full of fun, and for them, this is really a little fun after tea!

Min Yuan almost didn't vomit blood!

I also know I'm ugly, but can you give some face, don't say it so loudly?


Chennan's eyes were indifferent: "To deal with you, I only use one move!" "

That's it!

Those demon races who watched the excitement all had their eyes shine!


This newcomer is not ordinary!

He is even more arrogant than Min Yuan!

"Young man, I hope you can solve Min Yuan with one move!"

"Yes, I see that Min Yuan is already very unpleasant!"

"This young man is only in the middle of the distraction period, but Min Yuan has the peak of the convergence period, I am afraid that he is just addicted, if he really fights, it is impossible to defeat Min Yuan!"

The people of the demon clan spoke one after another!

Speak your own opinions and opinions!


Min Yuan spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were hideous, and he burst out with the breath of the realm of the Convergence Period: "Young man, you are too arrogant, this is not good, it is not good!"

"Because, I've defeated hundreds of arrogant guys like you in the ring!"

As soon as the words fell, he flashed in front of Chen Nan!

The blood-stained fist smashed fiercely towards Chen Nan!

"Your attack can't work, as for speed... It's a slow mess! Chen Nan calmly dodged and sent a taunt!

"You look for death!" Min Yuan was furious, and slammed his fists towards Chen Nan!

The wind howls in the field!

Although Min Yuan's cultivation is one realm higher than Chen Nan!

But it didn't hurt Chen Nan!

This made many experts of the demon race look surprised!

"This Chen Nan's strength is okay, he actually has the ability to kill the enemy beyond the level!"

"This battle, I hope Chen Nan can win!"

"Yes, Chen Nan's appearance is outstanding among the Terrans, but Min Yuan is ugly, you don't need to think about it, the descendants of the two of them must be Chen Nan's more excellent!"


"Your strength is no more than that, next, it's time for me to strike!"

"One move!"

"I only use one move!"

In the ring, Chen Nan's figure was tall, like a sharp sword!

He has one hand behind his back, giving people a feeling of everyone's demeanor!

Although he and Min Yuan have not yet divided the victory or defeat in this battle!

But in the aura, Chen Nan won!

Many demon race powerhouses felt that this person's aura was very strong!

In layman's terms, the pressure is very sufficient!

It smells like a human master!

"The surname Chen, you deceive people too much!" Min Yuanmu was stunned: "Lao Tzu is also a peak powerhouse in the Fit Period, how can he be punched by you..."

His voice was like thunder, but Chen Nan moved before he finished speaking!

He appeared in front of Min Yuan like a ghost, and his right fist was like a dragon out of the water, and he bombarded Min Yuan's chest fiercely!


With a miserable cry, Min Yuan's figure was a kite with a broken line flying out of the ring, and fell directly into a coma after landing!

The scene was silent!

The eyes of those demon race powerhouses showed an incredible light!

It seems that I didn't expect this guy to be powerful to the point of killing Min Yuan in seconds!

After a short dead silence!

There were shouts all around!

"This guy can!"

"Yes, the strength is very strong, and the long one is also very handsome!"

"Let him be a racer!"

"I agree!"

Many demon race powerhouses opened their mouths one after another!

Dapeng Bird appeared in the sky above the ring: "Congratulations on defeating Min Yuan, next I will fulfill my promise and give you a chance!" As

soon as the words fell, vigorous demon qi flew out of its body, wrapping Chen Nan and leaving the mountain!

Then he took Chen Nan to the magnificent building complex at the peak!

Came to the Temple of Life!

Dapeng Bird pushed open the door and threw Chen Nan directly in!

Chen Nan was dizzy from the fall, and before he could figure out what was happening, he saw a Terran woman around!

They are curvaceous and amazingly good-looking!

Each one has a special style!

As far as the eye can see, there must be at least a hundred people!

At this time, they all looked at Chen Nan nervously!

"Chen Nan, this is your chance!"

"Give you three months to get ten of the women pregnant!"

"If not, then you will become the appetizer of our demon clan powerhouse!"

The voice of the big peng bird sounded in Chen Nan's head, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day!

He never dreamed of it!

This is the so-called chance in the mouth of Dapeng Bird!

At this time, he finally understood what it meant to be human!

What is the difference between this and the breeding pigs in pig farms on Earth that are specially bred for people?

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