"Okay, I guessed that I did it!"

"You're smarter than I thought!"

Although he was grabbed by Chen Nan by the collar, Chenjin was not afraid!

There was also a smile on his face!

It's like doing something very fulfilling!

"Say, what exactly did you do to them?" Chen Nan roared!

If he hurt others because of Chenjin's revenge on him, he would definitely feel guilty in his heart!

Chenjin said lightly: "It's nothing, just broke their wings, that's all!"

"It's not a big deal, with their talent, they can recover in just three or five days!"

"This is Xiao Ye's punishment for you!"

Chen Nan was furious: "Hurting people is still such an understatement, I really don't know if you are naïve or bad!" Obviously you have a father, but why didn't he discipline you well?

"Let go of me!" Chenjin was also angry!

"Go, take me to your father!" Chen Nan wanted to talk to Hei Yan about educating children!

Hearing this, Chenjin was a little panicked, and immediately struggled, and a golden flame bloomed in his chest!

Chen Nan's face changed!

Subconsciously throw the morning brocade into the river in the distance!

Looking at the right hand, it has been burned red and swollen!

Even if his body is terrifying, the other party is a descendant of the Jinwu tribe after all!

You must know that even the sun in the sky is transformed into golden crows!

He still can't withstand the flames emitted by the other party!

"The surname is Chen, if you dare to tell my father about my hurtful things, Xiaoye will definitely be finished with you!" The morning brocade in the river like a falling soup chicken left a cruel word, turning into a young golden crow and soaring into the air!

"Brother Chen, this little guy is a little difficult! His character is very similar to the mythical Nezha! Concubine Yu sighed on the side!

"I didn't want to use that trick, and now it seems that there is no other way!" Chen Nan's eyes were complicated, although Chenjin's methods were excessive, in the final analysis, he was not disciplined!

But now!

There is no discipline at all!

After all, you can't beat it!

The only way is to start with Black Flame!

Let Hei Yan give him the right to discipline, and seal the divine fire in Chenjin's body!

After that, Chen Nan went to the Divine Tree and visited the eleven children who were injured by Chenjin!

Although their parents are highly cultivated, they dare not speak out about this matter!

After all, in their eyes, Chenjin is a little devil king of the mixed world!

And most importantly, they rarely intervene in fights between juniors!

Even if their children are seriously injured, they are inferior!


the sacred tree has been quiet!

Only occasionally there is the sound of chirping young birds!

But today!

The divine tree, which had been quiet for countless years, was broken by a childish nursery rhyme!

"Only mother is good in the world!"

"A child with a mother is like a treasure!"

"Throw yourself into your mother's arms!"

"Happiness can't be enjoyed!"

It was sent by a group of avian children who transformed into adults!

Although the voice is very immature, it touches people's hearts!

If you think about it, isn't it a treasure to have a mother's child?

The simple lyrics are easy to learn, so much so that many young birds on the sacred tree hum!

Even some strong people were saddened when they heard the lyrics, thinking of their mothers who were no longer alive!

Although sentimental!

But more often it awakens the good memories in their hearts!

So much so that even some masters trapped in a certain bottleneck can directly break through!

Cultivation is self-cultivation!

It's also a meditation!

Some rejoice, others worry!

Chenjin is enjoying the joy of hitting Chen Nan!

But I heard this song!

The mood suddenly became irritable!

But more sadness!


Because it had just hatched and the mother died!

I haven't experienced maternal love at all!

Not even embraced by his mother!

As sung in the nursery rhyme, he is like a weed!

He cried and pushed open the door of his father's Hei Yan closed room: "Father, I miss my mother, I miss my mother!" Can you find me another mom?

"I don't want to be a weed!"

Hei Yan made a face, and said with anger: "Laozi is in retreat, you let me find you a mother?" Get out, get out!

"Woohoo!" Chenjin began to sob when she cried: "I want my mother!" "

Hei Yan's head is big!

Why are you looking for your mother all of a sudden?

It's simply inexplicable!

Then his ears moved, and he heard a burst of songs coming from below!

Hei Yan sighed!

The emotional problem lies here!

Although he is Yan Guang's right hand!

But there is also no ability to shut up all the clansmen!

After all, freedom of speech here...

"I miss Mom!"

"Can you find me a mother?"

Chenjin cried pear blossoms with rain, and her eyes were full of helplessness and grievances!


Hei Yan was also a violent temper, slapped him out, and said angrily: "Did Lao Tzu tell you that the manly husband bleeds and does not shed tears, do you know that you are disappointing me very much now?" "

Just as Chen Nan thought!

Hei Yan is not a qualified father at all!

Of course!

If he were a qualified father, he wouldn't have turned his son into a bad boy!

"Didn't the king find you a gentleman? Hurry up and learn with Mr.! Hei Yan frowned: "No, it's study time, why don't you study well?" Skipping class, huh?

"Go, follow me to Sir!"

Hei Yan was furious, carrying the morning brocade and flying towards the tree!

He received Yan Guang's order to find a gentleman for these twelve children with Divine Race bloodline on the Divine Tree!

He felt the need for this, because he didn't know how to educate children at all!

Especially at this time, this product is clamoring for a mother!

Very annoying!

It can be left to that gentleman to discipline!

After coming, Chen Nan is killing ducks!

He carries a duck in his left hand, grabs its head, and holds a knife in his right hand!

The blade emits an icy cold light in the sun!

The knife cut through the duck's neck, and red blood flowed out!

Chen Nan casually threw the duck that was constantly flapping its wings and struggling into the distance!

Seeing this scene, Hei Yan's father and son suddenly felt cold and fluttering on their necks!

Although Chen Nan is just an ordinary person, the scene of him killing ducks makes the father and son have a great sense of oppression!

At this time, Chen Nan turned his head with a smile and said to Hei Yan, "You are Hei Yan's senior, right?" Long time to look up! I wonder how Hei Yan seniors came to such a small place?

Hei Yan came back to his senses and said with a smile: "The dog skipped school, and when the father naturally could not condone this behavior, he specially sent him back!"

"That's right!" Chen Nan realized, and immediately said: "Senior Hei Yan, let's bring your son back, your son has a stubborn personality!" I can't teach it at all, you see, my hands were burned by him! Said and raised his reddened right hand!

"Sir, don't be angry, I promise that he can't release the divine fire!" Hei Yan punched out a magic technique and sealed the divine fire in Chenjin's body!

Then bowed and said: "I Hei Yan don't know how to discipline children, and I hope that Mr. can help me discipline him, if he dares to make you angry, you can hit and scold casually, I promise not to be angry!" "

Hear this!

Chenjin was desperate, and his eyes widened like a copper bell: "Father, am I still your son?" Why are you pushing me into the fire pit? "

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