"Good to a person, no need for a reason!" Concubine Yu was full of smiles, but her heart was very unpleasant!

If it weren't for Chen Nan letting people sing that only mother is good in the world, she wouldn't have used this way to make up for the scars left by Chen Nan's behavior in Chenjin's heart!

Of course!

She is a woman with a heart for good!

Plus although Chenjin is stubborn, its appearance is still very attractive!

Looking at the smile on Concubine Yu's face, Chen Jin's heart was warm, and his eyes were firm: "Thank you, Senior Lady, don't worry, when I grow up, if Mr. bullies you, I will help you take revenge!"

Concubine Yu's face turned red: "My husband and I are not that kind of relationship!"

"Okay, I'll go and help you with a bowl of Lingduck vermicelli soup, I promise you can like this taste!"

Chen Jin said, "No!

"Why, aren't you hungry?" Concubine Yu was puzzled, she never expected this little guy to have such a stubborn personality!

Chenjin smirked and touched the back of his head: "One bowl is not enough, put two bowls!" "


far away!

Chen Nan held a weed in his mouth and showed an aunt-like smile!

How can you be too real with children!

He only needs to set up a strict master's character!

Leave the rest to Concubine Yu!

Although he has not been a father, his parents have a clear division of labor at home, his father is strict, and his mother is gentle and considerate!

Generally speaking, the character of children educated by this family will not be too bad!

That's it!

Chenjin is integrated into this big family!

Unlike eleven other children!

He's a boarder!

I lived with Concubine Yu at night and regarded Concubine Yu as a mother in my heart!

Of course, he did not disappoint Chen Nan, although this guy has a stubborn personality, but his memory is very strong, those children's enlightenment books on the earth can be learned only by Chen Nan teaching twice!

Compared to other people, the memory is much stronger!

In addition to [Three Hundred Thousand], Chen Nan also taught them some other enlightenment readings!

Teach them to write!

For the demon race, they do not take the test for fame, and learning to write is redundant!

But Chen Nan knows that practicing calligraphy can calm down his heart!

This is good for practice!

Of course, the most important thing is to teach them to do something and not to do something!

Three months have passed in the blink of an eye!

Chen Nan's cultivation has also been elevated to the third level of the Mahayana stage!

Under the sunset!

He looked at the twelve immature but energetic faces and said, "I am honored to teach you for three months, and you have all improved a lot during this time!"

"Well, give you a day off tomorrow and take a day off!"

"The day after tomorrow we will hold an exam!"

"If the grades are good, I can go to the king and take you out alone to hunt demon beasts!"

As soon as these words come out!

Twelve children are excited!

Although many of them have thought about going out to hunt demon beasts!

But because they have the blood of a divine bird, their parents are reluctant to let them go out alone!

Yinluan asked excitedly, "Sir, can we really go out alone to hunt demon beasts?" "

For them, if they can hunt demon beasts alone, it will mean that their wings are hardened!"

There is no need to live under the protection of parents!

"It's nature! The premise is that you can get a good score in the exam! Chen Nan had a smile on his face, and his Dapeng Technique also comprehended the fur, and his speed was extremely fast!

In addition, he also has the terrifying killing weapon of 'serving people with virtue', even if he encounters a fairy-level demon beast, he has the power to fight!

That's it!

Eleven children flew up the sacred tree with joy!

"Tomorrow is a day off, why don't you go back?" Chen Nan looked at Chenjin!

"It's not fun at home!" Chenjin said lightly!

Hei Yan has been cultivating all the time!

Even if you go back, you won't pay attention to him!

So, he prefers to stay here than go home!

Prefer to stay with Concubine Yu!

Although he was afraid of Chen Nan, he was only afraid!

Not much respect!

Early the next morning!

Chen Nan began to prepare the ingredients!

There is meat, there is fish!

There are also some fungi from the mountains!

The four words left by Wushan to eat well have penetrated deep into his marrow!

He was busy until the evening and he prepared eight dishes!

Then let Chenjin go to the Divine Tree and call Yan Guang, Tu'an, and Hei Yan to eat together!

He has no friends in this world, which is quite boring!

I have to say friends, Yan Guang and Touran can be counted!

But if you talk about really intimate friends...

It should be regarded as those guys from Nirvana Mountain!

I miss the bear's paw, the monkey brain, and the tiger whip...


"Brother Chen's craftsmanship is really exquisite!" Seeing the sumptuous dishes on the bamboo table, Yan Guang laughed out loud, eating is dispensable for a strong man of his level!

But he is happy to taste Chen Nan's cooking!

A giant with the power of merit!

The supreme power of sanctification!

You have to hug your thighs in advance!

After three rounds of drinking, Chen Nan directly entered the topic: "Brother Yan, I told those twelve children that an exam will be held tomorrow, and if the exam results are satisfactory, take them out to hunt demon beasts, what do you think about this?"

Yan Guang nodded slightly: "It's good, they've been transformed into adults for a while, it's time to go out and experience the experience!" "

It may be because of the preconception that Chen Nan has the power of merit!

Yan Guang almost obeyed Chen Nan almost unconditionally!

Chen Nan looked at Hei Yan: "Before Hei Yan..."

"I'm a few years older than you, call me big brother, the senior is too rusty!" Hei Yan ate a mouth full of oil, and he didn't even raise his head!

To put it bluntly, he has been staring at the delicacies since he arrived!

So much so that he didn't even look at his son!

Of course, Chenjin ignored him either!

"Okay, Brother Hei Yan, I want you to unlock the seal in Chenjin's body!" Going out to experience more or less will encounter some dangers, if he does not unlock the seal in Chenjin's body, he will not be able to exert his due strength at all!

If so, what is the point of trials?


Hei Yan slapped Chenjin away!

Then he smirked: "Okay, the seal has been solved!" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched!

You are not born on earth to be an ordinary person!

If you treat your son like this on Earth, when you are old, he will definitely be the first to extubate...

Yan Guang asked, "Where do you plan to take them to practice?"

Chen Nan: "West!

Hei Yan raised his head, his expression slightly solemn: "The West is the territory of the Heavenly Demon Cave, and the poultry tribe has always had a bad relationship with them, so there is a great risk of going there!"

Chen Nan: "Brother Yan, there is no news from the Heavenly Demon Cave yet?"

Yan Guang smiled and said, "It's only three months, which may be a long time for you, but for immortal cultivators, these three months are very short!" "

The voice just fell!

A colorful hummingbird cut through the night sky and landed on Yan Guang's shoulder!

It twittered and said things that only Yan Guang could understand!

Yan Guang's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he said in a low voice: "Fan Qian made a big move, he took advantage of the spider emperor's retreat to launch a fierce attack on the other seven brothers, and now his seven brothers have fled the Heavenly Demon Cave, and the situation in the entire Heavenly Demon Cave is unpredictable and turbulent!"

Chen Nan showed an intriguing smile: "Even so, then we have to go to the Heavenly Demon Cave to practice!"

Hei Yan slowed down his swallowing and asked puzzled: "Why do you know that there are tigers in the mountains, and prefer Tiger Mountain?" "

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