Tu An said, "Great King, although Brother Chen Nan is a mortal, what he did in my Ten Thousand Demon Cave is absolutely extraordinary that a person can do!"

"I want to call it God!"

Then Touran began to boast awkwardly!

It simply praised Chen Nan to the sky!

He said what Chen Nan did in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

Whether it was a failure of control and letting him go, he insisted on staying!

Or finally personally infected with poultry chaos, to try the medicine by himself!

After hearing this, Yan Guang couldn't help but look at Chen Nan again, if it weren't for Tu'an being his cronie, he definitely wouldn't believe these words!

"King Ben wants to know, what is the purpose of you personally infecting the poultry and gambling with your life?" Yan Guang asked!

Chen Nandao: "The junior was a doctor before!"

"A doctor's duty is to save lives!"

He really hadn't thought about what he was doing this for!

Maybe it's not to see so many people die under the poultry chaos!

Yan Guang said: "The Divine Tree has a total of 80,000 birds and demon races, and 300,000 beast races, if you can solve the danger of poultry chaos, I owe you a favor!"

"Being able to get the favor of Yan Guang's predecessors is the creation of juniors!" Chen Nan bowed!

The human favor of the ninth-level immortal emperor can be imagined!

"Great King, I'll take Brother Chen Nan to the Divine Spring first!" Tu An said a word, and took Chen Nan to the Divine Spring!

The sacred spring is located behind the sacred tree, and the water flowing from the sacred spring nourishes the sacred tree!

It is also the foundation on which the more than 300,000 demon races here depend!

The divine spring exudes a rich aura!

Visible to the naked eye!

"Oops, cramps!" Touran let out a scream in flight!

Chen Nan on his back even fell into the divine spring, splashing with the sound of water!

At the moment of entering the Divine Spring, surging spiritual energy surged into his body along Chen Nan's pores!

For him, why is it not a creation?

After entering the Divine Spring, his Yuan Infant was transformed and was frantically absorbing the spiritual energy of this place!

Xiuwei is also climbing all the way!

"Touran, do you know that your acting skills are very clumsy?" There was Yan Guang's slightly angry voice in the air!

Tu An landed on the stone next to the divine spring and said with an embarrassed smile: "If it is true, nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the great king, your eyes are like a torch, you can penetrate the nine heavens and the ten lands below!"

"I would like to call it the strongest!"



Starry sky!

The galaxy is shining!

You can see shooting stars across the night sky!

In the sacred spring!

A surging True Qi erupted from Chen Nan's body!

He suddenly opened his eyes and jumped out of the divine spring!

In the Divine Spring, his gains were amazing, and his strength soared all the way, entering the early stage of the Mahayana period!

Under normal circumstances, if you can enter the peak of the Mahayana period in the mundane world, you can soar in the day!

Of course!

He has now entered the immortal realm, and he can be regarded as ascending!

------However, if Chen Nan

can break through the Mahayana period, he can step into the Earth Immortal Realm and become a true immortal cultivator!"

At that time, he will be able to open the Immortal Mansion!

This is also his hole card!

"Thank you Touran senior!"

Chen Nan bowed to Tu'an, he was not stupid, how did he not know that the other party was giving him a chance?

"Raise your hand, not enough teeth!" Touran smiled: "Let's get down to business!" "Good


Chen Nan took out the short knife and then cut his wrist!

Pale golden blood poured into the Divine Spring!

In a flash!

Thunder in the air!

The wind roars!

The originally calm divine spring is even more turbulent!

It seems that there is a divine dragon turning over the river!


top of the Divine Tree!

Yan Guang looked at the figure next to the Divine Spring with a shocked face!

"Pale golden blood?"

"It's not..."

"He's just a small Truth Cultivator, not even an Immortal Cultivator!"

"How can you have pale golden blood?"

"Who the hell is this guy?"

The boiling spring water of the divine spring is like his heart at this moment!

As an existence of one of the five ceilings of the demon race, he has lived for hundreds of thousands of years and knows many ancient secrets that ordinary people cannot know!

Among them is a legend about golden blood!

There is only one race in the world whose blood is golden, and that is the five-clawed golden dragon!

Unfortunately, the five-clawed golden dragon has long been extinct!


There is also a kind of blood that exists that is golden!

That's a saint!

The saint jumped out of the three realms, not in the five elements!

Immortal, with the same life as the sky!


He couldn't understand why a small Terran had pale golden blood!

"According to ancient records, human beings with pale golden blood have the resources to be sanctified!"

"If I'm not mistaken, there must be a great creation in this son!"

"Moreover, he saved my demon clan meritorious service!"

"If nothing else, wait for the poultry chaos crisis to be completely resolved!"

"His blood will change!"

"It seems that it is necessary to get along with this little guy!"

At this moment, Yan Guang thought a lot!


"What's the situation?" How did the lightning and thunder sound? Seeing

the fierce wind, Chen Nan was inexplicably a little uneasy!

This is the fairy world!

It's different from mortals!

A heavenly thunder casually descends here, and he can make his soul fly away in an instant!

Touran said casually: "This side of the immortal world is often like this, there is no need to pay attention to it!"

Chen Nan didn't think much about it, and only then stopped when his body felt dizzy, and then sealed the wound with True Qi!

Saving people with blood...

This wave of operations made him feel like he was selling!

"The divine spring contains a rich spiritual energy, and the people of the demon race should be able to cure the poultry chaos after drinking it!" Chen Nan said weakly, and then said, "Senior Touran, if you don't find a place, I want to sleep!" "Good


Touran promised, took him to the Divine Tree, and only left after settling down!


"Tell me about Chen Nan, for example, why did he appear in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!" Yan Guang opened his mouth and expressed curiosity about Chen Nan's origin!

At this time, he also drank the spring water mixed with Chen Nan's blood in the divine spring, and his condition recovered instantly!

If it appeared in the West, it would be enough, and the Terrans would live there!

But the Ten Thousand Demon Cave is the easternmost part of the demon race!

Don't say a truth cultivator!

Even an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse would have a hard time getting there!

Tu An said, "Senior Brother Chen Nan just appeared in Nirvana Mountain, and it was the demon clan of Nirvana Mountain who wanted to exchange him for cultivation resources, and then sent him to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!"

"That's kind of weird!" Yan Guang frowned: "Nirvana Mountain is a cursed place, and there has been no teleportation array since ancient times, and a true cultivator appeared there..." It's very undeserved!

Tu An said, "Great King, we don't need to know the origin of Brother Chen Nan, we just need to remember his kindness to my demon clan!" You said that being a human being is important, and being a bird is even more important!

"Let him get a good night's sleep first!" Yan Guang said: "This time Chen Nan saved my fellow demon clan, his merit is immeasurable, and he is the benefactor of my demon clan!"

"When he wakes up, King Ben will reward him well!"

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