After landing!

Chen Nan felt that the blood and qi in his body were flowing backwards, and the bones in his whole body seemed to be falling apart!

He looked into the distance!

A middle-aged man wearing a black robe walked over with a gloomy face!

Xuanxian level cultivation is not strong on the side of the Bird Clan, but it is not something that Chen Nan can bear!

With every step he took, Chen Nan felt that his breathing was heavy!

Until he stopped less than five meters in front of Chen Nan, Chen Nan had stopped breathing!

Xuan Immortal is really not strong!

Find it casually on the Divine Tree, and everyone can crush the other!

However, Chen Nan is a true cultivator!

Mo said that Xuan Immortal, even the Earth Immortal can make his soul fly in an instant!

The middle-aged man made a cold voice: "Who are you?" Dare to capture the descendants of my duck tribe in the territory of my poultry clan, and cook them, deceiving my duck tribe without a strong one? "

The bird tribe is just a general term, there are thousands of races in the bird race alone!

The duck tribe is also a type of bird!

It's just that the presence of ducks in poultry is very low!

Chen Nan endured the discomfort and said, "Senior, it wasn't me who arrested your descendants, it was Emperor Peng!" "

Presumptuous!" The middle-aged man was furious: "Emperor Peng is a ninth-level demon emperor, he has every opportunity, how can he be so boring to arrest my descendants of the duck clan?"

"Who said I can't catch your descendants of the duck clan? Do you know that the Chen Nan brothers' love to eat duck is a creation cultivated by your duck clan? "

Yan Guang appeared beside Chen Nan strangely!

He was expressionless!

The invisible breath emitted makes the middle-aged man's scalp numb!

The middle-aged man knelt on the ground with a snort, shivering: "Emperor Peng is angry, the younger generation does not know that this little brother likes to eat duck..."

Yan Guang snorted coldly: "Brother Chen Nan is the guest of honor of our clan, and he is the wisdom tank that this emperor has just invited, and if you disrespect him, you are contemptuous of this king and should be severely punished!" "


Yan Guang's words made the middle-aged man feel like he was struck by lightning, and he said in horror: "Emperor Peng spare his life, Emperor Peng spare his life!" The junior doesn't know that he is my poultry clan wisdom tank! He

was really afraid, but he didn't expect Yan Guang to be commensurate with the Chen Nan brothers!

Chen Nan also said: "Brother Yan Guang, just as the so-called ignorant is not guilty, you just let him live!" Although

he was injured, Chen Nan still felt sorry for this duck clan powerhouse!

After all, it is his own people who want to eat him!

Well... Yes, it made him feel guilty!

Yan Guang said indifferently: "Since my brother interceded with you, then the emperor will let you live!"

"From now on, you are here to give Chen Nan the current person!"

"If he wants to eat duck neck, duck head, duck wings or something, you must slaughter it as soon as possible and send it over!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Middle-aged people don't dare to say no at all!

Then Yan Guang left!

The middle-aged man stood beside Chen Nan solemnly, like a schoolboy who had done something wrong!

"What, you go, you don't have to stay with me!"

Chen Nan looked embarrassed!

If he is allowed to stay here, how can he be embarrassed to eat duck?

Seeing that the middle-aged man wanted to say something, Chen Nan said again: "Don't worry, since I let you go, Emperor Peng will naturally not blame you!" On the contrary, if you don't listen to me..."


The middle-aged man turned into a black spirit duck, and without waiting for Chen Nan to finish speaking, he fluttered his wings and left!



The three VIPs of the Heavenly Demon Cave came to Chen Nan's side!

The demon clan is hierarchical!

Because of this, Emperor Peng lives at the top of the Divine Tree!

But they saw Emperor Peng here in Chen Nan at this time, and they also knew Chen Nan's position in Emperor Peng's heart!

If not, he would definitely not be here!

"Come on, three VIPs taste the food of our poultry family!" Yan Guang enthusiastically led them to the long table, and at this moment there were already several stone plates on the table!

Inside are duck heads, duck wings, duck necks, duck paws, duck racks, duck intestines...

Everything you can think of on a duck!

In addition, Yan Guang also let people prepare some good wines!

Everyone tasted Chen Nan's cooking skills and praised him!

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food!

Fan Qian and the others also got up and left!

However, before leaving, he gave Chen Nan that ancient medicine formula!

Although Yan Guang did not express support for him, his attitude has already shown everything!

Watch the three leave!

Yan Guang, who was originally slightly drunk, recovered his indifferent demeanor, and then looked at Chen Nan: "Sir, what should we do next?" "


Chen Nan held a dead grass pole in his mouth and said, "If nothing else, Fan Gan will definitely be very arrogant after he goes back, and even suppress the other seven brothers."

"After all, with the support of our Poultry Clan, he will definitely have no fear!"

"When that time comes, we will send someone to the Heavenly Demon Cave to inform one of the seven people that Fan Qian has the support of our Poultry Clan!"

"As the saying goes, there is no resistance without oppression!"

"By then, Fan Qian is not far from death!"

Yan Guang snorted: "Everything listens to you!"

When the words fell, he looked at Tu'an: "Stop the plan over there in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!" "

His plan is to train the Terrans to defeat the Terrans!

Or a combination of shemales to defeat the Terrans!

However, Chen Nan's appearance changed his opinion on the Terrans!

I don't want to continue doing that kind of thing!


Yan Guang spread out his right hand, and his appearance burst into a black light!

Black light gathers!

A rusty iron bar about two meters long, wrist-thick, and rusty appeared!

Although this iron rod is rusty, it exudes a holy brilliance!

Yan Guang said, "I said before, if you can solve the danger of poultry chaos, I will reward you heavily!"

Tu'an's face was puzzled: "Boss, what is this thing?"

Yan Guang looked at the sky: "This is a treasure that my grandfather's grandfather picked up, and that is what happened behind the danger of poultry chaos!" It is said that his old man was cultivating that day, and suddenly there was thunder in the air and the wind roared!

"I don't know how, a lot of treasures descended from the sky, and even a large area of city walls, bricks and tiles!"

"This black rod is one of them!"

"It's a pity that no one knows the origin of this black rod!"

"But one thing is obvious, this black rod is very heavy!"

"Almost 100,000 catties!"

Touran gasped!

Chen Nan was shocked, but still smiled bitterly: "Brother Yan, even if this black rod is a supreme divine weapon, I am an ordinary person now, and I can't use this weapon at all!"

"Everyone's chance is different, how can you not use this black rod without trying?" Yan Guang waved his hand casually, and the black rod fell to the ground, and in an instant, the earth cracked, and cracks appeared!

Chen Nan bit his fingertip and dripped a drop of blood!

But the black rod was unresponsive!

This has ruled out the possibility of immortal weapons and artifacts!

Because whether it is an immortal weapon or an artifact, as long as it is an ownerless thing, it can recognize the Lord when dripping blood!

Of course, it is not ruled out that the owner of this divine weapon is still alive!

It's just that it was hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the possibility that the owner of the black rod is still alive is almost zero!

After all, even a ninth-level demon emperor has a lifespan of only 100,000 years!

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