Seeing the frustrated expression on Chen Nan's face, Yan Guang smiled and said, "Brother, there are some treasures in the world that can not be recognized by dripping blood!"


"Chance is important!"

"You can try to lift it up!"

Chen Nan nodded solemnly: "I'll try!"

With that, he took a deep breath!

Hold the black rod with both hands!

The black rod doesn't know what material it is!

It looks like metal, but it is very warm in the hand!

Arm out!


Chen Nan held the black rod and fell to the ground, splashing a burst of dust and smoke!

Yan Guang was stunned!

Touran was also stunned!

Chen Nan was also stunned, he carried the black stick with one hand, and stood up with a gray face: "Didn't you say that this black stick weighed more than 100,000 catties?" Why is it as light as nothing?

"It shouldn't be!" Yan Guang frowned!

Touran rubbed his fists: "Come on, I'll try!"


Chen Nan threw the iron rod towards Tuan!


The moment Touran held the black rod, a terrifying force swept over!

Let him be defenseless, and he was directly smashed to the ground by the iron bar!

If it weren't for Yan Guang's extremely fast reaction and wrapping that black rod with demon power, Tuan would have to be injured!

The weight of 100,000 catties can't be borne even by Tuan!

"Boy, see? You mother is a person with great opportunities, and this black stick has already recognized you as the Lord! Yan Guang laughed, this result was unexpected!

Chen Nan raised the black rod with one hand and cast the Qi Technique, wanting to spy on its essence, but the Qi Hope Technique failed at this time!

You can't see the original appearance of the black rod at all!

Although he was a little disappointed, he didn't say anything more, he wanted to collect the storage magic weapon!

But I was shocked to find that I couldn't take it in at all!

Yan Guang introduced: "Some treasures have a certain spirituality, and they cannot be confessed by spilling blood, nor can they be included in the storage magic weapon!"

Chen Nan nodded slightly, looked at Yan Guang, and asked curiously: "Brother Yan, do you say that my current strength can fight with the powerhouses of the Earth Immortal Realm?"

Yan Guang: "How to say it..." Your attack power must be there, let's just say yes, if you go down with this stick, the masters of the Earth Immortal Realm will definitely be smashed into meat mud!

"However, people who can cultivate to the Earth Immortal Realm are not fools, they can't stand there stupidly and be beaten by you, right?"

Chen Nan smiled and said, "I know what you mean, even if my attack power is there, the speed is too slow!"

Yan Guang: "Yes, speed is everything!" Attack power alone doesn't determine anything! "

If, your speed is fast, combined with this black rod, with your current strength, even Xuan Immortal is not necessarily your opponent!" As the only golden-winged giant peng in the world, Yan Guang knows what speed means!

It's not just a means of saving lives!

It can also decide the life and death of your opponent!

Tu An suddenly said, "Boss, didn't you say that you want to teach the Chen Nan brothers the Dapeng Technique?" "

Chen Nan's heart is pounding wildly!

The Golden-winged Roc Bird, this is the fastest existence among thousands of races, there is no one!

If you can learn the Dapeng Technique, it will definitely be a great creation for yourself!

Yan Guang looked suspicious: "Did I say this?"

Touran scratched his head awkwardly: "Did I remember wrong?"

Yan Guang looked at Chen Nan: "Brother, can you cook peng birds?" How about we try it tomorrow?

Touran almost didn't cry: "Boss, we are also of the same race, don't take you like this!" "

Get out of the way and play!"

Yan Guang kicked him out dozens of meters, and said angrily: "I am willing to give this treasure to Brother Chen, and you still need to remind this kind of thing as Dapeng Technique?" "

Touran rubbed his ass and giggled!

Chen Nan thought that the Dapeng technique was a golden-winged Dapeng technique, and quickly said: "Brother Yan, in fact, it doesn't matter if I learn it or not, don't be embarrassed by this!"

"Brother thinks too much!" Yan Guang smiled and said, "Actually, anyone can learn Dapeng Technique, and all the demon cultivators above the Heavenly Immortal of my Bird Clan have also learned it, but no one can learn it!"

"Okay, I'll demonstrate the Dapeng Technique, you watch it carefully!" He pointed at Chen Nan's eyebrows!


Next moment!

Chen Nan felt that the sea of knowledge seemed to explode!



The boiling sea of knowledge erupted into a high-pitched golden-winged roar!

Immediately, a golden light appeared in the depths of Chen Nan's mind!

A golden bird with a long body spread its wings and soared into the air, it bloomed with dazzling light, like a divine bird reborn from the ashes!

It was as if only it remained in these nine days and ten lands!

With the Golden-winged Dapeng waving its wings, a sharp tingling pain came from Chen Nan's head!

And the golden-winged roc bird also disappeared into the depths of his sea!

Gradually, he came back to his senses!

Yan Guang asked, "What do you feel?"

"Boss, you are biased, you only flew in the air once when you taught us the Dapeng Technique, but now you use the Divine Soul Mark to teach Brother Chen Nan!" Tu'an looked unhappy, and he raised his right wing, which had transformed into wings: "See?" I'm also a bird, we are of the same race, do you want to be so partial? "

Flying once in reality is different from using a soul mark!

Even if they have a deep memory, it is difficult to remember the supreme style of the golden-winged roc bird when flying!

But the soul mark is different, this thing can be viewed at any time!

Chen Nan recalled the feeling of the golden-winged roc flying in the sea of knowledge: "Brother Yan, if I'm not mistaken, you should..." Can't fly! "

Groove, what did you say?" Touran was creepy and widened his eyes: "Brother, have you drunk too much?" You say golden-winged roc birds can't fly?

"I wondered if you gnawed one more duck neck, you wouldn't be able to say such a thing!"

Golden-winged Roc bird, the fastest flying species in the fairy world!

Not one!

Even though the dragon clan is the strongest, it is not comparable to the strongest in the human world!

Chen Nan said that the Golden-winged Roc Bird could not fly, how could he not be shocked?

Yan Guang also smiled, but the smile was a little bitter!

He patted Chen Nan's shoulder and sighed: "Say it or not, you fucking mother is really a monster!"

"You're right, my Golden-winged Roc Bird really can't fly!"

Yan Guang does not easily admire others!

But at this moment, he admired Chen Nan immensely!

Because he saw through the essence of the Golden-winged Roc Bird!

Touran's scalp exploded: "Boss, what do you say?" You can't fly?

"Wait, do you have some misunderstanding about flying?"

"If even you can't fly, then who can?"

Yan Guang smiled and said, "I believe that Brother Chen Nan should be able to give you the answer!"

Tuan looked at Chen Nan in shock!

Even if Yan Guang personally admitted that the Golden-winged Roc Bird could not fly, he couldn't believe it!

Chen Nan's expression was solemn: "The power of space!"

"The Golden-winged Roc Bird really can't fly!"

"But the Golden-winged Roc Bird can borrow the power of space!"

"To achieve the purpose of flying, or teleporting!"

"That's why no one can catch up with them!"

"Similarly, this is also Big Brother Yan's biggest weakness, if someone imprisons the space, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Speaking of which!

A burst of regret suddenly rose in Chen Nan's heart!

Shouldn't he tell the biggest secret of the Golden-winged Roc Bird?

What if Yan Guang wanted to kill people and kill people?

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