This sleep, Chen Nan slept for three days and three nights!

This was definitely the most solid and peaceful sleep he had slept since he came to the immortal world!

When I woke up, it was already noon!

A demon woman wearing a colorful long dress took him to Yan Guang's side!

At the same time, Chen Nan also asked the other party about the poultry chaos!

The demon woman was very excited to tell him that the incident had been solved and that the clansmen were recovering!

Not long after, Chen Nan came to Yan Guang's mansion!

At this moment, Yan Guangzheng and Touran are discussing something!

Chen Nanxing saluted: "Meet the two seniors!"

Yan Guang: "No need to be polite, sit!" "


Facing the existence of one of the five ceilings of the demon world, Chen Nan was still somewhat pressured!

Yan Guang spoke: "Chen Nan Xiaoyou, just now I was chatting with Tu'an about the poultry chaos, I don't know what your opinion is on this matter?"

Chen Nan gave his opinion: "This bird chaos is a little strange!

"The younger generation comes from the mortal world, although the history of the mortal world is only a few thousand years."

"But in general, a major plague occurs only after a catastrophe!"

It has almost become an iron law that there must be a plague after a catastrophe!

But Chen Nan knew that the demon race had not had a major disaster for tens of thousands of years!

Yan Guang's eyes were deep: "King Ben also suspects that this bird riot is not a disaster, but someone deliberately did it!" However, no evidence could be found!

At this time, a middle-aged man came outside: "Great King, Fan Qian, the third son of the Heavenly Demon Cave, came to visit, saying that there was something important to discuss!"

Touran frowned: "What are the people of the Heavenly Demon Cave doing?" "

There are five major forces in the demon clan, and the Heavenly Demon Cave is the base camp of the eight-eyed demon spider!

Fan Qian is the third son of the Eight-Eyed Spider Emperor!

Yan Guang said indifferently: "Let him in!" "


A moment later!

A young man wearing a black robe, facing the wind in the jade tree, and holding a folding fan walked in with a smile!

Behind him were two Heavenly Demon Cave powerhouses!

"Meet Senior Penghuang!"

Fan Qianxing bowed!

"Why did the virtuous nephew come to my birds?" Yan Guang and the Eight-Eyed Spider Emperor are both strong people in the same realm, and it is natural to call Fan Qian a virtuous nephew!

Fan Qian said: "The junior heard that the poultry tribe had made a poultry chaos, and it happened that the junior had an ancient medicine prescription in his hand, and this time he also wanted to help the poultry tribe through this crisis!" "

Oh? Is it? Yan Guang showed an intriguing smile: "Does the virtuous nephew really have an ancient medicine to solve the danger of poultry chaos?"

Fan Qian said modestly: "The junior also obtained it by accident, I don't know if it has divine effect, but he is willing to offer this ancient medicine recipe to Emperor Peng!"

"The virtuous nephew has a heart!" Yan Guang said, "There is something that the wise nephew may not know, the danger of my poultry clan's poultry chaos has been solved!"

Fan Qian was stunned, obviously he didn't expect Yan Guang to say this!

Immediately, he said, "What Emperor Peng said is true? The danger of poultry chaos has been solved? As far as I know, the last time poultry riots appeared was millions of years ago, could it be that your poultry clan has a traditional medicine?

Yan Guangguang laughed: "My poultry tribe has been entrenched in the divine tree for millions of years, and it is blessed by the divine spring, what is the chaos of birds?"

"Oh, by the way, you came to the Bird Clan this time, did your father know about it?"

Fan Qian said respectfully: "When the junior came, the father was in retreat, and he didn't know about it!"

Yan Guang nodded slightly: "If I'm not mistaken, your father has been trapped in a ninth-level demon emperor for more than 90,000 years, and if he can't break through the shackles and ascend to the God Realm, 100,000 years will be his limit, right?"

Fan Qian: "Yes!"

Yan Guang sighed lightly: "Even if you cultivate to the peak of the Immortal Emperor Demon Emperor, it is difficult to escape death!" "

If you want to not die or die, you can only be holy!

Fan Qian: "Birth, old age, illness and death cycle of heaven, Emperor Peng does not need to be sad!"

Yan Guang snorted and said, "Thank you for coming from thousands of miles away, although my poultry tribe has resolved the danger of poultry chaos, but this kindness is remembered in my poultry clan!"

"Come, send Fan Qianxian and nephew to rest, and hold a banquet in the evening to entertain the friends of the Heavenly Demon Cave!"



after the powerhouse of the Heavenly Demon Cave left!

Touran grinned: "Great King, didn't you always find the murderer before?"

"In my opinion, the murderer has already been sent to the door!"

"You don't need to think about it, this bird indiscriminate spread is the ghost of the people of the Heavenly Demon Cave!"

"If not, they wouldn't have come to the door to offer medicine at this juncture!" Speaking of this, a fierce light bloomed in his eyes!

Yan Guang: "You continue!" "

Tu'an is just a Heavenly Immortal-level demon cultivator, and there are as many subordinates of this level as a carp crossing the river!

But Tu'an can get Yan Guang's appreciation and pampering, which is inseparable from his wisdom!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have let Tuan be the boss of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

To put it bluntly, it is not easy for a genius to appear in birds!

Tu An continued, "Fan Gan's purpose in doing this is nothing more than to make us owe him a favor!" After all, their brothers are vying for the future throne! "

If our Bird Clan is quite capable at the critical moment, he will definitely be able to sit in the position of the spider emperor!"

"It's a pity that we met Brother Chen Nan, and he solved the danger of our poultry chaos!"

"Boss, in my opinion, Fan Qian should be killed!"

"This person's means are despicable and do everything they can!"

"He must not be allowed to leave alive!"

They were glad to have met Chen Nan, if not, the poultry clan would definitely be led by the other party's nose!

Yan Guang looked at Chen Nan: "Brother Chen Nan, what do you think about this?" "

Although the opponent's strength is very weak!

But in Yan Guang's heart, he belongs to the same generation!

After all, there was pale golden blood flowing in his body!

"Since Emperor Peng asked, then I'll talk about my foolish opinion!" Chen Nan said, "According to what you said before, the Spider Emperor's limit is approaching, and several of his sons are bound to compete for the throne!"

"It is also reasonable for them to fight each other and win over other forces!"

"But the means are too despicable!"

"As for Fan Gan... If I'm not mistaken, he should have another layer of intentions!

"If I hadn't appeared, with your bloody nature, I wouldn't have succumbed to him even if I died, would I?"

"At that time, he can take advantage of the spread of birds and completely eliminate the poultry clan!"

"So as to make a great achievement and gain the recognition of the spider emperor!"

"If that's the case, he is very likely to become the next spider emperor!"

Yan Guang nodded gratifyingly: "You are right, our Avian Clan and the Heavenly Demon Cave have always been bitter rivals!"

"Our Bird Clan is even suppressing the Eight-Eyed Demon Spider in the innate conditions, and making us submit to them, which is obviously impossible!"

One is flying in the sky, the other is climbing on the ground, if it really fights, the eight-eyed demon spider is not the opponent of the bird clan at all!

In layman's terms, there is suppression in the bloodline!

Yan Guang asked, "Then in your opinion, is Fan Qian killed or stayed?"

Tu An said on the side: "This person's city is extremely deep, and he can't stay!"

Chen Nan: "No, Fan Qian must not die, even if he wants to die, he cannot die in the territory of the bird clan!"

"Not only that, but we even have to befriend him!"

Yan Guang frowned, he thought he was quite smart!

But at the moment I am also confused!

After a moment of silence, he said, "Brother Chen, what kind of medicine is sold in your gourd?" "

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