"This guy surnamed Chen is very bad, let me follow him to learn to be a person, can I learn well?"

"The king must have been deceived by him!"

"No, I have to find a way to kick him out of the Poultry Clan!"

Chenjin's eyes exude an icy glow!

However, he is always a child!

Too many bad thoughts can't come up with!

"There you have it!"

He had a wit!

Thought of a way to deal with Chen Nan!

"Although the surname Chen is a sir, if there are no students, won't his husband lose its meaning?"

Thinking of this, an evil idea arose in his heart!

This works!


Concubine Yu doesn't know how to cook!

Therefore, three meals a day are all made by Chen Nan!

This also has the advantage of doing whatever you like!

Fortunately, Concubine Yu is not a picky eater, which is also very good!

"Brother Chen, let me help you, right?" Concubine Yu felt a little embarrassed to eat and drink in vain, and suddenly plucked up the courage to say such a sentence!

"Huh? Don't don't! Chen Nan was completely unified, and quickly said: "I was also forced to do so in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, how can I let you blow for me..." If you're bored, play a little tune! Chen

Nan felt embarrassed!

Because he saw Concubine Yu take out a bamboo flute!

He thought the she was talking about was another kind of flute!

Fortunately, this girl is still quite pure, and I don't understand what he means!

Concubine Yu felt that Big Brother Chen was a little nervous!

But he didn't ask more, and then gently blew the bamboo flute!

The sound is pleasant, tactful!

Let Chen Nan's heart also calm down!

The stars are shining, and the Milky Way hangs high!

The river is gurgling in the distance!

With a cool breeze!

At this time, the scene can be painted!

But then he felt the homesickness in the woman's heart!

Turning her head to look, the woman was already in tears!

"I'm sorry Brother Chen, I didn't mean to!" Concubine Yu also noticed her gaffe, and quickly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes!

Chen Nan asked softly, "Sick of home?"

Concubine Yu nodded slightly, and whispered, "I was originally a mountain cultivator, and because my mother was seriously ill at home, I wanted to take the teleportation array back home!"

"But because of going out to practice, the teleportation array malfunctioned, and then it was teleported to the demon world!"

"As of today, ten years have passed!"

"I don't know if my mother is okay now!"

Compared to Concubine Yu, Chen Nan is undoubtedly happy!

Because he knows how his loved ones are doing!

Also know that they are all happy now!

And Concubine Yu is much more miserable!

Chen Nan asked, "You should be an immortal cultivator in the human immortal realm, right?" Concubine

Yu: "I am stupid in talent, and I have been cultivating for a hundred years before I have cultivated to the realm of human immortals!" "

Chen Nan is powerless to complain!

After a hundred years of cultivation, he has reached the realm of human immortals, and this kind of talent is also a genius when looking at the immortal world!

The other party said that the talent was stupid...

Is this human speech?

After returning to his senses, he said, "I haven't stepped into the Earth Immortal Realm yet, and with the strength of the two of us, we can't cross the entire Demon Realm at the moment!"

"So, let's calm down first, cultivate well here, and wait for the Heavenly Immortal Realm to return to the Human Realm!"

Chen Nan felt that he should be able to step into the realm of heavenly immortals within ten years!

By that time, the battle between the Bird Clan and the Heavenly Demon Cave should also be on the other side!

In this way, the power of the bird tribe will surely advance by leaps and bounds!

He also has a powerful hole card!

This also makes it convenient for him to plan for the next step!



In the Immortal Realm, Chen Nan's idea is to seek stability in everything!

After all, there are too many strong people here!

Just casually bringing out an immortal cultivator can make him disappear!

Concubine Yu whispered, "Brother Chen, you don't need to worry, I'm just a little homesick!" Actually... In fact, life here is also quite good! "


A muffled thunder suddenly came from the night sky!

Countless stars are covered in clouds, and it looks like black and crushed!

Seeing this, Chen Nan hurriedly said: "It's going to rain, you hurry back to the cave to rest!" Saying that, he walked towards the bamboo house!

Cracking sound!

Dense raindrops fell in the air, making bursts of sound!

Concubine Yu hesitated and said with a red face: "Brother Chen, the bamboo house does not block the rain, or you should come to rest in the cave!" "

Although the two have had skin kisses!

But this encounter!

Chen Nan has always practiced a gentleman's courtesy, not only did not offend her in behavior, but also in words!

This earned her affection and respect!

Now that the rain was pouring down, how could she watch Chen Nan rain in the bamboo house?

"I reinforced it when I made the bamboo house, and it didn't get in the way!" Chen Nan tactfully rejected Concubine Yu!


This fairy-like ethereal woman in itself makes it difficult to resist her charm!

Not to mention that the two have had skin-to-skin kisses!

If he rested in the same cave, Chen Nan would definitely have a hard time!

Although she was rejected, a burst of joy rose in Concubine Yu's heart!

Why would he reject himself?

Still not thinking about yourself?

Or would he reject himself?

Listening to the sound of raindrops hitting the pillar, Chen Nan's heart was very peaceful!

But a magnificent and peerless figure is gradually clear in the bottom of the heart!

It was Nangong Wan!

Because he had the experience of living in a bamboo house!

Over there is the bamboo forest with Nangong Wan in the back mountain of the Fire Cloud Cave!

Looking back just over a year!

But the beautiful person is dead!

He did not hesitate to go deep into the Kunlun Mountains to find warm jade, just to wake up his sleeping wife!

But in the end, her body was taken to the immortal world!

He didn't even know the other party's purpose in bringing Nangong Wan's physical body to the immortal world!

"Wan'er, I have come to the Immortal Realm now, we are in the same session, and when I become stronger, I will take your physical body back!" His eyes were firm and he made a vow in his heart!

Coming to the Immortal Realm was a very painful thing for Chen Nan!

Because one day he will meet Nangong Wan's life!

And this meeting was like revealing the healing scars in his heart!

At all costs!

It will all bleed!

"Get stronger, my task now is to become stronger!"

Chen Nan has never been as eager to become stronger as he is now!

Taking a deep breath, he discarded the distractions in his heart and meditated to cultivate the Yin Technique!


washed by a night of heavy rain!


When Chen Nan pushed open the door and walked out, he was greeted by an emerald green world!

Fresh air is blowing!


After washing, he prepared breakfast with Concubine Yu, although there was no meat for breakfast, but according to the words of the earth, it was very healthy!

"Brother Chen, do you say that those children can remember the Three Character Sutra?" Concubine Yu was wearing a long white dress with her hair hanging down behind her head, giving people a handsome, but flexible feeling!

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose slightly: "Compared to other races, the brain capacity of birds is much smaller. This is the reason why people habitually scold people and stupid birds, but those eleven guys all have the blood of divine birds, and they should be able to memorize the three-character sutra!

Concubine Yu cleaned up the dining table and said with a smile: "If this is the case, then you will have to do what you say and reward them with some small gifts!"

Chen Nan smiled and said nothing!

What's so hard about dealing with a group of children?

In the blink of an eye, it was nine o'clock in the morning!

And at this time, except for Morning Brocade!

Eleven other children didn't make it over!

This made Chen Nan have a sense of foreboding, especially Chenjin's bad smile, which strengthened his guess!

He grabbed the other party's collar and glared at him angrily, "Say, what did you do to the eleven of them?" Why didn't they come to class? "

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