Chen Nan: "You should be..." Have fun! Chen

Nan didn't know how to explain to Hei Yan!

With his understanding of Hei Yan, this person's strength may be fierce!

But it belongs to the kind of existence with developed limbs and a simple mind!

Instead of wasting your tongue, it's better not to say it!

End of dinner!

Before leaving, Yan Guang took out a golden feather: "If you encounter danger, inject True Qi as soon as possible, I will go to rescue you!" "

He also knows that Chen Nan is talented!

But it's always right to prevent problems before they happen!


it's the day of the exam!

Chen Nan distributed the animal skin test paper to those twelve children!

In fact, the content of the test paper is very simple!

It's all fill-in-the-blank and judgment questions!

The topic revolves around the Three Character Sutra, the Hundred Family Names, and the Thousand Character Text!

It seems simple, but it is also difficult for them to learn for three months!

Fortunately, they all have more or less the blood of divine birds!

These questions should be answered correctly!

Chen Nan adopts a 100-point system, and 60 points passes!

After the exam, he also became a grading teacher!

Although none of the twelve children scored a perfect score, they all passed the passing line!

After reviewing the papers, Chen Nan looked at the twelve faces who were either nervous or expectant: "Your results have exceeded my expectations, it is Caifeng..." Your handwriting is a little sloppy, usually go home and practice more! The

girl named Caifeng lowered her head nervously!

Chen Nan continued, "Here I would like to praise Chenjin, he has the highest grades among you, and he has the most neat writing!"

"It's me I'm me, what Mr. said is me, low-key and low-key, you don't need to look at me with this adoring look!" Chenjin looked stunned!

This moment!

He felt that Chen Nan was not so annoying anymore!

A child couldn't help but ask, "Sir, you said before that we would take us out for the trial if we did well.

"Of course!" Chen Nan smiled: "I have asked the king to summon your parents and inform us about going out to practice!" If you want to go, you can go now!

As soon as these words came out, they immediately won the applause of twelve children!

Chen Nan said with a straight face: "But before I go out to practice, there is one thing I must say in front!" Seeing

him so serious, the twelve children quickly held their breath!

Chen Nan said, "It's okay to go out, but you must listen to me, you can't go against me, and you can't go against me!" Otherwise, if you are really in danger, you are afraid that your lives will be in danger!

"Don't worry, sir, we will definitely listen to your orders!"

"Yes, we listen to you!"

"Brother Chen, now that it has entered late autumn, I made you a animal skin coat, you can bring it on your body to protect yourself from the cold!" Concubine Yu came with an animal skin coat!

She is well-intentioned!

But Chen Nan was a little mentally exploded!

Is leopard print okay?

A leopard-print animal skin coat is worn on the body...

The picture was so beautiful that he didn't dare to look at it!

At this time, Chenjin spoke: "Sir, this is what Xiaoma has worked hard to help you sew it, in order to sew this animal skin coat, her fingers have not been pricked by needles!" He

knew that Chen Nan and Concubine Yu were not that kind of relationship, so he didn't call her Shi Niang, but called Xiao Ma instead!

This is allowed by Concubine Yu!

Concubine Yu glared at Chenjin and said, "Brother Chen, don't listen to his nonsense, this is what I sewed casually!" If you don't like it, then count..."

"How can I not like it, it's good!" Chen Nan smiled and took the animal skin coat in the other party's hand, although he didn't like the leopard print pattern, but there was one thing, it was still very warm to wear on the body!

Looking at Chen Nan wearing it, Concubine Yu couldn't mention how happy she was in her heart: "You guys pay attention to safety, I'm here waiting for you to come back!" "

It's not that she didn't want to go along!

But eventually gave up the idea!

She can only become a burden to them!

It's better to stay in the Divine Tree and wait for them to return!


Chen Nan nodded with a smile!

Although his relationship with Concubine Yu is very pure, he likes the feeling of someone waiting to return at home after going out!

"Little ones, see this river on the map? This river is called Si River, and it is a thousand miles away from us! Chen Nan spread out the map and pointed to the big river on the map: "Let's have a competition to see who flies there first..." "

It's not over yet!

The twelve little guys transformed into bodies, and disappeared into Chen Nan's eyes almost instantly!

"Lie down, I haven't shouted start yet!"

Chen Nan quickly put away the map, cast the Dapeng Technique, and disappeared under the Divine Tree!

Although these twelve little guys all have the blood of divine birds, the speed is extremely fast!

But he comprehended the existence of the Great Peng Technique!

Although they did not surpass each other, they have always been on par with them!

"Sir, you obviously haven't become an immortal cultivator, but why can you fly?"

"Not only that, but why are you flying so fast?"

Those twelve little guys were all stunned!

Their current speed can travel thousands of miles a day, but Chen Nan, a mortal, can match them!

It really shocked them!

Half an hour later!

Yinlu was the first to fly over the Si River!

He has the bloodline of the bird, and the bird belongs to the Xuanxiao, the blue bird, although the speed is not as fast as the golden-winged peng, but it is still very fast in the bird family!

"Hahaha, I first, I first!" The silver plover laughed, and the colorful feathers bloomed in the air!


Without warning!

A black dragon with a body length of 10,000 meters soared into the air in the vast and turbulent Si River, swallowing the silver bird into its belly!

Immediately fell into the vast Si River and disappeared!




Chen Nan and the remaining eleven children were stunned!

What am I doing?

What the is going on?

This has not yet left the territory of the poultry clan, how did you meet a dragon?

Chen Nan's mentality exploded!

"Quick, chase!"

"You must save Silver Plover!"

Chen Nan took the Dapeng Technique to the extreme, and flew downstream along the breath of that black dragon!

That dragon has the strength of the Immortal Realm!

Very strong though!

But there is also the power of a war!

Chenjin's eyes showed a cold light, and he waved his wings and followed Chen Nan: "Yinluan is my brother, I don't allow anyone to eat it, even if there is, it's Xiaoye!" "

The other ten birds followed!

Chen Nan originally thought that they would be afraid, but he didn't expect that they were all as excited as chicken blood!

In the evening!

One person, eleven birds came to the end of the Si River!

There is a huge lake here, which looks like a river from a distance!

The breath of the dragon disappeared here!

Chen Nan looked at the eleven birds and asked, "Are any of you proficient in water?" "

Going down the river to catch insects?" An intriguing smile appeared on Chenjin's face: "Although many birds are afraid of water, for Xiaoye, there is no need to be so troublesome!"

"All back off!"

"Xiaoye is going to start pretending!"

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