Chen Nandao: "If the junior is not mistaken, Fan Qian is over there in the Heavenly Demon Cave, and he should be deeply favored by the spider emperor, right?"

Yan Guang nodded slightly: "The Spider Emperor has eight sons, and although Fan Qian is the third oldest, because of his intelligence, the Spider Emperor likes it very much!"

"Yes, that's why we can't kill him!" Chen Nan gave his opinion: "You also said before, the spider emperor still has less than 10,000 years of life, if he can't break through the shackles and soar into the god realm, he will definitely die!"

"Ten thousand years is a long time for mortals, but for a strong person of your level, it is just a matter of snapping your fingers!"

"Can the Spider Emperor break through the shackles?"

Yan Guang shook his head: "As far as I know, a million years after the last bird riot, no strong person in the demon race has yet ascended to the God Realm!" With the strength of the eight-eyed demon spider, ascending to the God Realm is tantamount to dreaming!

"So, if his son is killed, he will definitely fight to the death to take revenge!"

"What will be the consequences of a ninth-level demon emperor-level powerhouse desperately fighting for revenge?"

Yan Guang's expression suddenly became solemn: "If he fights to the death to take revenge, even I am not necessarily his opponent!"

"So what to do? Can't you watch Fan Qian leave? "Tu'an's face was full of anger, and Fan Qian's methods were despicable, using the poultry pit to harm the poultry tribe, killing tens of thousands of poultry tribesmen!

He couldn't swallow this evil breath!

Yan Guang couldn't help but say, "Brother Chen, what is your attitude?"

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Actually, we can make a plan!"

"Fan Qian definitely doesn't believe that the danger of poultry chaos has been solved!"

"Senior only needs to pretend to take his ancient medicine prescription and show a friendly gesture!"

"If the other seven sons of the Spider Emperor learn that Fan Qian has reached a friendly cooperative relationship with the Poultry Clan, what do you guess they will do?"

"Sit still?"

An astonishing cold light flashed in Yan Guang's eyes: "If that's the case, the other seven people will definitely spare no effort to get rid of Fan Qian!"

Tu'an also said excitedly: "It's just a fair competition of the eight brothers, if Fan Qian really befriends our birds, the other seven people will definitely not tolerate him surviving!" "

Because of the support of a ninth-level demon emperor, the position of spider emperor belongs to him, which is very unfair to them!"

Chen Nan continued, "Actually, there is another advantage to doing this! "

Listen!" Yan Guang's posture is very low, and he looks like he is humbly asking for advice!

Even if Chen Nan didn't have the resources for sanctification on him, his wisdom alone was enough for him to take it seriously!

Chen Nan said, "This is conducive to the senior's control of the Heavenly Demon Cave!" Yan

Guang and Touran looked at each other, and they both saw doubts and puzzlement in each other's eyes!

Chen Nan continued, "If the other seven sons of the Spider Emperor learn that you support Fan Qian, they will definitely kill Fan Qian!"

"Even, before killing Fan Qian, he will contact you and give you a lot of benefits!"

"After all, you all support Fan Qian, aren't everyone the same?"

"It's nothing more than the amount of benefits!"

"If that's the case, you can completely support a weak person and make him the heir of the Spider Emperor!"

"At that point, you can use it as a puppet and manipulate the other person behind the scenes!"

Chen Nan's words made Yan Guang's eyes shine!

The look he looked at Chen Nan was also full of awe!

In fact, he has also come into contact with many Terrans!

But someone as wise as Chen Nan who is almost a demon is unheard of!

He only used three words and two words to change the division of forces of the future demon race!

Even help him pocket the Heavenly Demon Cave!

"Listen to Jun Yi's words, better than reading the Book of Ten Thousand Years, Senior Brother Chen's remarks today are enough to show your strategy!" Yan Guang got up and bowed, "I, Yan Guang, am willing to serve Senior Brother Chen as a military master, and lead my bird clan to conquer the world from now on!"

Chen Nan didn't expect Yan Guang to have such great ambitions, and immediately got up and said, "Senior, junior is just a mortal, and he is simply not qualified for the position of military master!"

"But since the seniors can trust the juniors, the juniors can't live up to the seniors!"

"But junior has a condition!"

Yan Guang let out a loud laugh: "Brother Chen, please say!"

"When the junior cultivates to the Golden Immortal, he will return to the human realm!"

Chen Nan also wanted to return to the human world as soon as possible!

But his current position is in the easternmost part of the demon clan!

Not to mention with his current strength!

Even if you cultivate to the Xuan Immortal Realm, it is difficult to cross the entire Demon Realm!

Therefore, instead of this, it is better to stay and help Yan Guang with advice!

And take the opportunity to cultivate well!

"Brother Chen Nan, what's so good in the human world? In my opinion, you might as well stay! Tuan said, "If you really want to live the life of a Terran, we can build a city for you!" "

For Chen Nan, they all like it!

Whether it's a strategy, or a lifesaver!

Chen Nan said, "My deceased wife was taken away by a master of the human world, and I need to go and retrieve her body!"

Yan Guang was furious: "Don't even let the dead go? Do you know who the other person is?

Chen Nan shook his head: "The junior comes from the mortal world, and does not know the situation in the immortal world. But the other party arrived in the mortal world on a dragon guard, and it was still two golden dragons!

Yan Guang's pupils trembled: "I know who you are talking about, that force is not easy to mess with!" "

Seniors know the origin of the other party?" Chen Nan is very happy!

Knowing that Nangong Wan's body was taken away, he directly entered the immortal world as soon as his head was hot, and after calming down, he also felt that he was a little impulsive!

There is no regret medicine in the world!

Yan Guang nodded solemnly: "In today's immortal world, only the emperor has two golden dragons in his hands, and I can't think of anyone else besides him!"

Chen Nan: "This person is very strong?

Yan Guang: "Terran first!"

Perhaps feeling that it was a little inappropriate to praise a human being like this, Yan Guang continued: "Although the strength of the human emperor is very strong, if the two of us fight, he can't kill me at all!"

Chen Nan was stunned!

High emotional intelligence says that it can't kill you!

The saying of low emotional intelligence is that you can't catch up with him!

Got it!

He understands all this!

Yan Guang said, "Brother Chen, I will let people pay attention to the movements on the human emperor's side, so you can live on the Divine Tree with peace of mind!" When your strength becomes stronger, I will let people send you away!"

"Don't worry, the cultivation material aspect is guaranteed to be full!"

"In that case, then the junior will strive to live up to the hopes of the senior!" Chen Nan bowed, he knew that it was far better to stay at this moment than to leave directly!

Yan Guang smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Let's be brothers in the future!" I don't know what Brother Xian's usual preferences are? What kind of food do you like to eat?

Touran said on the side: "Bird wings! "

Yan Guang hit a spirit!

Subconsciously, I felt a pain in my arm!

Chen Nan smiled: "Brother Yan, don't listen to his nonsense!"

As soon as Yan Guang breathed a sigh of relief, Chen Nan's voice sounded: "I'm not a picky eater, I can also eat wings and claws!"

"My favorite thing to gnaw on is the neck!"

"Spicy duck neck is good!"

"Of course, the duck head is not bad!"

Yan Guang subconsciously shrunk his neck: "Brother, what, you first help your brother send Fan Qian that guy, I'll let people catch some spirit ducks for you!"

"Forget it, I'll personally go and catch you!"

"King, wait for me, I'll go too!"

Watching Yan Guang and Tuan flee in fear, Chen Nan suddenly felt a little funny!

I just said that I like to eat duck neck, duck head, and I didn't say eat you, as for being so afraid of me?

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