Seven days passed in the blink of an eye!

Inside a huge cave!

"Great King, this plague is very serious, and we have already infected hundreds of brothers with the plague!"

"Think of a way!"

The two experts of the demon clan looked at Touran!

Touran is the leader here!

It is also a clan of the Golden-winged Roc!

The body is a golden-crowned eagle!

At this moment, he transformed into a burly middle-aged man in his forties!


Touran shot out two terrifying demon qi and directly blasted the two masters out: "You are the doctors of my ten thousand demon caves, but now there is a plague but let me find a way, even if this is the case, what is the use of you?" "

The great king spares his life, the great king spares his life!"

The two quickly kowtowed!

Tuan's eyes were gloomy: "Give you three days, if not, then die!" "

Get out!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

The demon clan master ran out of the cave mansion where Tu'an cultivated!

Touran's eyes are gloomy!

Compared with other monsters, birds have a fatal weakness, that is, they are susceptible to plague!

The plague in the Immortal Cultivation World is very terrifying, if they are accidentally infected, even if they are lucky enough to pick up a small life, they will lose their cultivation!

"Great King, there is a sentence that I don't know whether to say or not!" Lu Ku, who was dressed in blue, spoke on the side!

Tuan glanced at him lukewarmly: "If that's the case, then don't talk about it!"

Lu Kuan looked embarrassed: "I'm afraid that you will be angry if you say it!" Tuan

: "King Ben, now he is very dissatisfied!"

Lu Ku immediately said, "I think so, aren't humans good at refining elixirs?"

"We can let Chen Nan try it!"

"Yes, that kind of human body is very strong, if I guessed correctly, he should have taken a lot of pills!"

"I know that you hate the Terrans and don't like to ask them for help, but isn't this a special time!"

"In case that kind of person is proficient in alchemy, it can alleviate the epidemic on our side!"

Tuan pondered for a moment and said, "In that case, then you go to meet that kind of person, if he can really solve this plague, this king will definitely not treat him badly!" "

Yes!" Lu Ku promised, turning into a body giant peng bird and soaring into the air!


"Chen Nan, come out!"

In front of the Hall of Life!

Lu Kuan turned into a middle-aged man!


The temple door is open!

Chen Nan walked out disheveled!

His pace is a bit vain!

No way, it's tiring to be a breeder!

"Is life okay here?" Lu Kuan asked with a smile!

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched: "It's okay!" It's almost callousy!

Lu Kuan frowned: "Don't they have much water?"

Chen Nan was stunned!

Depend on!

The demon clan knows a lot!

"It's not poor, I came to you this time!" Lu Kuan said seriously, "Do you understand the art of medical alchemy?"

Chen Nan was amused: "You should ask, do you have anything else besides the art of medical alchemy!"

Lu Ku's eyes lit up: "There is a plague in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, and now the epidemic is serious, and I need your help!" If you can solve this plague, I will grant you one wish!

Chen Nan was overjoyed in his heart: "Is it okay to leave the Hall of Life?"

Lu Ku: "Yes!

"Okay, I'll do my best!" Chen Nan took a deep breath and said, "Go, take me to see your clansmen infected with the plague!" "

Now that the demon clan can use him, he has to behave well in whatever he says!"

If you can take the opportunity to leave!

Even if you can't, you can delay for a while and find a way to break through!

And the race... He wasn't going to be!

After that, Lu Ku took Chen Nan to a cave, and there were many birds and demon masters in the cave, all of them turned into people, with pus sores on their bodies and high fever!

"Leave, get out of here quickly!"

Chen Nan drank loudly and ran out of the cave at the first time!

Lu Kuan didn't expect Chen Nan to have such a big reaction, so he followed up and asked, "Did you see what kind of disease they had?"

Chen Nan's expression was solemn: "This is bird chaos!" "


Lu Kuan gasped!

The most frightening thing in the history of birds is the poultry riot!

Once it happens, the consequences are serious!

Moreover, this plague will eventually turn into beast chaos!

At that time, Mo said that birds, even other demon beasts will die one after another!

Lu Kuan asked seriously: "Do you know how to eradicate poultry chaos?"

Chen Nan said in a low voice: "Now is not the time to cure it, but to find out the source of the poultry chaos, and how many demon races have been infected with the poultry chaos!" "

Chen Nan has watched a lot of books in the immortal world before, and among them is the introduction of poultry chaos!

This plague has an incubation period of up to half a year, and once it breaks out, it is almost widespread!

Now there are dozens of demon clans infected with poultry chaos in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, which is a very bad situation!


"Investigate those demon masters who have infected the poultry chaos, find out their whereabouts, and have they had contact with others!"

"All those who come into close contact with them must be isolated at the first time!"

"And let people check their body temperature at any time and check whether they have pustules!"

"Also, spray lime water on the entire Ten Thousand Demon Cave for disinfection!"

After hearing Chen Nan's various arrangements, Lu Ku suddenly felt that this guy seemed to have a few brushes, and immediately ordered him to go down and let people do what Chen Nan ordered!

Chen Nan said again: "I need several medicinal herbs, you help me find them!"

"Say it in advance, I don't know the solution to the poultry mess!"

"You can only stabilize their condition first!"

Lu Ku: "Good!

Lu Kuan directly responded, remembered the medicinal materials that Chen Nan needed in his heart, and then let people look for them!

At the same time, Chen Nan also returned to the Hall of Life!

At this moment, the seven clan women in his room had been waiting for a long time!

They had a great time together!

We are all good at taking care of each other!

If one of them gets tired, they will replace each other!

Anyway, he would never let Chen Nan move!

Chen Nan spoke: "There is a poultry riot in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, you will stay in the room these days, don't go out anywhere, let alone contact people outside!"

"If any of you feel unwell, remember to tell me as soon as possible!"

A woman named Yingying's eyes lit up, and she said with strong excitement: "Brother Chen, if there is a bird riot in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, can we take the opportunity to leave here?" The

other six girls couldn't hide their joy!

They are always looking for a chance to leave!

But isn't the opportunity coming to the door at this moment?

They can completely take advantage of the panic of the demon clan masters of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave to leave here!

Then they will be free and will not have to be raised!

Just thinking about this is very exciting!

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth: "You think I don't want to leave?" I want to too, but... We simply can't leave!

Nie Yao asked nervously, "Why can't you leave?" "

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