Lu Ku is very cautious!

He didn't dare to go out and talk to Chen Nan at all!

Because this guy said that the plague spreads through the air!

And this guy's job is at high risk!

Chen Nan no longer hid it, and said what Ember's subordinates, the five golden feathered eagles did!

After speaking, he said: "Now is a special period, the top king of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, and the strong people like Lu Kuan's predecessor have all taken the medicinal liquid brewed by the younger generation, which shows the importance of this plague!"

"But there are people who disobey the management, and even kill those brothers who have worked hard and stayed on the front line all day!"

"Where is Heavenly Reason?"

"Where is the axiom?"

"Where is the human heart?"

"Actually, this matter has no impact on the juniors, after all, my life here is very good!"

"Don't worry about eating, don't worry about drinking, and women don't worry!"

"I don't have to swallow my anger for your survival!"

He said a little too much!

But Lu Ku was silent!

"In the past three days, more than 500 of our brothers have been busy day and night, and they have not even eaten hot food!"

"What are we drawing?"

"Isn't it just to hope to control the plague as soon as possible so that everyone can live a carefree life?"

"But now, someone has openly killed our brother and openly provoked our authority!"

"This behavior makes me see no hope!"

"Instead of that, then why should I not be thankful?"

Lu Ku's voice sounded slowly: "You haven't eaten for three days and nights, right?" How about I invite you to eat roasted golden-feathered eagles? "

Words fall!

A blue light flashed in front of Chen Nan's eyes!

Then, after several days of silence, there was a roar from the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

"Lu Ku, you are looking for death!"

"Damn, when my boss comes back, I won't let you go!"


The miserable cries stopped abruptly!

Immediately, Lu Ku returned with five golden-feathered eagles the size of an ostrich, and he threw them in front of Chen Nan and said indifferently: "In the future, if anyone disobeys the order, tell me directly, cut it, where is so much nonsense?" Chen

Nan swallowed his saliva wildly!

He knew that Lu Ku and Ember were both Touran's right arms!

But before, I had never heard that he was so strong!

"Okay, while it's hot, hurry up and deal with these miscellaneous birds, if you have something, remember to summon me!" Lu said lightly, then turned around and returned to the cave!

After making sure that Chen Nan was far away, he stomped his foot excitedly: "Oh mother, it's so cool, it's really cool, this time he killed the five subordinates of Ember, he won't be angry, right?" Will he hit me? I'm so scared! "

Lu Ku is indeed afraid of embers!

But don't be afraid now!

The plague is related to the life and death of all the demon races in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

At this time, they are making trouble, don't say that Ember is not there!

Even if he stayed in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, he couldn't keep those five guys!

"What did that guy say just now... I have to keep this passage in my heart, and if Ember gets me in trouble, I can use that passage to push it back!


"Brother Drew, come, find a few brothers to clean up these five miscellaneous birds, it should be today's dinner!" Chen Nan returned halfway up the mountain and threw the corpses of the five golden feathered eagles to the ground!

Drew was shocked!

He thought that Chen Nan was just bragging!

But I didn't expect to really help them get justice!

"Brother Chen Nan, there are three birds infected with poultry that have lost their breath!" At this time, Deru's eldest brother Dekang rushed over panting, and he has been staying outside the cave these days!

"Okay, I see!" Chen Nan got up: "You guys clean up these five miscellaneous birds here first, and I'll go to the cave to bring out the carcasses of those three birds and burn them!"

Dekang was taken aback: "This is not appropriate, right? Your strength is too weak, if you get close to a seriously ill patient or a corpse, you are very likely to be infected!

"It's not appropriate, I'll go, I'll go and bring out the carcasses of those three birds!"

Maybe because Chen Nan had eaten the bear paw too many times, the bear clan of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave was very friendly to him!

Likewise, admire him!

Because this guy has something to do!

They didn't treat them like animals at all!

Chen Nan couldn't resist the other party, and could only tell him to pay attention to personal protection!

When Dekang returned after disposing of the three corpses, the leaders of the other eight groups also returned!

What follows is a day's debriefing!

"Brother Chen, a total of three confirmed patients have been found today!"

"Compared to the previous ones, the condition of these three patients is not too bad!"

"And we've isolated them in place!"

Another humane: "In addition, we have also investigated the source of this poultry riot, the first case should be Mou Han, who has been out on a mission for half a year and feels unwell after returning!"

"Moreover, those seriously ill patients have a very good personal relationship with him!"

Chen Nan's expression was solemn: "The plague of poultry chaos should not have appeared for a long time, right?"

"I've lived for 30,000 years and haven't heard of it at all!" Drew said while roasting the golden feather eagle!

Chen Nan said, "Go and ask Mou Han what happened when he went out, or whether he met anyone, or whether he entered a certain ruin!" "

The appearance of this plague of poultry chaos gave Chen Nan a sense of foreboding!

If it's accidental, it's just that!

If it were not accidental, the consequences would be terrible!

Dekang said, "Mou Han is dead!" Chen

Nan's face changed!

Now, they can only find a way to solve the plague in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave first!

As for the source of the plague, we can only find out later!


Accompanied by a high-pitched cry straight through the sky!

A touch of red streaked across the sky above the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

At the same time, there is a powerful demon qi!

"It's Ember coming back!" Drew's face turned pale!

Ember itself is the most ferocious existence in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

Not to mention that at this time they were roasting the embers of five brothers!

"Damn it, who killed my brother?"

The roar of the embers echoed in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

As soon as he returned to the cave mansion, he saw the soul jade tablets of the five brothers shattered!

And there is still blood in the hole!

That was the blood of his five brothers!

The monstrous killing intent surged out, making the starry sky become dull, and you could faintly hear bursts of thunder!

The people of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave were panicking!

Ember himself is very ferocious, and he is very optimistic about those five brothers!

Now that they have been killed, Ember must be furious!


"Brother Chen Nan, or let's put away these five miscellaneous birds first!" If Ember sees us roasting his brothers, no one will survive! Drew was nervous!

Everyone else nodded desperately!

If Ember doesn't come back, they'll definitely feast on it and taste the golden feather eagle!

But now that the embers have returned, even if they lend them a hundred guts, they don't dare to taste the golden feather eagle in front of the embers!

In their eyes, this is no different from looking for death!

Without waiting for Chen Nan to answer, a fiery red figure appeared in front of the fire!

It's Ember!

His eyes widened angrily, and his killing intent boiled!

"Kill my brothers and eat them, you guys, are you tired of living?"

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