Several other people also looked at Chen Nan!

Chen Nandao: "I have read some ancient books, and there was a poultry riot recorded on them!"

"Now it should be more than a million years ago!"

"There was a serious poultry riot in the demon world, first it was a bird disease, and then there was a death!"

"After that, he infected other races in the demon world!"

"Not to mention the countless deaths and injuries, it finally spread to the human world, with millions of deaths and injuries!"

Hearing this, the seven girls panicked even more!

One of them said: "Since the poultry riot is so terrible, we should leave!"

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "At present, no one can guarantee whether we have been infected with poultry riots, to put it ugly, if we are also infected with poultry riots, do you think we can survive after leaving?" The

woman was speechless!

Chen Nandao: "Poultry chaos is transmitted through the air, and I'm not sure if everyone has contracted poultry chaos!"

"So, it's better to stay than to leave!"

"Even if we really accidentally infect the poultry disorder, we can treat it here!"

In the face of no absolute strength, he rushed to leave the Ten Thousand Demon Cave to a dead end, which Chen Nan knew!

Coupled with the outbreak of poultry riots, if they are also diagnosed with poultry riots when they leave, they will definitely die on the way out!

"I'm here to say hello to you, I'll live outside during this time!" After leaving a word, Chen Nan left the Hall of Life.

Although there are doctors in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, the doctors of the demon clan are not reliable at all!

He had to do a lot of things!

For example, how to disinfect without dead ends!


"Senior Lu Ku, from today onwards, the people of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave will only enter but not exit, to prevent the spread of birds!"

"Also, you should select some strong demon clans and check the bodies of other demon clans in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!"

"Yes, there must be a general inspection every other day!"

"Anyone who has chickenpox or fever must be isolated as soon as possible!"

Chen Nan wore a homemade mask, as a doctor, although it was the first time to deal with the plague, there were many plagues in the history of China!

He doesn't panic too much!

"Also, if a demon clan powerhouse unfortunately dies, you need to dig a pit and burn the corpse as soon as possible!"

Lu Ku said: "In this way, from today onwards, you will be the captain of the plague response team, and all things related to the plague will be done by yourself!"

Chen Nan hurriedly said: "Senior Lu Ku is serious, I am an ordinary person, how can I have such skills!" Lu

Ku secretly took out a storage bag and handed it to Chen Nan!

Chen Nan's spiritual power was injected into it, and he found that there were 100,000 superb spirit stones inside!

But he still shook his head: "Senior Lu Ku, it's not that the junior doesn't want to help you do things, but the junior is just a mortal, and he is simply powerless..."

Lu Ku gave him another storage bag and whispered, "Do you have this ability now?" Chen

Nan was overjoyed!

These spirit stones are less than a million pieces!

If he is lucky, he can step into the realm of the Earth Immortals!

He cleared his throat and brazenly accepted the two storage bags: "The junior is not interested in spirit stones, but just wants to do something within his power for the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!"

"It's just that the juniors are a personal race after all!"

"I'm afraid I can't convince the public!"

"In case someone doesn't listen to the junior, or violates the instructions of the junior..."

Lu Ku said, "If anyone really dares to do this, you come to me!" "


With Lu Kuan's words, Chen Nan also dared to do it with confidence and boldness!

Lu Ku immediately called ten demon clan powerhouses!

It's all from the bear clan!

The bear clan has a terrifying physical body, and its resistance is far stronger than that of other demon races!

It's just that these ten people are far from enough!

After all, there are tens of thousands of demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

So Chen Nan sent each of them to find twenty juniors, a total of two hundred and ten people, to be fully responsible for this poultry chaos!

The number of people is not very large, but it is enough!

Of course, in addition to them, Chen Nan also set up a team specifically responsible for sanitize!

And the logistics support department!

That adds up to five hundred people!

Chen Nan also found a pot and boiled the medicinal liquid, which can enhance immunity!

The spread of the plague can be avoided!


Chen Nan also learned the whereabouts of the sixty-two demon clan powerhouses who were infected with poultry chaos!

The places they go to are miscellaneous!

There are also many people in contact!

To put it bluntly, their whereabouts are all over the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

This is a very bad result!

In other words, everyone in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave may be infected with poultry chaos!

Including him!

Therefore, the only thing that can be done at the moment is to boil the soup medicine and distribute it to everyone as soon as possible!

For three days in a row, Chen Nan didn't close his eyes!

Although these five hundred demon clan powerhouses were not optimistic about him at first!

But I saw that he helped them with all his heart, and even couldn't even eat when he was busy!

The team of five hundred people was also completely convinced of him!

Day 3 evening!

Chen Nan stopped boiling medicine!

He looked at a strong man named Drew: "Brother Drew, the medicine has been distributed, right?" "

Drew's men specialize in distributing soup medicine!

Only when everyone drinks the decoction can the pressure on his side be relieved!

Drew replied, "Count the time, my little brothers should be on their way back!"

"Boss, it's not good, our people have been killed!"

At this time, a little brother Drew cried and ran over!

Drew was furious: "Who killed our brother?"

The little brother's face was full of grievances: "Ember people!

Drew's face changed, but he didn't expect it to be the Ember Man!

Ember, the left and right arm of Touran, the leader of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

It is a mutant of birds and can spit flames!

Ember's strength itself is very strong, and it has a group of arrogant birds under it!

Ordinary people simply do not dare to offend them!

Taking a deep breath, Drew asked, "Why did the Ember people kill our brother?" The

little brother said aggrievedly: "They said that the soup medicine was too bitter and it was difficult to swallow, so let some spirit fruits be re-brewed."

"Our brother said that all decoctions taste like this, and they will lose their medicinal effect after putting in the spirit fruit!"

"Just this sentence angered the other party, and then killed our people!"

Drew's face was gloomy, he really wanted to kill the other party to avenge his little brother!

But Ember's subordinates are very strong, and there is Ember as a backer!

This breath of evil can only be swallowed into the stomach!!

"They also said that if they are not convinced, they can go to their trouble at any time!"

"You can also go to the king to file a complaint!"

"Too much bullying the bear, it's simply bullying the bear too much!" Drew let out a low roar of grief and indignation, with his strength, it was not enough to compete with Ember's men!

Don't even dare to go to Touran to file a complaint!

Chen Nan looked at the demon clan expert with a face full of fear, and couldn't help but ask, "How many of them are there?" Er, how many birds? Can you stew in one pot? "

The demon clan master is stunned!

Drew was also stunned!

How many meanings does it mean that one pot can be stewed?

You don't want to eat them, do you?

Although he didn't know why Chen Nan asked this, the demon clan powerhouse still said, "There are five of them, and their bodies are all golden feather eagles!"

Chen Nan: "Although you and I are not of the same race, but we are also brothers who work together, they were killed, how can I Chen Nan pretend to turn a blind eye?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely help them get this justice back!"

When the words fell, he got up and left!

A face of dust came to Lu Ku's cave mansion, and at this moment there was a sign at the door of his cave mansion: I am in retreat, no disturbing sign!

Chen Nan scoffed!

Retreats and no interruptions are all bullshit!

He was afraid that the plague would spread to him!

Thinking of this, Chen Nan spoke outside the cave, with a hint of helplessness in his tone: "Senior Lu Ku, junior is afraid that he will not be able to take the position of leader of the plague response team, you better choose someone else!"

Lu Ku's voice sounded: "These days, the Ten Thousand Demon Caves are in good order under your governance, how can you say that if you don't do it, you won't do it?" Are you wronged? "

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