The room was huge!


The bed was huge, to be exact!

It can sleep more than ten people at the same time!

After entering the room, Nie Yao, a woman in a white dress, went to fetch water and poured it into the wooden barrel!

Although she has no personnel!

But I also know that washing is healthier...

After taking a bath, Chen Nan came to bed!

He was lying there, and Nie Yao knelt beside him, helping him pinch his shoulders and beat his back!

After asking, Chen Nan also knew why Nie Yao appeared in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

She was originally a young lady from a large family of the Terran race, and she had an accident while riding the teleportation array!

Then he strayed into the demon world, was arrested by the people of the demon world, and locked up in the ten thousand demon cave!

Nie Yao said softly, "Brother Chen, you have to be careful against those women outside, most of them are transformed by the demon race!" If you give birth to an heir with them..."

It was obvious that she knew those who had the demon clan among those people!

"A child will not be born, and even if it is, it cannot be here!" Chen Nan was lying there with a drunken face, even if he called Nie Yao in, he didn't think about moving her!

As for having a baby... Even if you are born, you must be on earth!

It's so irresponsible to have a baby here!

Nie Yao naturally didn't know what Chen Nan thought, and when her hands were numb, she said softly: "Brother Chen, or let's..." Get down to business, right? "

Brother Chen?"

She called two more times, but found that Chen Nan had fallen asleep there!

Nie Yao looked stunned!

She never expected that Chen Nan would fall asleep at this time!

It's more or less outrageous!

However, she didn't say anything more, lying beside Chen Nan and gradually fell asleep!

She had been arrested for months, but she had never had a good night's sleep!

I'm afraid that I will be caught by the strong people of the demon race to do that kind of thing!

And now, there is an additional man of the same race around her, and she also inexplicably feels a sense of security!


the next day!

After Chen Nan woke up, Nie Yao brought him washing water and served him to wash!

Someone brought food afterward!

Chen Nan's life is very comfortable now, and he doesn't have to worry about eating and drinking!

And there are beautiful people by your side!

To put it bluntly, he doesn't even have to pee himself now!

You don't even have to do that kind of thing yourself!

He has never been an emperor, but in his opinion, the emperor's life is afraid that he is not comparable to himself!

But... It's just losing your freedom!

"Brother Chen, don't you like me?" While eating breakfast, Nie Yao suddenly asked!

Chen Nan was stunned, knowing that she must have been depressed and lost because she ignored her last night!

Without waiting for him to answer, Nie Yao said, "Yes, the two of us didn't know each other before, and it is not my wish to force that kind of thing to happen." But... Only in this way can we survive!

"If the people of the demon clan knew that nothing happened to us, maybe they wouldn't do anything to you, but they certainly wouldn't let me go!" She was nervous and panicked!

After all, Chen Nan is a fragrant glutton, an irreplaceable existence!

The people of the demon clan will scold him at best!

But she's just an ordinary person!

Chen Nan: "I still can't pass the level in my heart!" "

Chen Nan doesn't consider himself a good person!

Especially when it comes to things for men and women!

Wanting to rescue Wuyang City in the first place, he had a relationship with twelve girls just to gain the trust of the enemy!

He had no choice but to save Wuyang City in that matter!

For hundreds of thousands of people!

But now!

He doesn't have so much responsibility and responsibility!

If there is one thing to say, even if you die, what can you do?


He couldn't find a reason to move Nie Yao!


Next moment!

His breathing was much heavier!

The medicinal effect of the tiger whip has been completely released!

"Damn, the food prepared by the demon clan is drugged..."


Chen Nan himself was very brave in that kind of thing, and so far no woman could withstand his enthusiasm alone!

Not to mention that he also took so many tiger whips, bear paws, monkey brains and other big supplements in Nirvana Mountain!

This time, Nie Yao almost didn't pass out!

"Nie, I was also forced just now!" Afterwards, a strong sense of guilt rose in Chen Nan's heart!

He didn't expect the people of the demon clan to be so despicable!

Nie Yao said weakly: "Brother Chen doesn't need to blame himself, I don't blame you, it's just..." Can you stop being so rude next time? Chen

Nan's face was full of embarrassment!

He couldn't control himself at all!

"Chen Nan, if you are more sensible, we will not drug your food at all, if you still don't know how to be evil, then don't blame us!"

The sound of the roc bird rings in the ears!

Obviously, the strong man of the demon race has been paying attention to this side!

A strong killing intent rose in Chen Nan's heart, after living for so many years, he had never been so embarrassed!

Someday it's going to be stewed with that roc bird!

Nie Yao felt the killing intent in Chen Nan's heart, and immediately transmitted his soul: "Brother Chen, the Ten Thousand Demon Cave is the power of the Four Emperors Dapeng Demon King, we can't fight this kind of opponent at all, if you want to survive, you can't show the slightest hostility!"

Chen Nan was curious: "Four Emperors? "

Although he has seen the territory forces of the immortal world, it only includes some mountains and rivers, forbidden lands!

There are not many other records!

After all, the power of this thing can change at any time!

Nie Yao said: "Yes, there are four emperors and one king and five major forces in the demon world, which are the Dragon King, the Dapeng Demon Emperor, the Qilin Demon Emperor, the White Tiger Demon Emperor, and the Eight-Eyed Demon Spider!" "

According to legend, these five demon race powerhouses all have the strength of a ninth-level immortal emperor, even if the Terran powerhouses see them, they have a headache!"

"Although the Ten Thousand Demon Cave is not big, it is valued by the Dapeng Demon Emperor!"

"And there are Golden Immortal-level demon clan powerhouses sitting here!"

A Golden Immortal level powerhouse was out of reach for Chen Nan!

Unless he can step into the realm of the Earth Immortals, he can hope to open the Immortal Mansion at that time, and then leave this place without knowing it!


The demon clan here has stopped the supply of spirit stones!

Even if the Yin Harvesting Technique can still devour the Yin Qi between heaven and earth, it can improve his strength!

But he didn't have the confidence to step into the Earth Immortal Realm within three months!

That is, unless ten women are pregnant!

Otherwise, he will surely die in three months!

Things have become serious!

He had never felt such anxiety and restlessness!

It's hard to do!

Do you really want to follow Dong Yong and have that kind of thing happen with the demon clan?

Chen Nan had a little headache!

If he falls in love with a demon woman without knowing the other party's race, he will definitely not retreat!

Because love is the most precious thing in the world!

It can overcome everything!

Whether it's life and death, or across races!

But now...

What should he do?

Knowing that a demon wants to be like that, isn't this too cruel?

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