Chen Nan is a little unloveable!

He didn't expect to come here as a kind of person...

It's all to blame for Kuiba that goods!

I lost myself and left a practice for it!

I already knew that it had sent itself here as a kind of person, and it should not have left the Heavenly Demon Transformation to them in the first place!

Looking at the more than a hundred beautiful women with white skin and all kinds in front of him, Chen Nan felt as if he had strayed into his daughter's country!


Inexplicably, he felt that this plot was a little familiar!

Then he frowned and thought of a piece of news he had seen a few years ago!

The news is that a woman in the northeast was attacked by wild Siberian tigers while working in the fields!

Fortunately, the woman only suffered some minor injuries and was saved by the people passing by!

After that, the woman called the police as soon as possible!

The local police learned that wild Siberian tigers appeared and openly injured people, and immediately dispatched a large number of police forces!

Carpet search on the ground!

Also monitoring with drones in the air!

Finally found the wild Siberian tiger!

He was anesthetized and taken to the car after which he was taken to a local safari!

Good food and drink!

And then...

And then... That wild Siberian tiger became a breeding tiger in the safari park!

Although the number of wild Siberian tigers in China is very small, there are many in zoos!

Therefore, the wild Siberian tiger that was caught became a breeding tiger!

But any tigress with hair and love will let that wild Siberian tiger play!

When watching the news, Chen Nan also laughed at the wild Siberian tiger!

But I never expected that I would usher in the same fate!

Although he ate a lot of tiger whips!

Full of prunes!

Extremely exuberant!

But you can't be a human being!

See those women's trembling eyes when they look at themselves!

Chen Nan sighed, and then sat cross-kneeled: "Then what, everyone is of the same race, there should be a common language, right?" Can you tell me what the purpose of the demon race is in doing this?

A woman in her twenties stepped forward wearing a fiery red long dress, with a bit of nervousness in her eyes: "The demon race has always wanted to fight the Terrans, but the demon race can't beat the Terran powerhouses!"

"So, they captured many young handsome people of the race and let them give birth!"

"After that, they took the babies of the Terran race away and taught them the cultivation techniques of the demon race!"

"The purpose is to defeat humans with humans!"

Chen Nan thought of the saying on earth, only magic can defeat magic!

It seems that the demon race is not five big and three rough!

It's just that this method is more or less unconscionable!

"Gongzi, shall I serve you tonight?" The woman in red had a hint of shyness in her nervous eyes!

Chen Nan hurriedly said, "Don't don't, I didn't want to be a father!" "

He never wanted to be a dad on Earth!

Not to mention coming to the immortal world to have a baby with a group of women who have never met!

Although it is difficult for cultivators to conceive heirs!

But that's in the mortal world!

It's different here!

This is the immortal world, and his identity is equivalent to that of ordinary people!

So it's not very hard to have a baby!




As soon as Chen Nan rejected the woman in red, those women in the hall knelt down one after another!

One of them cried, "Gongzi, please save us, only if we are pregnant can we leave this place!" If not, we would be better off alive than dead!

"The people of the demon race are a group of beasts, and if we can't conceive a child when the Terrans unite, they..." They will cross races and unite with us..."

"We don't want to give birth to shemales!"

The scene erupted into sobs!

Looking at their desperate, painful expressions, Chen Nan was also a little confused!

I never expected that the demon race was so cruel and engaged in cross-racial inheritance...

"Gongzi, this is not only to save us, but also to save yourself! They really do what they say, and if you can't get ten people pregnant in three months, they'll really kill you for drinking! "

Chen Nan almost didn't burst out!

He already knew that the chance of winning was this, and he said that he would not defeat that guy named Min Yuan!

Now it's really hard to ride a tiger!


His brain is racing!

"I've reached the middle of the Fit Stage now!"

"According to this momentum, it should not be difficult to step into the void of the cave, Dacheng, and cross the calamity!"

"If I can step into the Earth Immortal Realm within three months, I can open the Immortal Mansion!"

"You can get out of here then!"

Once the Immortal Mansion is opened, then no one in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave will be able to trap him!

At that time, you can let the Immortal Mansion turn into dust and leave!


Until then, he has to protect himself as much as possible!


Boys need to protect themselves outside!

How to say it...

He always felt that these more than a hundred women were a little difficult!


Very not simple!

You must know that the territory of the demon race is vast and boundless!

According to his understanding of the demon race realm, the east-west span is at least more than one million kilometers, which is an extremely exaggerated number!

Even Earth Immortals may not be able to cross such a long distance!

But why is there a group of Terran women in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave in the easternmost part of the demon world?

Chen Nan did not deny that there must be a woman of the human race here!

But if they were all Terran women, he didn't believe it!

And the most important point!

Someone said before that the demon race would forcibly cross the race and let them give birth to shemales!

Is there another possibility then!

There are demon masters who transform into adults and mingle in them!

Do you also want to have an heir with a talented guy like Chen Nan?

This is a hypothetical question!

But Chen Nan did not doubt this possibility!

Look at these various and beautiful women kneeling in front of them!

Chen Nan fell into a tangle!

He had to choose a few women to carry out the mission!

Otherwise, you have to attract the attention of the demon woman, and even report to the people outside!

If Dapeng Bird learned that he did not marry these women, he would definitely not spare him lightly!

Thinking of this, he used the Hope Qi Technique!

He didn't know if the Qiqi Technique could detect the essence of these women, but he could only try it now!

It doesn't matter if you look at it!

It almost scared him to pee!

Out of more than a hundred women, only seven are Terrans!

The other hundred or so were all transformed by demon beasts!

While feeling fear, he was glad that he had the Hope Qi Technique!

But more than that, it's doubts!

The Hope Qi Technique was taught to him by Wushan, but he didn't say that it would work in the Immortal Realm!


The true origin of Wushan is most likely from the immortal world!

Without much thought, Chen Nanshun pointed to a young woman wearing a long white dress and a peerless style: "I just fought with someone else, my body is a little weak, so you will accompany me tonight!" The

woman in the white dress was stunned, as if she didn't expect this kind of good thing to fall on her, and immediately made an invitation gesture: "Gongzi here, please, I'll take you to the bedroom!" "

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