Hei Yan's eyes were complicated, he stretched out his hand to caress Chenjin's head, and said softly: "My good eldest son, you are a golden crow, with the noble, sacred bloodline of my Jinwu clan flowing in your body, what is it for you to ---- fire pit?" The

corners of Chenjin's mouth twitched wildly!

The fire pit in his mouth is not a fire pit in the traditional sense!

"Sir, the dog will be handed over to you, if he disobeys discipline, you can beat him hard!" It's really not okay, it's okay to keep him around as a child! Hei Yan said politely!

He didn't know why the Great King wanted Mr. Chen Nan to teach those twelve clansmen with the blood of the Divine Bird!

But one thing he knew very well!

If he gave his son to Chen Nan, he would definitely not pester himself and bother himself to find him a mother!

And the most important point!

The divine fire of the Jinwu clan is not something that ordinary people can bear!

Even if his son's bloodline inheritance has not yet been activated, a human immortal-level immortal cultivator will die when touched!

As long as it is dyed with a wisp of divine fire, it will turn into ashes in an instant!

But Chen Nan, a true cultivator, was only burned in his right hand!

If he hadn't felt the aura of divine fire above his right hand, he would definitely not believe it!

In his opinion, since the king arranged for Chen Nan to be Mr. Chen, he naturally had his intentions!

Chen Nan smiled heartily and bowed, "Since Senior Hei Yan said so, then Senior Hei Yan will definitely live up to your trust!"

"There's Mr. Law!" Hei Yan saluted, then looked at his son who wanted to cry without tears, and said with a straight face: "In the future, you will stay by your husband's side, learn to be a person, do you understand?"

"Oh..." Chenjin lowered his head and listless!

Then the black flame disappeared!

Leaving Chenjin alone with an embarrassed look and standing there at a loss!

He didn't put Chen Nan in his eyes before!

Because at that time he had a father to be a backer!

Moreover, it can also release divine fire to shock Chen Nan!

But now!

Father sealed the divine fire in his body!

What's even more infuriating is that he also handed him over to Chen Nan!

It's quite ... Grievances, helpless!

Especially seeing Chen Nan's smiling eyes, he thought of the picture of Chen Nan killing the duck just now, and his neck felt cold!

He cleared his throat and broke the awkward atmosphere: "Sir, or let's go to class!" Is it good to have a water fight first and then make a cold drink?

"Yes, I didn't participate in these yesterday, so I have to make up for the classes I missed yesterday, you say?"

This time!

Morning brocade prodded!

No, no!

Chen Nan showed a malicious smile: "None of that matters, the important thing is that you have to memorize the Three Character Sutra today!" If not..." Speaking of this, he picked up the blood-stained knife on the side!

"Back back, I'm timid, don't you scare me with a knife, okay?" Chenjin screamed back in fright!

Chen Nan almost burst out laughing!

Isn't it just watching me kill ducks?

Need to be so scared?

Then Chen Nan memorized the three-character scripture!

In fact, he didn't recognize the meaning of the three-character scripture!

Especially the original nature of human beings is good!

If it is true that human beings are inherently good, then why should they guide children to be good?


What a villain is the words of a saint!

Before he was inferior to the saint, the saint was right!


"Brother Chen, I found a yellow melon fruit on the mountain, it smells very fragrant, I don't know if I can eat it!"

Just when Chen Nan finished teaching the Three Character Sutra and sat in front of the bamboo house to rest!

Concubine Yu came and walked with a melon fruit the size of a cantaloupe in her hand!

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "This seems to be golden silk and melon!" Come, give me one! "

He has read some books about the fairy world, although the golden loofah is an ordinary melon fruit, but unlike ordinary melon fruit, there is no bowl in it...

Strictly speaking, its bowl is actually silk!

It's like noodles on earth!

The consequences of cutting it are different, except for some seeds in the middle, all of them are filamentous!

Tearing it open by hand is like pulling wool, which is especially fun!

"Brother Chen, this kind of thing shouldn't be eaten, right?" Concubine Yu couldn't help but ask, although she was born in the immortal world, she had never felt the sufferings of the world, and naturally she didn't know if the golden loofah could be eaten!

Chen Nan smiled and said, "This thing is not only edible, but also very delicious, hey..."

Before she finished speaking, Concubine Yu picked up a long silk and put it in her mouth, revealing a disgusted expression: "It's not delicious, and it doesn't have any special taste!"

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "This is not a fruit to be precise, but a vegetable!" You wait, I'll make you a big meal at noon, I promise to make you like this melon, the kind that you can remember once you can remember for a lifetime!

Chen Jin looked at Chen Nan dryly: "Sir, I also want to eat!"

Chen Nan directly gave him a roll of his eyes: "I can't even memorize the three-character scripture, do you mean to say that you want to eat?"

Chenjin said aggrievedly: "I have worked very my back!"

"The back will not be able to eat!" Chen Nan snorted angrily, and then looked at Concubine Yu: "You help me supervise him, don't relax for a moment!" "Say and take that golden loofah to the stove!

Concubine Yu smiled, and she rubbed Chenjin's head dotingly: "Don't blame him, after all, Mr. is also for your good!" "

Chenjin, don't go overboard!

He didn't feel the slightest kindness in Chen Nan!

Concubine Yu said seriously: "There is a saying that I don't know if you have heard, it is called the deep responsibility of love!" It is precisely because he has high hopes for you that he is so strict with you!

Chenjin whispered, "Really?

"Of course, I won't lie to you!" Concubine Yu smiled like a flower: "If you can open the bloodline inheritance of Jinwu, and when you grow up and become the strongest person in heaven and earth, he will proudly tell others that he once taught you!"

"I don't want to be his pride!" Chenjin muttered!

There was a sentence he didn't say, is it that when he grows up, he can press Chen Nan to the ground and rub?



A pot of fragrant duck soup is out!

The soup made by Ling Duck was delicious in itself, especially Chen Nan also put in some golden loofah shreds!

Put it in a bowl like a fan!

But unlike the fans, this taste is much better than the fans!

It's like the taste of a fish bone!

Chen Nan and Concubine Yu were eating happily on the side, and they ate well!

Listen to the sound of sucking and sucking from the side!

Chenjin was drooling dryly on the side!

He knows he's not human!

But Chen Nan is a real dog!

What the hell is it to eat while eating, stuttering upwind?

After the meal, Chen Nan put down the bowl and chopsticks and said, "Concubine Yu, I'm full, I'm going to the mountains to collect some medicinal herbs, you help me supervise this guy!"

"Okay, Brother Chen, pay attention to safety!" Concubine Yu smiled sweetly, and after watching Chen Nan go away, she looked at Chenjin: "Sir is gone, do you want to eat a bowl?"

"Why are you so nice to me?" Chenjin tears, in Concubine Yu, he felt the maternal love he never had!

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